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I've seen several weird Muse dreams, but strangest I think was this one:


Muse had gig in our yard, and they were leaving. There was 3 massive trucks full of weird stagestructure, and around them Muse had some press conference. There were security guards everywhere, but while I was trying to find a way to sneak there, one of them just turned and said: "You can go from here" I thanked and went to there.

They were just closing everything up, but I walked to them and asked an autograph. They all hesitate, Dom and Chris both looked to Matt. Matt took my paper, then gave it back and said: "We can't 'cause this is our last album, and houses are so expencive." Then he climb to the truck. Dom and chris looked sorry, and tap me in the back compassionately and went after Matt, and drove away.

I was complitely :stunned: and :wtf:



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i had a muse dream recently, that i actually remembered (ususally they're quite vague, but know i'm thinking of writing them down ^^) anyway,

i was with Dom on Primrose Hill, and we were together <3 :happy: we wanted to have a picnic but all this paparazzi started coming up the hill trying to bombard me with questions and taking tons of pics of us sitting there! but surprisingly i wasn't that phased by it, i just smiled a little nervously and dom smiled at me :D and so i said 'what?' and he said 'you're just taking this really well' we ran like hell from the paparazzi and met up with Matt walking his dog carring a box full of bananas and model zetas of varying sizes, and when he saw me he dragged me away from dom gushing about some secret hideout in chris and tom's attic :rolleyes: (where i assumed he was putting that box of stuff)

and dom was shouting after us ' what about the pasta?!!! Kate will eat it all!"

i know weird :stunned: hehehhe

not the craziest or most exciting dream i know, it was a good dream, which is why i remebered it! :happy: matt was wearing the clothes from the bliss vid and dom was in the resistance era

Awwwwwwww! You see ppl?Dom isn't always the jerk;)

I can vaguely remember being in a pitch black room, tied up. Then a light came on and I could hear footsteps. Matt stepped into the light, that was the most vivid part of the dream, because his eyes were shining like crystals. Then he said something incomprehensible, cocked a gun and pointed it at me. Then I woke up just as heard the trigger go.


Pretty scary :stunned:


Well that is quite.. freaky :stunned:


'Cept he seemed pretty well-behaved in someone else's dream recently so..

After Domthe jerk is Matt?No!Matt is the cute one...Maybe it's a kind of disease and it's spread on the band mates...:p

Would Matt really show his kid this Messageboard though? ;):chuckle:

You know what's on here :LOL:


Just imagine the new baby at the age of 14 searched the dark past of his father in here!:p Pretty confusing



Btw here's my new thread:happy:


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it started with me walking down some random road on lake como, dressed exactly like matt (it was halloween). then it ended with a bunch of fangirls slowly torturing me to death for pretending to be their idol.

That is scary shit...

Yes you do wonder :chuckle:


Essentially the whole dream was the bastard hybrid of Muse (well, Matt), showbiz, Harry Potter, the British phone hacking scandal and Bear Grylls' show. Fun. :LOL:

They're not kidding when they (I know, who the hell is they?) say your dreams are a twisted replay of your day.

Would Matt really show his kid this Messageboard though? ;):chuckle:

You know what's on here :LOL:

No I know. If he did, I would very likely shame him for poor parenting.

Back in the day, when I sucked with my muse knowledge and only knew one of their songs, I thought Chris was Dom and Dom was Chris. I know, I suck. But then I had a dream where I went out in a golf cart with Muse, and the two introduced themselves by their real names... As soon as I woke up, I googled it and found out my dreams know more about Muse than the conscious part of my brain. I was scared.


I maybe over a month late in responding... but what the hey.




... :LOL:

Might be open to interpretation... but then it might not be. I just view my dreams as weird.


Certainly the appearance of both Muse and my cousin's band is joining the dots - they are called 'Hey You Crazy Kids' after that performance so I guess my smartish brain connected the two together to them actually supporting Muse.

I'm sorry I don't remember the dream I commented on :p But clearly your brain was on a roll there!

I was at Mock Trial Camp for the past week, and I was afraid the baby would be born while I was gone. I was informed that I wouldn't have any cell service, so I would be in the dark all week. Thankfully I had a little cell service, so I was able to receive text messages from bruce57 and Matt's tweets. It was kind of strange though because I just missed the baby post on Sunday before I left, but that night I dreamed that they had a son :stunned:

Yep, that was definitely the sign.

I've seen several weird Muse dreams, but strangest I think was this one:


Muse had gig in our yard, and they were leaving. There was 3 massive trucks full of weird stagestructure, and around them Muse had some press conference. There were security guards everywhere, but while I was trying to find a way to sneak there, one of them just turned and said: "You can go from here" I thanked and went to there.

