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i had a dream last night that I met Matt.

i was so damn happy, but i tried not to show it to him. i didn't want him to think that i'm another fangirl. :facepalm:

he was so nice to me. i took a pic of us. and he was wearing his famous coat (the one from the Q awards, etc)

and i was sooooooooooooooooo happy and smiled. it was an amzing feeling.

then i woke up. and didn't want to believe that it was just a dream.

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Last night, I kept having this dream where my doorbell rang and they were all there and they just scream in my face "WE'RE CALLED MUSE AND YOU'RE WATCHING RAGE HAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!!!" :LOL:

Finally I woke up and remembered that that's my message tone (which is why I kept hearing it)...

All my texts were from the @muse twitter :D

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I haven't had any muse dreams in a long time but this one I remember like it was real and it's my favourite. :)

Anyways I was at home one day and the doorbell rings so I open the door and Matt and Dom are standing there with these huge suitcases and they needed a place to stay for 2 months so I invite them in and my parents give me permission to have Matt and Dom stay. (I don't know where Chris was, too bad he wasn't there.) So it fast forwards to night time and I'm sitting in bed reading or something and I hear Matt and Dom arguing outside of my bedroom door and I said "Guys? hello?" and my door slowly opens and they both peek inside of my room and I just say "It's pretty late, how come you aren't sleeping?" and Matt just jumps into my room and yells "I'M NOT SLEEPING WITH DOM! I'VE DONE THAT TOO MANY TIMES ALREADY!" :LOL: and Dom said "So we're just arguing who gets the spare bed." I said "Well, there's an inflattable mattress under my bed so one of you can sleep on that, but I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning." or something like that. Next thing I know it's morning and I wake up and Matt is to the left of me sleeping like a baby. He was wearing flannel pajamas with teddy bears all over them. :) He just kinda woke up and he explained that him and Dom couldn't decide who would get the spare bed and that my bed looked the comfiest so they both decided to sleep in my bed. Sure enough i look to my right and Dom's sprawled out in my bed just wearing his boxers sleeping. :LOL:

I can't remember the rest of it clearly, but I do recall that we went shopping and we went into a lingerie shop, where Matt Dom and I proceded to have a thong-flinging war in the store. Then we got kicked out of the mall. :p

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I had a dream about Dom.


He was my brother ( :awesome:) and we had a video conversation over the phone. I'm not sure if he saw me though, I was sitting in a car somewhere.


But I saw him, and he sat on a throne, in a high school corridor, sorrounded by students who was worshipping him. :LOL: He looked in the camera all the time and spoke to me, but I don't remember what he said. :( He was really happy though, I bet he liked being worshipped. :chuckle:


And I remember that I was really proud of having him as my brother. :awesome:

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if day dreams count i had one at work where i was interview the guys and i kept making matt say "pwoper"


could make a good man bad? :p


... i used to think it was havnt had a 'drink' in a long time... you learn something new everyday! :happy:


pumpkin has a point daniel... try sleeping! ;)


thats it:LOL:


ooo, i could be i spose, lol, would be embarrassing for me.


tried it once, wasnt for me

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WOW i just had the most weird muse dream ever!!!(it includes other bands too)

Well, it goes like this:


I was going to be on the backstage of SNL for no reason, and Franz Ferdinand was playing that day, so me and alex(alex kapranos,lead singer) were talking like if we were best friends and the guys from SNL told him that it would be lipsing instead of really live, and alex wast fine with that... So suddenly, me alex and dom were in the control room and there were like giant buttons... So there was like one that said "lipsing" and dom pressed it so that FF could play live....

So after a whipe the SNL staff was like:hey! The lipsing button doesnt work... So alex was like:ok fine.... And he went onstage alone to make a cover or "Scummy" by the artic monkeys with an ukulele and dom was next to me clapping his hands like a little boy for no reason...

So, when he stopped playing,Andrew(andrew james vanwyngarden,lead singer of MGMT) was with ben(ben goldwasser,MGMT) and i dont know why, but there were two guys more... And they were dresses all with high heels and long dresses... And they were receiving an award...

So i entered backstage and saw dom next to lady gaga and one of the pussycat dolls, and i went next to them and told them:what's going on?

Dom: mica! I gotta tell you something!!!omg im so excited!


dom: lady gaga just invited me to her concert! And i can go backstage!!!and she tool a pic with me!!!

So then we both started jumping all excited shounting: omg!omg!omg!omg!

And i told dom:

Me: hey! There are the guys! Why dont you go tell them?

dom: (he made a face like this: :$)hm... I dont know what they'll think if they see me all excited about a lady gaga concert... Besides... matt will murder me!!!

Me: why????

Dom: because they didnt invite him!!!

And so we were saying this until we were next to matt, chris ,mateo?(a friend from school), and two other women that were from staff(they looked like guys with makeup).

