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I dreamt that I was in the music room section of my house, playing improv on the guitar to Citizen Erased which I was playing through my docking station near the window. It got to the slow part, like just when the highpitched noises that lead to microcuts came in. I was doing really well with the improv and it sounded amazing, but then Matt jumped in the window wearing a really geeky ninja mask and yells something in a very very very Asian accent. It was something about taking his coco puffs(:LOL:) and then he grabs my iPod, does an air hump and jumps back out of the window. I woke up then...


But the whole Matt in a ninja outfit jumping through windows recurrs quite often... It's odd :LOL:

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Haha. Awesome dream!!! What did he whisper? Plz tell! An if u don't wanna, can u DM me with what he said???


Nuh-uh, not saying! :p

Look, suffice to say he told me what he wanted to do.... and it was really, very dirty :facepalm:

It made me feel like a pathetic fangirl, but i'm not sure i care!! :LOL:

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Yeah, it was untill my friend cocked it up :mad:

She's not even at school today, so i can't shout at her. :facepalm: I abused her a little on facebook, tho - I think she's a bit worried :LOL:


Haha. All my friends already think I'm crazy, so if they did that to me, and I yelled at them, they'd just be like :shifty:

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Last night I had a dream where I was randomly being interviewed for some music magazine... Apparently I'd been best friends with Matt ever since we were young. I told the interviewer that we'd had sleepovers until we were about 16, and then we switched to having "overnight hangout sessions" :eyebrows:

And.... I guess I'd been madly in love with him for years and Dom and Chris knew but I was depressed because of Gaia... But in the dream he ditched her for me...

And then I told the magazine that I'd lost my virginity to Matt when I was young... :$:facepalm:

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This dream I had last night was rather odd...yet funny at the same time :LOL:. It didn't include just Muse, it also included my best friend from Florida and somehow Kingdom Hearts mixed up with this. Warning: Prepare for long dream ahead xD


So there was this competition in the town I was living in, which btw was not in my real town it was in Twilight Town from Kingdom Hearts xD, so whichever team of 2 wins a scavenger hunt wins 2 Muse tickets to see them right in this town! I was hyped up and the dream sorta starts off with me on the phone with my best friend and getting ready for the scavenger hunt at the same time. She wished me luck and I promised her I'd give her the 2nd ticket. So I went to where the scavenger hunt was and turns out you had to already have had a partner from the start -_- so obviously i was freaking out because i didn't have one! The judge person guy told me to go over there to this one guy who didn't have a partner. For some reason it was Dom xD, which is weird though since I mostly dream of Matt. So we instantly became good friends and he already promised me that he'll get me tickets to matter what :awesome:. So once we were going on the scavanger hunt, he kept putting his arm around me and I'm just like "wtf man, do you want to go out or something!?". Anyways we found some of the stuff but then suddenly random heartless popped out! (If you ever played Kingdom Hearts, you know what I mean xD) OH NOES! So no one could defeat them, but somehow I had the keyblade and i destroyed them. I automatically got tickets! :D. Dom also gave me the 2 he promised so I had 4. I took my best friend with me and 2 random kids who came me 50 dollars each for them. The dream ended though, so I still never got to see Muse live even in my dream world :(

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I dreamt that I was in the music room section of my house, playing improv on the guitar to Citizen Erased which I was playing through my docking station near the window. It got to the slow part, like just when the highpitched noises that lead to microcuts came in. I was doing really well with the improv and it sounded amazing, but then Matt jumped in the window wearing a really geeky ninja mask and yells something in a very very very Asian accent. It was something about taking his coco puffs(:LOL:) and then he grabs my iPod, does an air hump and jumps back out of the window. I woke up then...


But the whole Matt in a ninja outfit jumping through windows recurrs quite often... It's odd :LOL:


Your dream is hilariously bonkers:LOL::LOL::LOL:


That is prob something that Matt dreams of too :chuckle:

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Matt Cameos FTW :awesome:


I was having a totally unrelated dream about school, teenage angst and bananas (so not too unrelated then:LOL:) when suddenly Matt appears (but in my dream he was a Teaching assistant) and jumped in a canal :confused: but when I looked he was walking on water and ran away.....

Uh, bizarre much?