They were just closing everything up, but I walked to them and asked an autograph. They all hesitate, Dom and Chris both looked to Matt. Matt took my paper, then gave it back and said: "We can't 'cause this is our last album, and houses are so expencive." Then he climb to the truck. Dom and chris looked sorry, and tap me in the back compassionately and went after Matt, and drove away.

I was complitely :stunned: and :wtf:





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Primrose Hill? *twitchy eye* :stunned:

"(Jim stops and gets out the car, goes to a house in Emperor's Gate, through the door and to his room, then he puts the TV on, turns it off and makes some tea, says Modern Life is Rubbish) You're holding on for tomorrow! (Then Susan comes into the room, she's a naughty girl with a lovely smile says let's take a drive to Primrose Hill, it's windy there and the view is so nice, London ice can freeze your toes like anyone I suppose) You're holding on for tomorrow!"

So is this Primrose Hill place actually real in England? :erm:

It's in the song lyrics I just typed out above, you see, from a Blur song.. I was just wondering if it was a real place :$

:happy: hehe yes primrose hill is in london, actually my mum grew up near there - which is why i probs dreamed about it - and my stepdad actually proposed to her there ^^

awwwww! that's a cute and funny dream!!! you're so lucky!!! :)

thanks! :happy: honestly good/funny/cute dreams are rare for me! usually their outrageously weird haha


Awwwwwwww! You see ppl?Dom isn't always the jerk;)

i agree! ;)

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OK, I had 2 Muse dreams.One, Kate and Matt drove up to my street and parked. Then they were on my neighbor's

lawn talking.Matt was wearing a pale blue sparkly suit and he had his beard/mustache combo thing. I was like ,"Oh my

God It's Matt" in my head and I walked over. I said,"Hi!" and he said hi back. Then I asked for a picture, and he just

smiled. That was the most vivid part of the dream. Then he and Kate went back to talking. Oh, and Kate was still



In the other one, I was with Dom driving a tow truck around, and we were talking. He had a set of bongos in the back

seat. Then Dom let me play the bongos. I was actually good. Then Dom and I were at this gas station in Castaic where

we met Matt, in another tow truck. I jumped in with Matt, but Dom was no where to be found. So Matt and I drove

on this freeway, and I was in the back seat, and Matt had a bongo with a green fabric top with a peacock on it. I was

playing something with two hands, then I thought I could do it with one hand, so I did. Matt said,"How do you do

that?" Then we saw Dom coming down this rocky hill on the side of the freeway,arms open wide and grinning humongously,

so we stopped and picked him up. Then we were all in this house (I knew it was a drum school) with 2 Indian girls, and we

all got bongos. Then I was on the stairs with Dom, and I showed him how well I could play, but the bongo had these

metal cords, so there wasn't much room for me to put my hands. Then my dream ended.


Feel free to interpret any or both of them.

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After Domthe jerk is Matt?No!Matt is the cute one...Maybe it's a kind of disease and it's spread on the band mates...:p


Yeah it must be a disease because in my dream Chris was the jerk which is very weird! :shifty:

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OK, I had 2 Muse dreams.One, Kate and Matt drove up to my street and parked. Then they were on my neighbor's

lawn talking.Matt was wearing a pale blue sparkly suit and he had his beard/mustache combo thing. I was like ,"Oh my

God It's Matt" in my head and I walked over. I said,"Hi!" and he said hi back. Then I asked for a picture, and he just

smiled. That was the most vivid part of the dream. Then he and Kate went back to talking. Oh, and Kate was still



In the other one, I was with Dom driving a tow truck around, and we were talking. He had a set of bongos in the back

seat. Then Dom let me play the bongos. I was actually good. Then Dom and I were at this gas station in Castaic where

we met Matt, in another tow truck. I jumped in with Matt, but Dom was no where to be found. So Matt and I drove

on this freeway, and I was in the back seat, and Matt had a bongo with a green fabric top with a peacock on it. I was

playing something with two hands, then I thought I could do it with one hand, so I did. Matt said,"How do you do

that?" Then we saw Dom coming down this rocky hill on the side of the freeway,arms open wide and grinning humongously,

so we stopped and picked him up. Then we were all in this house (I knew it was a drum school) with 2 Indian girls, and we

all got bongos. Then I was on the stairs with Dom, and I showed him how well I could play, but the bongo had these

metal cords, so there wasn't much room for me to put my hands. Then my dream ended.


Feel free to interpret any or both of them.