So matt went on:

matt: dom... mica... Why do you guys looked all excited when you were going out of stage???

me: hm... Us??? I think it was because--

Dom: nothing! Nothing important!

Chris: :shifty:

mateo: hm...i think they're going to the lady gaga concert(and i dont know why, but he had the camera wich dom used to take a pic with lady gaga) look at the camera!



matt: aaahhh!!!! You wouldnt dareeee!!!!

And they were both like little kids showing their fists to the other and making "hmp!" sounds...

So then my mom appeared in my dream and told me to hold my agenda, and my purse... and i was like: wtf mom?!!! What are you doing here???


And then i woke up at f:rolleyes: 6am! And i had to post this... Hahahaha

i just woke up to write it!!! So ill go back to sleep now...


Good morning!!! :awesome:

Edited by micaelams
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i had 2 muse dreams friday night/ saturday morning. i think it was cuz i watched a Seaside Rendezvous friday night on my tv.

1st dream: i got a new vice principal at school this year (true in real life) who decided to make the school muse themed :awesome: (sadly not quite as true in real life) and so basically it had pictures of muse ALL over everything. we had a few muse related classes. and they played muse, all day. best school ever.

2nd dream: i was at a Seaside Rendezvous and matt started playing unintended. only the lyrics were all wierd and sorta stupid. they were like joke lyrics. made the song loose all seriousness. lol. i dont remember the lyrics to clearly but matt sounded like he was having a hard time not laughing while singing them.

with the exception of one dream were these 3 ppl were trying to kill me and had already killed my friends :supersad: and yet i was stupid enough to go into a forest alone :facepalm:, these were the first dreams, muse related or not, ive had since summer 09.

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WOW i just had the most weird muse dream ever!!!(it includes other bands too)

Well, it goes like this:


I was going to be on the backstage of SNL for no reason, and Franz Ferdinand was playing that day, so me and alex(alex kapranos,lead singer) were talking like if we were best friends and the guys from SNL told him that it would be lipsing instead of really live, and alex wast fine with that... So suddenly, me alex and dom were in the control room and there were like giant buttons... So there was like one that said "lipsing" and dom pressed it so that FF could play live....

So after a whipe the SNL staff was like:hey! The lipsing button doesnt work... So alex was like:ok fine.... And he went onstage alone to make a cover or "Scummy" by the artic monkeys with an ukulele and dom was next to me clapping his hands like a little boy for no reason...

So, when he stopped playing,Andrew(andrew james vanwyngarden,lead singer of MGMT) was with ben(ben goldwasser,MGMT) and i dont know why, but there were two guys more... And they were dresses all with high heels and long dresses... And they were receiving an award...

So i entered backstage and saw dom next to lady gaga and one of the pussycat dolls, and i went next to them and told them:what's going on?

Dom: mica! I gotta tell you something!!!omg im so excited!


dom: lady gaga just invited me to her concert! And i can go backstage!!!and she tool a pic with me!!!

So then we both started jumping all excited shounting: omg!omg!omg!omg!

And i told dom:

Me: hey! There are the guys! Why dont you go tell them?

dom: (he made a face like this: :$)hm... I dont know what they'll think if they see me all excited about a lady gaga concert... Besides... matt will murder me!!!

Me: why????

Dom: because they didnt invite him!!!

And so we were saying this until we were next to matt, chris ,mateo?(a friend from school), and two other women that were from staff(they looked like guys with makeup).

So matt went on:

matt: dom... mica... Why do you guys looked all excited when you were going out of stage???

me: hm... Us??? I think it was because--

Dom: nothing! Nothing important!

Chris: :shifty:

mateo: hm...i think they're going to the lady gaga concert(and i dont know why, but he had the camera wich dom used to take a pic with lady gaga) look at the camera!



matt: aaahhh!!!! You wouldnt dareeee!!!!

And they were both like little kids showing their fists to the other and making "hmp!" sounds...

So then my mom appeared in my dream and told me to hold my agenda, and my purse... and i was like: wtf mom?!!! What are you doing here???


And then i woke up at f:rolleyes: 6am! And i had to post this... Hahahaha

i just woke up to write it!!! So ill go back to sleep now...