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I had this strange dream that I was at my house, and we lived ext door to Wembley Stadium (:wtf:), and we had missed out on the ticket sales of the Muse concert that was on that night. So, about 20 minutes before the concert started, I decided I would climb Wembley Stadium to see Muse perform. I got to the top, was about to swing myself up, when Matt randomly jumps out form the top and whacks me on the head with his keytar. I ended up falling, breaking my back, and being carried away in an ambulance with Dom and Chris as the medical officers.

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Matt Cameos FTW :awesome:


I was having a totally unrelated dream about school, teenage angst and bananas (so not too unrelated then:LOL:) when suddenly Matt appears (but in my dream he was a Teaching assistant) and jumped in a canal :confused: but when I looked he was walking on water and ran away.....

Uh, bizarre much?


:chuckle: Matt always randomly appears in my dreams. Once he was a Computer teacher and was showing pictures of himself on a slideshow to the class but I was too busy playing hide and seek under the table to ask why. :LOL:

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:chuckle: Matt always randomly appears in my dreams. Once he was a Computer teacher and was showing pictures of himself on a slideshow to the class but I was too busy playing hide and seek under the table to ask why. :LOL:


:LOL: Sounds like too much PMT lurking.


I remember Muse being in my dream last night, I just don't remember what it was... :(

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This dream I had last night was rather odd...yet funny at the same time :LOL:. It didn't include just Muse, it also included my best friend from Florida and somehow Kingdom Hearts mixed up with this. Warning: Prepare for long dream ahead xD


So there was this competition in the town I was living in, which btw was not in my real town it was in Twilight Town from Kingdom Hearts xD, so whichever team of 2 wins a scavenger hunt wins 2 Muse tickets to see them right in this town! I was hyped up and the dream sorta starts off with me on the phone with my best friend and getting ready for the scavenger hunt at the same time. She wished me luck and I promised her I'd give her the 2nd ticket. So I went to where the scavenger hunt was and turns out you had to already have had a partner from the start -_- so obviously i was freaking out because i didn't have one! The judge person guy told me to go over there to this one guy who didn't have a partner. For some reason it was Dom xD, which is weird though since I mostly dream of Matt. So we instantly became good friends and he already promised me that he'll get me tickets to matter what :awesome:. So once we were going on the scavanger hunt, he kept putting his arm around me and I'm just like "wtf man, do you want to go out or something!?". Anyways we found some of the stuff but then suddenly random heartless popped out! (If you ever played Kingdom Hearts, you know what I mean xD) OH NOES! So no one could defeat them, but somehow I had the keyblade and i destroyed them. I automatically got tickets! :D. Dom also gave me the 2 he promised so I had 4. I took my best friend with me and 2 random kids who came me 50 dollars each for them. The dream ended though, so I still never got to see Muse live even in my dream world :(


Kingdom Hearts! Oh God, that is great! Imagine if Sora, Donald, and Goofy were replaced with Matt, Chris, and Dom. I would kill for that game. And Kairi would be Gaia, because in my opinion they're both so obnoxious... But then who would Roxas and the other Organization XIII be? Hmmm.... And what about Namine....

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i had this one a few days ago... and it was so short :LOL: the whole dream was me being chased by alien spaceships the were everywhere...sky.. water... :fear: .. but the funny thing was... the bottom of the spaceships were the resistance album artwork :LOL: made of lights... O.O

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Kingdom Hearts! Oh God, that is great! Imagine if Sora, Donald, and Goofy were replaced with Matt, Chris, and Dom. I would kill for that game. And Kairi would be Gaia, because in my opinion they're both so obnoxious... But then who would Roxas and the other Organization XIII be? Hmmm.... And what about Namine....


Dibs on Roxas over here!!!!!!!!! I FREAKING LOVE HIM xD. Or if you're making Kingdom Hearts all Muse-ish, Tom could be Roxas xD :D:D. Now who shall Axel be...Oh God this is complicated xD

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Matt always pops up in my dreams, always somewhere random too.


In my dream last night, I was washing my hands in the school bathroom and all of a sudden Matt walks out of one of the stalls. Then he was like, "I took time off of my tour to come see you!"


And then he wanted me to try the "most amazing Italian pasta, so fucking good compared to England."


Sometimes I wish my dreams were real...

