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So, The Resistance is approaching it's first birthday (and well the artwork would make a cool cake design wouldn't it?)


Now that it's had time to sink in, we've seen/heard how most of the songs sound live, had all (probably) of the single releases and it sits in our muse collection normally rather than being all new and shiny. What do you think?


Made a cardboard cut out of the guys and kissed them every night for making something so magical?

Still love it?

Liked it but the love has grown?

Hated it but now appreciate it?

Liked it but now not sure?

Think it's awful?

Actually punched Bellamy in the face for being so rubbish?


Edit: I wanted a poll! Mods!

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I really like the album still, at first I thought it was an OOS beater but I'm not as sure now. The first half is a lot weaker than the second half unfortunately (except USOE which is amazing), but the good songs on the album are among my favourites. I'd say it's my second favourite of their albums.


Unfortunately the singles read like a list of "worst songs on the album" for me, so I think the predominance of these songs in the live gigs brings the gigs down a bit, but I think the performances are really spot on and the setlists have actually on occasion been really great despite this. For example the return of Cave I thought was great and I still hope to hear it at some point.


I hope they maybe tone it down for the next album, but I definately love The Resistance as it is.

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My own personal view:


Initially I quite liked it, it was kinda weird but had some good instantly likeable songs on it, unfortunately I felt a lot of these had little lasting value and the little irritants in them built up every time I heard them (Resistance, USoE, IBTY). I never liked Guiding Light and never particularly cared that much for Redemption. Undislocsed Desires is a weird one, it's sort of catchy but so dull live and doesn't fit in with any of Muse's other work, and just isn't funky/groovy enough to be another Supermassive.


As for the stuff I like, I think it's a bit of a worry when my second favourite song on the album was the obvious commercial single (Uprising). MK Ultra is still the rock out song I expected from Muse and is done very well. Unnatural Selection is just Muse being a bit safe, certainly not awful but not exactly setting the world alight. And then there's Exogenesis. I've already touched on Redemption and I suppose Parts 1 and 2 are decent additions to the Muse catalogue. Cross-Pollination is a twist on the Hoodoo/Ruled By Secrecy formula and Overture follows from the style I was hoping they'd carry on with from Take a Bow.


Overall I think this album has 1 great song, 4 decent songs and then a mismash of too-over-the-top and too ballady. I guess I preferred Muse when they were over the top but still serious and certainly when they used the guitars more. I'd give it 5/10 now compared to the 7/10 I gave it when it was released.

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Uprising - Decent, gets going in the second verse.

Resistance - Awful boring pop.

Undisclosed Desires - Worse than Resistance. Complete and utter drivel.

United States of Eurasia - Not bad, okay.

Guiding Light - Boring nonsense.

Unnatural Selection - Great live song. Almost excused as a new born rip off.

MK Ultra - 10/10, a glimmer of hope that the fantastic muse of old still has something left in them.

I Belong To You - I hate this with a passion. Takes the fucking piss quite frankly.

Exogenesis - I enjoy.


I wish it wasn't so... I love the majority of their previous material so a real shame.

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Uprising - Decent, gets going in the second verse.

Resistance - Awful boring pop.

Undisclosed Desires - Worse than Resistance. Complete and utter drivel.

United States of Eurasia - Not bad, okay.

Guiding Light - Boring nonsense.

Unnatural Selection - Great live song. Almost excused as a new born rip off.

MK Ultra - 10/10, a glimmer of hope that the fantastic muse of old still has something left in them.

I Belong To You - I hate this with a passion. Takes the fucking piss quite frankly.

Exogenesis - I enjoy.


I wish it wasn't so... I love the majority of their previous material so a real shame.


If I were to rank it:


MK Ultra




Unnatural Selection


United States of Eurasia

Undisclosed Desires


I Belong To You

Guiding Light


I guess.

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I haven't listened to it for a while, not because I've gone off it, but I've just been listening to other stuff lately after being on a lengthy Muse kick. But I'll listen to it one of these days and then come back and say how I feel about it.


That was what I did, decided to give it a listen the other day for the first time in ages and then thought 'hmm I'll make a thread'.

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It's my favourite Muse album. My favourite song is Undisclosed Desires still (it pretty much was before I even heard the album).


I haven't listen to Exogenesis all the way since last year since it makes me cry. The only time it hasn't was the pre listening party in fact.


IBTY is awesome. MK Ultra is awesome. US is pretty good but maybe missing something. Resistance is good. Uprising is alright. USE is awesome. GL is meh.


The singles haven't been good. Lack of consistent, worthwhile and successful singles. In fact everything since the album came out has been lame while everything before it was amazing. The tour hasn't been good. It was full out on the promo light show and greatest hits while the set lists were only very rarely good.