Good morning!!! :awesome:


i can just imagine it :LOL:


i had the weirdest dream last night

i was in a forest..and it was like the blair witch project..and matt was there..

and there were these evil people after us..and they caught us :(

so then we were trapped, and had to escape, but we couldn't

and then they died matt's hair red again and spiked it all up, and he started crying because he hated it :(

and then i found a way to escape, so i escaped and saved matt from the evil forest people and we lived happily ever after, yay :D

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i had a dream one time i was watching muse perform

i was with one of my brothers and my dad (cant remember if there was anyone else)

anyway we were like upfront in like our own area and everyone else was like blocked off with like a gate or something

i remember them playing bliss and plug in baby

it was awesome :happy:

then my dad was doing this like drawing things were you have to guess how long some muse songs were

and i saw his guesses and i was like "thats not how long they are! :eek:"

but he just said "relax! i got it!"

then i cant remember anything else lol

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i can just imagine it :LOL:


i had the weirdest dream last night

i was in a forest..and it was like the blair witch project..and matt was there..

and there were these evil people after us..and they caught us :(

so then we were trapped, and had to escape, but we couldn't

and then they died matt's hair red again and spiked it all up, and he started crying because he hated it :(

and then i found a way to escape, so i escaped and saved matt from the evil forest people and we lived happily ever after, yay :D


:chuckle: forest people :LOL:

i can totally imagina that too :awesome:

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As I've mentioned before, my dreams never make sense. :c


Muse were playing in my city, and for some reason they were staying in the derelict fish and chips shop in my village... :erm:

Anyway, me and my non-existent-in-real-life cousin ran frantically to the shop where we proceeded to plaster Muse posters all over the window, while the band hid in the back.

I went inside, laughing hysterically while I squirted single-use eyedrop vials on a particular poster of Matt's face from the other side of the window.

I don't believe the band actually featured that much in the dream, I think they were too occupied with getting away from the pair of psychotic maniacs that had burst into their precious little fish n chips shop.



I say no more. Take me to the asylum.

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I had a very weird dream that Dom was playing Apocalypse Please for me on the piano, and he sucked! :p


I just wanted to share that..



i've had about 3 muse dreams!

the first one was that i met matt in a bar, he looked really young. he had longass hair, ahha the funny part was the asian part of my family was there, they wre taking soooo many pictures. i was trying to hold matt's hand, it was halirious. =)

the second one was i met them at a CD signing. matt has incredibly large buck teeth, it was weird. 3rd one was when i was on this reality TV show were you get to win a date with matt, and i saw his exwife. she was ugly as hell in my dream :):p

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I've had 2 so far :LOL:


First one was that they were playing in my (pretty small) town.. nothing special.. and I woke up before they started to play :(


But the second one :awesome: I was in some sort of a skyscraper with the band and Matt showed me his strawberry cocktail :LOL: it wasn't really tasty at all :LOL:.. But when i woke up I just wondered why the hell it wasn't banana cocktail :wtf:

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I've had 2 so far :LOL:


First one was that they were playing in my (pretty small) town.. nothing special.. and I woke up before they started to play :(


But the second one :awesome: I was in some sort of a skyscraper with the band and Matt showed me his strawberry cocktail :LOL: it wasn't really tasty at all :LOL:.. But when i woke up I just wondered why the hell it wasn't banana cocktail :wtf:


"let me show you my strawberry cocktail!" :eyebrows:


Sorry!! :chuckle:

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I haven't had any muse dreams in a long time but this one I remember like it was real and it's my favourite. :)

Anyways I was at home one day and the doorbell rings so I open the door and Matt and Dom are standing there with these huge suitcases and they needed a place to stay for 2 months so I invite them in and my parents give me permission to have Matt and Dom stay. (I don't know where Chris was, too bad he wasn't there.) So it fast forwards to night time and I'm sitting in bed reading or something and I hear Matt and Dom arguing outside of my bedroom door and I said "Guys? hello?" and my door slowly opens and they both peek inside of my room and I just say "It's pretty late, how come you aren't sleeping?" and Matt just jumps into my room and yells "I'M NOT SLEEPING WITH DOM! I'VE DONE THAT TOO MANY TIMES ALREADY!" :LOL: and Dom said "So we're just arguing who gets the spare bed." I said "Well, there's an inflattable mattress under my bed so one of you can sleep on that, but I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning." or something like that. Next thing I know it's morning and I wake up and Matt is to the left of me sleeping like a baby. He was wearing flannel pajamas with teddy bears all over them. :) He just kinda woke up and he explained that him and Dom couldn't decide who would get the spare bed and that my bed looked the comfiest so they both decided to sleep in my bed. Sure enough i look to my right and Dom's sprawled out in my bed just wearing his boxers sleeping. :LOL:

I can't remember the rest of it clearly, but I do recall that we went shopping and we went into a lingerie shop, where Matt Dom and I proceded to have a thong-flinging war in the store. Then we got kicked out of the mall. :p



That's some really crazy stuff there.


I've had dreams where I'm on here. How fucking lame is that :LOL:

There was one recently where they were but I'm not sure why or what happened. Aside from the other one involving Dom as Blofeld.

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I had a muse dream a few days ago, wrote about it in my journal.


Basically I got a bunny as a gift, a cute little white and grey one. It was sitting outside on a table next to me, and then Dom sort of just walks up and snatches the bunny. He takes off running with my bunny in his hands, and he does that thing you do when you jump up and click your heels together. Then Matt&Chris come up and say, "Dom took your bunny, look" and I go, "I can see that, thanks."


