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But it all sounds the same. Bliss, SS, Shine, TaB it's so dull and annoying. It's not a staple, it's just plain overused. It's a generic Muse filler sound they shove in when a song is lacking something. It was good in Bliss and TaB as what carried the songs but they shove it in anything so it isn't a feature any more, it is just a cliché.


And what's worse is that they even use pretty much the same effect on all of them. It's a really irritating siren of a sound, almost like an alarm. I wish they would bother to explore more synthesised sounds because it is becoming stagnant.


perhaps :shifty:

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I didn't understand any of that. But what do you expect from a 14 year old, hm?
Let me try a different way then, people don't like this song because they just don't like it. It has nothing to do with it being on Twilight OST.
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Guest hysteriaaah

On my first go, i cringed....and then i started cracking up coz' i thought it sounded hilarious:LOL: And then i thought it sounded like guiding light + USOE + I belong to you, all mixed up in one.

Then i heard the interview and that was heartbreaking. Imagine how difficult it must be, just hearing about it is hard enough for me:(


Anyway, its not my cup of tea and its probably 'down there' in regards to muse songs but its one song for one movie. I like what Zane Lowe said before the song and interview, that whatever your reservations are about the movie, if its inspired another art form, then it must be a good thing(or something like that). I was actually very pissed that it was on the soundtrack but im actually over it now that its actually out.


Also, although Matt said he was thinking about putting it on the next album or something, their next album is yonks away and when has one muse album ever sounded like the other?This one definitely sounded like it could be on the Resistance. They always write songs and then never end up putting them on albums so im not really worried.

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To be honest, to me it looks more like a "Did we really just record this shit?" face.


Nah, they wouldn't have sent it. Chris is a big softie.:) I get his reaction totally. I think the song is rather more touching because it is cheesy, that's difficult to explain but if it had involved a search for clever lyrics, I don't think it would have been so heartfelt. I think it's just something Matt wanted to get out there in some form or another. As it is, it's kind of raw with all the different styles in there as well, but it's rather lovely as well as being fun and emotive.


Actually I'm going to add, I think maybe it's considered cheesy because people are embarrassed by expressions of love. In fact this song is not that cheesy.

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Does anyone else think that Matt had been on the ouji board before writing this and although its his words it is absolutely Freddie coming through....??? Matt is channelling Freddie a lot lately.


My hubby (who really isn't any kind of Muse fan in the slightest) was listening and he said who is this, is it Queen... sounds like queen in 1974.


My reaction..... :facepalm:


That said I do really love this, and I accept that I am in the significant minority.

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Does anyone else think that Matt had been on the ouji board before writing this and although its his words it is absolutely Freddie coming through....??? Matt is channelling Freddie a lot lately.


My hubby (who really isn't any kind of Muse fan in the slightest) was listening and he said who is this, is it Queen... sounds like queen in 1974.


My reaction..... :facepalm:


That said I do really love this, and I accept that I am in the significant minority.


from what I read, WE are not such a minority :)


ps. My hubby's reaction was very similar ;)

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Does anyone else think that Matt had been on the ouji board before writing this and although its his words it is absolutely Freddie coming through....??? Matt is channelling Freddie a lot lately.


My hubby (who really isn't any kind of Muse fan in the slightest) was listening and he said who is this, is it Queen... sounds like queen in 1974.


My reaction..... :facepalm:


That said I do really love this, and I accept that I am in the significant minority.


No I don't think you are. I've seen a lot of positive comments.:) More than I would have expected on this board tbh for a song like this.

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But it all sounds the same. Bliss, SS, Shine, TaB it's so dull and annoying. It's not a staple, it's just plain overused. It's a generic Muse filler sound they shove in when a song is lacking something. It was good in Bliss and TaB as what carried the songs but they shove it in anything so it isn't a feature any more, it is just a cliché.


And what's worse is that they even use pretty much the same effect on all of them. It's a really irritating siren of a sound, almost like an alarm. I wish they would bother to explore more synthesised sounds because it is becoming stagnant.


So what if they use it all the time? Its a sound that defines them as being muse. Any other band that uses that sound these days gets called a muse copy cat.


Also how is it any different to using Guitar Distortion in every song? Its an instrument, just because there are like 100,000,000 different synth patches out there doesn't mean they can't use just the one. I don't go onto stage with 100 different distortion pedals

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Guest hysteriaaah
No I don't think you are. I've seen a lot of positive comments.:) More than I would have expected on this board tbh for a song like this.


Yeah, im quite surprised that theres quite a few people that like it. I thought everyone was gonna say it was shite. I think its coz' despite the twilight hooplah and the band being in that stage where they're getting very very big, the fans are being pretty open minded(compared to others) so they're judging without reservations; either they love it because they think its a good song, or hate it because they just think its just bad music.:D

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Well I listened to it again just now for the first time this morning without really concentrating of the lyrics, while knowing what they mean, and I think it's beautiful, and anthemic. I can imagine it being performed at some really important event. It's celebratory, passionate as well as sad.

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I can't decide.


I actually like some of Muse's more pop orientated stuff; I'm a big fan of Starlight, Uprising et al although Origin and Absolution are clearly where it's at in terms of their best work.


NSC's lyrics are rubbish, although I like the little synth sound in the second verse and I guess the hook isn't bad.

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I actually really like it, the verse progression is really uplifting :happy:


Although it is like Knights of Cydonia shagged Guiding light and Invincibe.


Oh you just cracked me up! Thats brilliant!

I love the way the song gets more intense (just like a musical) and yes, the lyrics are obvious and cheesey, but I do like the section about doctorines... and does that matter really?

I think people were bound to be prejediced against this song because of the twitlight business (which I hate), but I think certain musers are determined NOT to like this song, despite its awesomeness.

Ok, its not Citizen Erased, but we never asked it to be! Its a bit of a laugh, with ridiculously passionate singing and a stunning piano part (sheet music please!!)

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Am going to post what I've just posted on my facebook:)



Oh dear. Oh deary, deary me. It's got me! The cheesey song!


Listened to it in my car (which has got a bangingly good sound system) numerous times this morning and I now love it!


If you aren't someone who takes themselves (or life) too seriously (and I'm truly not) and aren't seeing this song as a personal attack on your musical tastes then it is actually a very fun song (yes, yes, it's supposed to be sad but it makes me smile as it happens :p:p) and I can see this being a great one for singing along to at gigs (with simultaneous cheese-waving, of course!)!


Those who take themselves too seriously won't be able to view it this way though ;)

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So what if they use it all the time? Its a sound that defines them as being muse. Any other band that uses that sound these days gets called a muse copy cat.


Also how is it any different to using Guitar Distortion in every song? Its an instrument, just because there are like 100,000,000 different synth patches out there doesn't mean they can't use just the one. I don't go onto stage with 100 different distortion pedals


It all sounds the same. And exactly, it's so overused it's stereotyped them! For a defining sound it's pretty lame, the same-sound rising/falling arpeggio all the time. The difference between synths and pedals is you can prerecord as many synth backing tracks as you like and it doesn't require any extra stuff on stage.

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