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Had quite a long dream with Dom last night! I can't remember how it started but Dom was looking through my iTunes and said he would sort it out for me, and get me some new albums, then my stepdad comes in and asks who he is (I was much older in the dream but for some reason I still lived at home..) then we are in Austrailia all of a sudden at a huge theme park, but instead of going on rides he insisted we sit by the swimming pool, so we had to go and hire these fold up chairs to sit on. For some reason the pool was full of dogs and somehow we got 2 of them to fall in love (wtf :LOL:) Dom kissed me and walked off somewhere and said he would be back in a minute. Waited for ages, got bored and went to give my fold up chair back to some lady, and as I gave it to her someone called out my name saying I was "a missing person" so I was like wtf and i looked over and Dom ran up to me (and for some reason he had red hair and was wearing Matts granny coat :LOL:) and ask me where the fuck I was and told me that he was worried sick. I asked him why the fuck he had Matt's coat on seeing as it's sunny and he got pissed off at me and walked off. Then by simply running up a hill we were back in England, on my sofa. he said hi to my mum and starting kissing me and stuff infront of her :eek: she freaked out but stepdad just offered us some beer. :erm: then we went upstairs but I won't elaborate too much on that :shifty:

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I've had one dream of Muse,in which I got to meet Chris after a gig,and I asked him to take pics with me and he said yes,then my camera started malfunctioning several times and by the end he got annoyed and impatient and walked away and I didn't get to take one pic with him,it sucked so bad.

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Finally I have had my first Muse dream! It was kind of a letdown though... Oh well...


I was at some concert of theirs, but they decided to turn it into a Renaissance fair. Everyone was dressed in costume, including my mom, my Muse-hating friend Stephen, and I. What I remember is that I was wearing I white velvet dress with weird, intertwining squiggly pattern-y things. It was a cool dress. Anyway, I was pushing my way to the front when the curtains of the stage parted. They were shrouded in shadows, and I really wanted to see their costumes (especially Matt's), but then the dream switched. T_T


All the while, this was supposed to be their performance at TD Garden on March 6th. :/

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had quite a long dream with dom last night! I can't remember how it started but dom was looking through my itunes and said he would sort it out for me, and get me some new albums, then my stepdad comes in and asks who he is (i was much older in the dream but for some reason i still lived at home..) then we are in austrailia all of a sudden at a huge theme park, but instead of going on rides he insisted we sit by the swimming pool, so we had to go and hire these fold up chairs to sit on. For some reason the pool was full of dogs and somehow we got 2 of them to fall in love (wtf :LOL:) dom kissed me and walked off somewhere and said he would be back in a minute. Waited for ages, got bored and went to give my fold up chair back to some lady, and as i gave it to her someone called out my name saying i was "a missing person" so i was like wtf and i looked over and dom ran up to me (and for some reason he had red hair and was wearing matts granny coat :LOL:) and ask me where the fuck i was and told me that he was worried sick. I asked him why the fuck he had matt's coat on seeing as it's sunny and he got pissed off at me and walked off. Then by simply running up a hill we were back in england, on my sofa. He said hi to my mum and starting kissing me and stuff infront of her :eek: She freaked out but stepdad just offered us some beer. :erm: Then we went upstairs but i won't elaborate too much on that :shifty:


do spill do spill! :LOL:

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I never got very far in Kingdom Hearts... lost interest a short way in. :erm:

but anyway, last night I dreamed that Muse were in a photoshoot and Dom kept photobombing while singing Bliss very badly. :LOL: I was the photographer.


Kingdom Hearts is fun :)


haven't had much time for video games though

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Had one last night...


I was at this random indoor festival/charity fundraiser type thing, with all these radio DJs walking around. A big crowd had gathered around a stage as Chris Evans introduced a 'new band, not very well-known but they're gonna be huge' with a sly grin on his face... Basically, Muse walk on, but under the guise of this random unknown band (I forget their name but it was quite odd). Matt took up the drums and the clarinet, Dom on the guitar and Chris on bass, and bagn to play 'Walking in the air' from The Snowman. At first the crowd were like 'wtf?' but eventually they got everyone involved and the whole crowd was singing along and swaying and it was pretty cool! They only played the one song and then left, but it completely made my dream-day and my trip to this random indoor festival worthwhile!:LOL:

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