Hmmm, the smile is interesting. That was probably a "you-know-and-I-know" smile. That would be why he turned away without doing anything.


The other one is pretty cool, but the only thing I can think of is that you particularly noticed in some Muse song the use of percussion? :chuckle:

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They're not kidding when they (I know, who the hell is they?) say your dreams are a twisted replay of your day.

Indeed. As I'd spent most of that day watching BBC News 24 and the main stories where the phone hacking scandal and the Harry Potter premiere that probably filtered in. Not sure where the Muse part came from though.

I'm sorry I don't remember the dream I commented on :p But clearly your brain was on a roll there!

It was :LOL:


It involved seeing my cousin's band at a pub in my local town, finding out Muse and Foo Fighters were playing a surprise show at the pub-stadium down the street, a young Matt introduced me to the band's biggest fan (who he said was dead, and promptly vanished, as did the young Matt) and then halfway through Stockholm Syndrome (the song Muse were playing) Matt went off stage for a piss.

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Hmmm, the smile is interesting. That was probably a "you-know-and-I-know" smile. That would be why he turned away without doing anything.


The other one is pretty cool, but the only thing I can think of is that you particularly noticed in some Muse song the use of percussion? :chuckle:


The smile was like that! On the tow truck one, I think the drum stuff was maybe just a jam or possibly the Guiding Light drum part.

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Indeed. As I'd spent most of that day watching BBC News 24 and the main stories where the phone hacking scandal and the Harry Potter premiere that probably filtered in. Not sure where the Muse part came from though.


It was :LOL:


It involved seeing my cousin's band at a pub in my local town, finding out Muse and Foo Fighters were playing a surprise show at the pub-stadium down the street, a young Matt introduced me to the band's biggest fan (who he said was dead, and promptly vanished, as did the young Matt) and then halfway through Stockholm Syndrome (the song Muse were playing) Matt went off stage for a piss.

Oh yea, that one :p

The smile was like that! On the tow truck one, I think the drum stuff was maybe just a jam or possibly the Guiding Light drum part.


That would make sense... especially if you recently saw the clip of Dom out in the middle of a field with sheep smacking a drum :LOL:


I don't want to go too long into this one, but I had a dream that I was on a cruise vacation, and I remembered in the dream that some of my fav musicians were on vacation at this same place (it was warm with older european buildings... but I don't know where it was meant to be if anything specific). I doubted I would see any of them, but kinda got a little excited at my luck for simply landing there at that time anyway without any previous planning. I was walking along a boardwalk when a huddle of people was approaching (not directly to me) in front of me, and in the centre I saw Matt! I didn't do anything, because I just went in shock with my luck of actually seeing him! And I didn't want to bother him anyway, because I didn't know what to do and didn't want to piss him off. I suppose I didn't have a camera with me, otherwise I would have just asked for a picture and had him on his way. I realized the three other men around him, who looked normal, dressed normal, were likely body guards. I knew this for sure when I turned around and saw one walking backwards :chuckle:

Then, as I'm walking all excited down the boardwalk, I get to the end and just off of it onto a dirt path. Matt was walking quite quickly to a destination I suppose, and the person I saw next at the end was Kate, which had a little more attention around her and was getting all shy. I think I saw one photographer try to take pictures between the body guards around her, which were for whatever reason a little more spread out than they were with Matt (neither though looked uncomfortable. They weren't shoulder to shoulder with him or anything). She was walking with her son Ryder, but I don't know what Ryder looks like in reality, and I don't remember much from the dream. I think he had brown hair. That's all I know.

(So much for this not taking long... anyway!) I believe Kate was wearing white, and because I don't really remember the position of her left hand, I think she may have been carrying Bingham all wrapped in a white blanket in that arm.

After that I was, duh, really shocked, and sort of kid to myself "haha! Now all I need to do is see Chris". Well, yea, he walked by when I was touring a street, and I think I did say "Hi Chris!", to which he smiled back. I kept walking anyway, so he wasn't rude when he simply smiled to me and kept walking.

That was the Muse-y part of it. The other part involves a much more unique encounter with Thom Yorke and after that part, it all went down hill. Oh, except I saw an entrance to Wembley and I got all excited to see, so I opened the door (it was like a performers entrance or something) and it was this tiny theatre! I reasoned that they had the rest closed off :wtf:

But after that it all ended in an Armageddon chase scene where I was being tracked by my cell phone. Yay :rolleyes:

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Oh yea, that one :p



That would make sense... especially if you recently saw the clip of Dom out in the middle of a field with sheep smacking a drum :LOL:


No, I did not. Anyway, brand new short Muse dream! I was next to Dom talking to Chris in Albert Hall,and it was packed. But there was like a giant boat in the crowd and like a tray next to it.:p Dom was saying,"It's like, 30 to 60 feet,right,yeah, in Pasadena." And the boat looked like my boat but larger. And I was thinking, "It's 25 feet." That's the length of my boat. Yeah, that was a really weird dream.:stunned:

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I had an awesome Musey dream last night!

