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NME: T in the Park review


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Last fm indicates 10 plays in 3 months. I'm doing well :awesome:

5 :awesome: 3 of those were the day before yesterday


i don't think it's muse's faoult people are getting a but bored..it's like, if you're gonna ask muse to headline every festival under the sun then what do you expect!? because theuy can't play album tracks or rarities at festivals because if you're not a muse fan you'd be like um...what's this!? i never get bored of watching the setlists...and to be honest we've been waiting so long for a new album and they gave us one that kicked ass :) it's just because it's soming to that time where we nedd new material..wait..i don't really get where i'm going with this comment...oh whavtever...nme is mean! i never get bored of them basically

They don't have to play at all the festivals they get asked to :erm:


Plus, I'm sure Muse played a fucktonne of festivals previously in one season without complaint from here.

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I enjoyed Kasabian before Muse at Oxegen.

I'm a cunt.


I am a mega cunt then because I enjoyed Kasabian, Florence AND Biffy before Muse came on! :D


Not to mention the cunts who enjoyed Scissor Sisters before Muse at Glasto. The audience looked like they were having a blast during that


Again that would be me... and I really enjoyed The Dead Weather and Seasick Steve too :$




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I am a mega cunt then because I enjoyed Kasabian, Florence AND Biffy before Muse came on! :D




Again that would be me... and I really enjoyed The Dead Weather and Seasick Steve too :$





I enjoyed Foals and Delphic that day. But then I'm a Muse hater so what do I know?

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I don't think anybody said you couldn't enjoy other artists.


I think Muse need to stop being such festival whores. They seem to be playing every festival this year and I'm sure at this stage most people have seen a Muse headlining slot at some stage. It's bound to get boring seen as they're are practically just playing the same songs at every festival.

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but they didn't, and besides, what you're saying is that you think that all negative reviews should be disregarded and only positive ones printed. They WERE appalling at T and it is ultimately a GOOD thing that they're told this. We're not getting greedy or complacent in expecting the guys to at least TRY and put some effort in.


I don't get this appalling performance people are talking about. To me they mostly pull everything off with great precision and energy. People are mistaking being polished for being lacklustre. It takes great practice and skill in order to do it every night perfectly and jump about while doing it etc. it must get boring for them, playing the same stuff every night.

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Whether the guys are trying everynight but failing some nights to click, or just not trying some nights - who knows unless you are in their heads. As a new fan I am still in wonder mode and easily delighted (that may change over time!)


Gotta say this though - Dom appears to give his all and then some in every gig. I respect that a lot!


Chris was definitely more into it in the earlier days consistently. Matt is all over the place, even in the same gig. He has mellowed out definitely, just comparing the 2010 and 2004 T In the Park Newborn versions. Age for some genres of performances is a bitch unfortunately. The 2010 crowd looks a lot more energetic than the 2004 crowd though in Newborn videos!

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aaw guuyss let muse has their festival whoring fun! they spend ages making a good album for us..so let them run around doing every festival known to man..they probs just wanna get as much live stuff in before they have to run away and hide in a studio...though tbh if wembley isn't full of b sides and rarities i might cry

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aaw guuyss let muse has their festival whoring fun! they spend ages making a good album for us..so let them run around doing every festival known to man..they probs just wanna get as much live stuff in before they have to run away and hide in a studio...though tbh if wembley isn't full of b sides and rarities i might cry


Sell your ticket now. :LOL:

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I'm not sure why people think Wembley is going to be different from the other Stadium gigs :erm:


Because in this country we have a God given right to hear them, obviously! Even though France actually noticed them properly before us. :LOL:

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aaw guuyss let muse has their festival whoring fun! they spend ages making a good album for us..so let them run around doing every festival known to man..they probs just wanna get as much live stuff in before they have to run away and hide in a studio...though tbh if wembley isn't full of b sides and rarities i might cry


Be prepared to bring a huge box of tissues. :LOL:

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I don't get this appalling performance people are talking about. To me they mostly pull everything off with great precision and energy. People are mistaking being polished for being lacklustre. It takes great practice and skill in order to do it every night perfectly and jump about while doing it etc. it must get boring for them, playing the same stuff every night.


Problem is Muse don't half like talking themselves up, then put on the same show they always do.


I'd have probably enjoyed Glasto more if it wasn't for them raising expectations about doing something different.

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Problem is Muse don't half like talking themselves up, then put on the same show they always do.


I'd have probably enjoyed Glasto more if it wasn't for them raising expectations about doing something different.


The talk of the orchestra, not to mention the rock out sets they'd been doing in Europe didn't help really when you end up getting Arena Tour plus The Edge and a poll song

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When your band's name is synonymously linked with words like 'epic' 'grandiose' 'OTT' 'bombast' 'best live band' and, to quote the reviewer 'spectacle', there's only a certain point before expectations cease to be met - that's what's happening with Muse shows at the mo. Fans and even the 'casual' Muse listener/gig-goer will want more, something different, higher, better than what they've already seen. Satellites, screens, protestors - it's not enough anymore. If you're claiming to be the most unique band, as Matt has done, then you've got to prove yourself, not just with every tour, but, as it seems to be now, with every gig. So, I can see where the reviewer is coming from in that respect.


However, this is also Muse's very problem because just where can they go from here? There's only so much Any band can do to keep things fresh, but because of their live reputation, Muse can't do the 'minimalist' thing at big shows and festivals - it jibes with the live image they've created for themselves. Matt is full of ideas that send the 'health and safety' flags up, because he appears to be more interested in visual spectacle than things like bringing back a song from Showbiz or shocking the crowd with a setlist that's 70% 'older/rare' material - he seems to want to surprise us with images more than sounds.


The'll be criticised either way, but I think the only way to get around it is to have a healthy balance - varied setlists and down-to-earth shows Vs big spectacle larger crowd shows. They can't please everyone, and never will, but they could at least try to get a balance. Then I'd be less inclined to agree with these sorts of reviews. On a plus note, they seem to be trying a fresher approach these days - last night's French show was far from the norm, even if it wasn't the most exciting set. Just changing the order and introducing a couple of tracks can make a HUGE difference in the way you absorb and enjoy a gig. They are listening... it's just a slow progression. ;)


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I don't get this appalling performance people are talking about. To me they mostly pull everything off with great precision and energy. People are mistaking being polished for being lacklustre. It takes great practice and skill in order to do it every night perfectly and jump about while doing it etc. it must get boring for them, playing the same stuff every night.

On this occasion, it really WAS lacklustre, it's difficult to describe, but there was no energy coming from them, no oomph. I can only compare it to glasgow, which was (in my eyes) the worst I've seen them play, Jam excluded. To hear that they were on fire the next night shows that the guys aren't infalliable.

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On this occasion, it really WAS lacklustre, it's difficult to describe, but there was no energy coming from them, no oomph. I can only compare it to glasgow, which was (in my eyes) the worst I've seen them play, Jam excluded. To hear that they were on fire the next night shows that the guys aren't infalliable.

thought that said inflatable :$

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