I haven't listened to Muse in months because I over listen to every album. Maybe I'll have to relisten some time.


I hope the next album is similar in style and genre but just a bit more sincere bombasticity (that's a word) like OoS and Absolution, not the kind of Queen channeling USOE and OTTness and ballads like GL that ultimately don't work in the long run and never have a chance of becoming favourites of anyone.

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I feel that although it has some absolute crap songs (i.e. Guiding Light), it is one of the most complete and robust Muse albums. For me, it ranks up there with OoS which is one hell of an album.


In fact, the only part that is "meh" on the album is the change of pace after USoE into Guiding Light. After that, it picks up and has a fantastic second half. Unnatural Selction is better than New Born in my opinion, MK Ultra is one of my all time favorite Muse songs, IBTY is a very fun, quirky pop song (the French bit is the best :D) and Exogenesis is beautiful all the way through. Overture is pretty much "epic," Cross-Pollination is the weakest of the three but it is very impressive and Redemption is my favorite Muse song PERIOD.


And yes, I like Uprising and I love Resistance as well (one of the first songs that really stuck with me from TR) although Undisclosed Desires could have had more work done to it.


Overall, I'd say it's a 9/10 ;)



And I totally agree with Niall, apart from the UD part:



It's my favourite Muse album. My favourite song is Undisclosed Desires still (it pretty much was before I even heard the album).


I haven't listen to Exogenesis all the way since last year since it makes me cry. The only time it hasn't was the pre listening party in fact.


IBTY is awesome. MK Ultra is awesome. US is pretty good but maybe missing something. Resistance is good. Uprising is alright. USE is awesome. GL is meh.


The singles haven't been good. Lack of consistent, worthwhile and successful singles. In fact everything since the album came out has been lame while everything before it was amazing. The tour hasn't been good. It was full out on the promo light show and greatest hits while the set lists were only very rarely good.


I haven't listened to Muse in months because I over listen to every album. Maybe I'll have to relisten some time.


I hope the next album is similar in style and genre but just a bit more sincere bombasticity (that's a word) like OoS and Absolution, not the kind of Queen channeling USOE and OTTness and ballads like GL that ultimately don't work in the long run and never have a chance of becoming favourites of anyone.

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If Undisclosed Desires had been replaced with any other song, it could be my favorite album. With the exception of that Rihanna song, it is still my second favorite behind Absolution. After hearing TR live, I love USoE, since it was really meant to be heard live, same with Uprising. So I would give it 9.5/10 overall

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It was my favourite one when it first came out but I think I might have overlistened to it. I still really love it as an album but I feel that the songs aren't as strong as they were on other albums. Uprising, Guiding Light and Resistance have nothing on the rest of their discography. I enjoy listening to them but I don't think they are up to Muse's usual standard. IBTY is just a wtf song. I think it should have been kept to use as a bside. That said UD, MK Ultra, USOE and Exogenesis are all brilliant.


I'd give it 7 or 8/10.

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Used to be my 2nd favourite behind Absolution, has slid down to 2nd worst and Showbiz is slowly catching up.


My favourites are Uprising, MK Ultra, Unnatural Selection (even if I do find it a bit of a New Born re-hash with a brilliant slow section) and Exo Redemption.


However I found Exo slightly underwhelming as I thought it would be 3 minutes longer and a lot more heavier rather than mellowing out a bit after Overture. Guiding Light and Resistance I liked a fair amount until recently when I felt they just felt flat live, and although GL is good on studio, Resistance on studio just felt a bit flat.


IBTY is a laugh but not a memorable pop-Muse number like Starlight or TiRO and UD just felt crap when I restarted listening to Endlessly, one of my favourite Muse songs. UD feels better live then studio with added appregios and keytar madness but the live jams before always sound better.


Atm it's more of a 6.5/10.

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Great album although it's still missing something! If resistance has been a powerfull rock song i think that would do it because listening to it i just feel that it was too light for Muse!

And the release of the singles didnt help either, resistance and UD should never of been singles! But overall a 8/10, behind absoltion and BHaR which are both 9/10!

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after 1 year, I am still completely in love with this album, that I consider till today one of the peaks of matthew's genius.

I know that a lot of people here consider this album rubbish, and won't agree with me, but I think that we must take this record as a whole, and not analyze the singles songs.

I see The Resistance as an incredibly mature album, solid, perfect. I found myself listening to this album every time I can: every single moment of the day and the night I try to put it on, inside my ears and my soul. and every time I listen to it, I feel like it's the first time.

that's the point, in my opinion.

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