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How muse saved my life


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Hey everyone well it's been a long time and im going to see them again in quebec city and i think its about time i explain to all those who say "why is Muse so amazing" ill tell you


P.S get ready for a landslide.


When i was 8 years old my parents got divorced and i lost 12 thats right 12 very close people to me aunts, uncles, and most of all my grandparents :( i suffered for years now anyone who lives in ontario canada knows muse is never on the radio.


One day i just had enough im sorry for all you haters out there but life was to harsh to bare... I set aside a bottle of pills one morning and about a quart of rum and i set of to highschool (grade 12) and i told all my teachers i was going on vacation to california when really i was going to go home and kill myself... Then i walked into my last classroom but i had to wait for my teacher to finish her class before i could tell her. THEN at that moment Invincible came on the radio and i was approached by the most amazing girl ive ever seen and she asked me to help her for a second this was on april 23rd 2009 and we became connected it was amazing and no word of a lie as she said will you help me with my project Muse sang "Together We're invincible" ......


Folks... That girl and muse has kept me alive for a whole year as of April 26th 2010


Why is Muse amazing?


Muse is amazinf because they gave people who lost hope.. hope again and their lyrics speak to us in ways other bands dont.


I dont know any of you people but i know we matter because of Muse we all love the band and because of that we are united :)


You may be gangster, prep, goth, emo, doesnt matter because we care about the same thing and THAT is what matters.


So to everyone on the forum THANK YOU because i want you to know YOU TOO just by taking part in loving this band saved my life take care everyone.


Thank you,

Mike Weishar

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That's incredible. I'm so glad that you were determined to stay on this earth after hearing Muse. They save lives a lot, whether from physical or mental destruction, and both sometimes. I was saved from a town that is filled with all kinds of evil and danger, and I escaped from my dark thoughts into a world of dark music in which I could indulge in. I'm so glad that I picked up that first copy of Absolution....it saved my life though in different ways. :happy:

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That's a very touching story, thanks for sharing. :happy:


Thanks everyone I never really talk to anyone and this response was incredible i appreciate all you people its weird because Muselive.com Locked the topic due to the possability of spam.... whatever you guys are the ones i wanted to reach and im glad i did. The nice people in this world dont get enough Thanks if ya know what i mean so thank you.... you people deserve it

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That's really nice to hear. I'm going through a really hard time (not nearly as hard as yours mind you) and muse is keeping me sane and I appreciate hearing what they've done for other peoples lives

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that's a wonderful story, i'm glad you're still here to share it :happy:. We're all here to talk to if you're feeling down ever again!


And you're right about the effect of muse, or just anything that we truly love. Last night I was so stressed about some things that I had to step out of my house and start dry heaving into the bushes. But then I realized health is more important than anything that could worry me, so I was able to go back inside and fall asleep listening to Blackout... :happy:

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Wow, that's amazing. Thanks for sharing your story. :)


I've been struggling for the past year about finding who I really am, dealing with issues that have caused me a lot of stress and pain. I found that the only thing that kept me alive through every single day was Muse. They truly are life savers.

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That's awesome that bands can save people's lives. I'm so glad you didn't go through with killing yourself.



The only thing Muse has helped me with for the moment is getting third chair out of 15 clarinets in a band. I was super nervous, and New Born calmed me enough to ace the chair test. May not sound that important, but it made me feel really good.

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I believe muse has helped us all one way or the other. I know they helped me live..i get scared and embarassed when my music gets loud on my ipod but when muse is on..Nope i just blast that shiz. Muse is incredible in so many ways i can not desribe.

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My wife has a somewhat similar story about Muse. She has been on some pretty serious painkillers, fentanyl and oxycodone, the last few years due to a couple of car wrecks. I know you've all probably heard of oxy, but the for those of you wondering, fentanyl is a pain patch that is about 80 times more powerful than morphine alone. She was at the next to highest dosage of fentanyl and at about 30mg of oxy a day when her doctor decided to completely yank her off of them practically cold turkey. She went through some absolutely horrible withdrawals. If you wonder what she went through, watch Trainspotting and fast-forward to when Ewen MacGregor is going through his heroin withdrawals. Then think about the fact that fentanyl is more powerful than heroin. (She did have hallucinations, but luckily there were no dead babies crawling across the ceiling at her) The only thing that would calm her down enough at night so she could sleep was Muse. So I am fully convinced that Muse probably saved her from doing something horrible to herself to escape her withdrawals. Thank you very much for sharing your story, and thank you Muse for providing a Guiding Light to all of us in shadow.

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