And that was it. One of the more bizarre dreams I've had in a while. Dom is a bunny-burglar:eek:

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I had a muse dream a few days ago, wrote about it in my journal.


Basically I got a bunny as a gift, a cute little white and grey one. It was sitting outside on a table next to me, and then Dom sort of just walks up and snatches the bunny. He takes off running with my bunny in his hands, and he does that thing you do when you jump up and click your heels together. Then Matt&Chris come up and say, "Dom took your bunny, look" and I go, "I can see that, thanks."


And that was it. One of the more bizarre dreams I've had in a while. Dom is a bunny-burglar:eek:



bunny burglar dom!!!!

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I had a muse dream a few days ago, wrote about it in my journal.


Basically I got a bunny as a gift, a cute little white and grey one. It was sitting outside on a table next to me, and then Dom sort of just walks up and snatches the bunny. He takes off running with my bunny in his hands, and he does that thing you do when you jump up and click your heels together. Then Matt&Chris come up and say, "Dom took your bunny, look" and I go, "I can see that, thanks."


And that was it. One of the more bizarre dreams I've had in a while. Dom is a bunny-burglar:eek:


maybe he just wanted the bunny :indiff:


hahahaa :LOL::LOL:,i can actually see Dom snatching your bunny and running away with it.... EPIC

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Augh, I had kind of a muse nightmare last night :stunned:


me and either my friend or my sister (?) were running around this hotel/convention center because we knew muse was in there somewhere. So we were waiting in the lobby for muse to walk by when we see three figures walking towards us. It's Dom and Chris, but the guy who I know is Matt looks more like Ringo Starr :eek: With sunglasses, a big nose and ferocious stubble...for some weird reason in my dream, I knew Matt just looked like that because he was aging badly, so I ran up to them anyways and told them how awesome they were. But in the back of my mind I was "thinking back to the time" when matt was young and hot with a full head of hair and everything. I woke up at like 5 in the morning half panicked trying to remind myself that, 'matt is still hot, matt is still hot, matt is still hot-' :eek:

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I woke up at like 5 in the morning half panicked trying to remind myself that, 'matt is still hot, matt is still hot, matt is still hot-' :eek:



I love that. Although quite frankly that would scare me... I sure hope he doesn't get all old and aged like that :eek:

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Ahh...Muse dreams. I love them! I've one one rather vivid one involving Dom (I've been reading heaps of Dom dreams).


Anyway, at my highschool, we had some kind of weird workshops and we had to choose a few we liked and rotated around them. The first workshop I had was cooking. My twin sister and I were in the class when, to my surprise, I saw Dom!! (My sister is a Dom lover and, I love them all equally). So we sat next to him in the cooking workshop and started talking. I don't remember the exact conversation but we were talking about our love of food. Now, my sister and I were making moves on him (obviously) but he wasn't doing anything. Liz (my sister) left the workshop and left me and Dom together. Straight away Dom started making moves on me! I was stunned and very flattered, I was in heaven. We were laughing and having engaging conversations.

By the time we had to got to the next workshop we walked holding hands to the helicopter workshop (helicopter, wtf!?) which we both had. On the way I saw my sister walking towards us. I was scared that she'd kill me if she knew so I didn't look at her and let go of Dom's hand but instead he pulled me close to him and my sister just scowled at me.

At the helicopter workshop there were 3 helicopters, small enough for one person. Matt, Dom and I were the 1st to have a go. Matt figured out how to work it very quickly and flew away from the school (he got in trouble for that afterwards), Dom followed the rules and hovered around the school and I could hardly work the thing and didn't get much air time by the end of our turn. When we had to give everyone else a turn I was very sad. But I had Dom. So it was good.

My boyfriend had a workshop next to us and I was TERRIFIED that he'd find out about Dom and I. At first I thought 'why should he care? It's only a one-time thing. Dom will have to go back to the UK and he'll probly forget about me, so why can't he just let me this one time!?'

Bu, sadly, my boyfriend minded. He sat all sulky next to us while we completely ignorned him.

In a daze I went to the next workshop - library/book reading workshop. I had to sit in my school library with heaps of other people squished into the small reading area. It was filling up fast and I tried to sav Dom a seat in the hope that he might have chosen this workshop too. The seat I saved was taken eventally and when Dom did come in he had to sit far away from me. I dragged a chair next to me and beckoned him to come over. I complained to him about the previous workshop and how bad I sucked at it and he said "You should have told me. I would have come over and helped you, or at least tried to squeeze you into my helicopter too."


I don't remember much else of the dream. It was filled with jealous friends and kisses between Dom and I.


Yes, it was long. Sorry 'bout that.

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