There was this important meeting in my neighbour's house and there were loads of bodyguards escorting people in and two of them were with Matt! :eek: So I waited for him to come back out and when he did he drove across our drive way in a black Mercedes so he didn't have to walk to get to his own car :LOL: Anyway, once he had got out, I called out of my window for him and asked if I could come down and have a chat - he said yes and so I met him in our drive way, I was trying to control myself but ended up huggung him anyway. I asked him about Kate and the baby and he said that they were both strong and healthy and said that he was really happy, then we just kinda went for a long walk and then it ended. :(

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I had the weirdest Muse dream last night.OK, me and the band were in this bathroom stall.There was music playing and Matt said that he wished Bliss was playing, and then it came on! But here's the weird part: Then he and Chris started throwing up!:vomit: So we all went out of the stall and Matt and Chris continued throwing up, and Dom and I just watched them. Then it ended. Yeah, not the best dream I could of had!

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I had the weirdest Muse dream last night.OK, me and the band were in this bathroom stall.There was music playing and Matt said that he wished Bliss was playing, and then it came on! But here's the weird part: Then he and Chris started throwing up!:vomit: So we all went out of the stall and Matt and Chris continued throwing up, and Dom and I just watched them. Then it ended. Yeah, not the best dream I could of had!


A bathroom stall you say? made me instantly think of Muscle Museum 'played in every toilet' :LOL: So i wondered why you thought of Bliss (although a fave of mine :happy:)

but, yeah ...bizzare :$

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A while ago I had a dream I was at Chris's house (not that I know what it looks like, but none the less it was weird). His kids were all roughly the same age for some reason, and they were taking me for a tour around the place. I remember one part where we all stopped on a set of stairs in the house and they'd always complain that something was wrong with the house. Then they started complaining about their parents! :erm:


Also, one of his kids was black.

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I dreamed last night that I was at Reading, the show was great, during Megalomania a load of bouncy balls were released into the crowd, and everyone ran off chasing them, so I got to go up on stage as everyone had left, met Matt, he was a top bloke, I got a photo with him and all that jazz, and then I woke up, realising I don't have a ticket to Reading. FML! :LOL:

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I dreamed last night that I was at Reading, the show was great, during Megalomania a load of bouncy balls were released into the crowd, and everyone ran off chasing them, so I got to go up on stage as everyone had left, met Matt, he was a top bloke, I got a photo with him and all that jazz, and then I woke up, realising I don't have a ticket to Reading. FML! :LOL:


Muse were playing Megalomania and everyone left???!:eek:

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Hey, what can I say, some people just don't get it, right? :rolleyes:


It was at the end of the song though with all the falsetto craziness so the song was still finished and then I went up on stage after as that was the end of the show. Shame I won't have that experience for real though! :chuckle:

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I had an awesome Musey dream last night!

There was this important meeting in my neighbour's house and there were loads of bodyguards escorting people in and two of them were with Matt! :eek: So I waited for him to come back out and when he did he drove across our drive way in a black Mercedes so he didn't have to walk to get to his own car :LOL: Anyway, once he had got out, I called out of my window for him and asked if I could come down and have a chat - he said yes and so I met him in our drive way, I was trying to control myself but ended up huggung him anyway. I asked him about Kate and the baby and he said that they were both strong and healthy and said that he was really happy, then we just kinda went for a long walk and then it ended. :(


Someone's let the fame get to his head... :p

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I had a dream last night that I was just walking around Le Stadium Olympique (the Olympic Stadium in Montreal), and I saw a huge (HUGE) line in the back (which is strange, considering that I went last week and the actual stadium part hasn't used since Pink Floyd's pig tour...so it looked like a set straight out of Resident Evil). Everyone was wearing Muse shirts and stuff, so naturally I snuck in...(too easy). It turns out I actually snuck in through the VIP entrance, and not the side, as I had thought. So, naturally, I ran smack into Matt. I just stood there, in my triangle-protest shirt (which I don't have in real life), with my iTouch in my hand (which I DO have), trying to put on Sunburn. We both just stood there, just trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Then he took my iPod and snapped a picture. (Right when he was using my Glow Draw app to sign the picture, my cat started slapping my face to get me to wake up and feed her her snack...dang it...)


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