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Ah I get it :) Genre doesn't matter to me either, I just prefer some songs to others but I fall down sometimes and just generalize the ones I don't like as "pop" which is wrong :chuckle: I don't go into the Muse rock or pop argument, I just think they are Muse and play all sorts of different styles, some which I like, some which I don't


And that is exactly right:)

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It makes me so sad the way they've changed so much. I miss their old sound. I miss the constant riffage. I miss Matt's high, angsty emotional voice. I miss stuff like New Born, Showbiz and Stockholm Syndrome. EVEN if they could just go back to something similar to the BH&R era, because at least it's interesting..It would make me so happy. But it would be good to have something completely different in the next album, too- Just not so mainstream! And I admit it, I've had it with the classical. It's not the Muse I fell in love with. Sigh..

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This. I was listening to NSC, and I realised that I don't really like Muse any more, at least not like I used to. It makes me sad.


+ 1 :noey:


I don't even want to keep collecting their stuff now! /offtopic


But yes, NSC was a big turn-off :(

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All I've seen is people going, "I hate Muse now, this is the end of them, they're going to go all pop on their next album and it will be gross because it's not OoS 2," or something like that.


That's the half that care Too much/are OTT that I was referring to ;). There are those that are simply bored of the 'new' Muse and their see-sawing musical styles, so they've resorted to going 'meh' until something not-so-cheesy comes along, to which they'll go 'ooh, not bad...ish'. lol. People claiming that Muse have died a horrible death and have joined the Meyer Temple of Worship simply cos they've released a few poppier songs lately, are just 'special'... in the most patronising/degrading way possible :LOL:.


Admittedly I'm not a fan of cheesy Muse, but I don't think 'this is the end', to quote tons of people on here, lol. Especially on the basis of one song. Or even based on the latest album. Yes, TR was a softer album, but it was also clearly trying to embrace as many musical styles as it could... the next one might have a bit more direction to it, and not necessarily going down Pop Avenue. :p

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It took me a long time to decide whether not to post, because I'm relatively new and still trying to feel my way around here, but I wanted to share my opinion anyway.


My "controversial" opinion is that Muse needs to take a break. *runs, hides, and waits for explosions*


I don't mean a lifelong break, I just mean...a break. They need the chance to be Matt, Dom, and Chris--not Muse--for awhile. As a band, they've been together for more than a decade. They've released multiple albums and have played hundreds of gigs on at least 5 continents. But...they need to just take a (very well deserved) break.


Chris has a growing family, and he deserves the chance to spend more time with them than he now gets. And Matt and Dom need the chance to start families, which is probably so hard for them to do since they never seem to sit still for longer than 5 minutes. Matt and Dom both look exhausted in interviews and I've seen multiple comments about how thin Matt has looked recently.


A break would be a great chance for them to rest, recharge, and look towards making that sixth album we're all anticipating.

Edited by hoosier_muser
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That's the half that care Too much/are OTT that I was referring to ;). There are those that are simply bored of the 'new' Muse and their see-sawing musical styles, so they've resorted to going 'meh' until something not-so-cheesy comes along, to which they'll go 'ooh, not bad...ish'. lol. People claiming that Muse have died a horrible death and have joined the Meyer Temple of Worship simply cos they've released a few poppier songs lately, are just 'special'... in the most patronising/degrading way possible :LOL:.

Admittedly I'm not a fan of cheesy Muse, but I don't think 'this is the end', to quote tons of people on here, lol. Especially on the basis of one song. Or even based on the latest album. Yes, TR was a softer album, but it was also clearly trying to embrace as many musical styles as it could... the next one might have a bit more direction to it, and not necessarily going down Pop Avenue. :p


Exactly THIS.

And I also agree that people (the haters especially) are just exaggerating and giving it too much thought as opposed to just chill and stop hating so much, because they can do nothing about the musical direction Muse is going to take. You like the new stuff - fine, you don't like it- fine too; all the hating and moaning are not necessary, because they will not change anything, really.

And I don't really get all this hate towards the NSC and TR album, really, it's just a bit harsh.

Like I said before, we'll see what Muse gonna do next and we can only wish it will be awesome, but we cannot expect to get another OoS or Showbiz - those times are over.

Still, all the haters should chill out a bit and let Muse do what they want *runs away screaming* :p

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I agree with all of this page so far, especially Izzy and HCM. Also, I agree that Muse should maybe take a break for their own good. I feel selfish saying that I dont want them to go on a break, but it would probably be for the best.

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I agree with all of this page so far, especially Izzy and HCM. Also, I agree that Muse should maybe take a break for their own good. I feel selfish saying that I dont want them to go on a break, but it would probably be for the best.



And yes, the break would probably be good for them, but I don't think they can do it now - too much touring ahead.

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Guest xoxoxo
That's the half that care Too much/are OTT that I was referring to ;). There are those that are simply bored of the 'new' Muse and their see-sawing musical styles, so they've resorted to going 'meh' until something not-so-cheesy comes along, to which they'll go 'ooh, not bad...ish'. lol. People claiming that Muse have died a horrible death and have joined the Meyer Temple of Worship simply cos they've released a few poppier songs lately, are just 'special'... in the most patronising/degrading way possible :LOL:.


Admittedly I'm not a fan of cheesy Muse, but I don't think 'this is the end', to quote tons of people on here, lol. Especially on the basis of one song. Or even based on the latest album. Yes, TR was a softer album, but it was also clearly trying to embrace as many musical styles as it could... the next one might have a bit more direction to it, and not necessarily going down Pop Avenue. :p


Of course Muse are going pop. MONIESSSS :LOL:

My opinion is based on their last two albums, and their singles. I don't think Muse will ever be as good as what they were, but that is just my personal opinion as my music taste doesn't stretch to what Muse have created in the last few years! You can't say that just because people don't like new Muse and the direction they are going in they are "special." And I don't want another OoS or Absolution, because that would just be pointless and boring, and because of that, I know that no matter what Muse do now, I probably won't like it, as I haven't liked the majority of the new material, and they have developed in a way that I don't really rate.


Also, this is a thread of controversial opinions, so if anyone else complains about the apparent "hate" for Muse, they are probably in the wrong place. Just saying...

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TR could've been their best album if:


- Uprising would have a bass or guitar solo. It builds up for about 4 minutes and the climax is just way too short.

- the flow between Resistance and UD wouldn't be that bad.

- GL would've been left off the album.

- there would've been a catchy bassline in at least two songs.

- MCSATV would've left off the album.

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How did Absolution genre hop?


Apocalyptic rock song

Apocalyptic pop song

Apocalyptic pop ballad

Apocalyptic heavy rock song

Shmultzy forgettable song

Apocalyptic rock song

Apocalyptic slow song

Apocalyptic rock song

Rock song

Rock song

Slow Song

Apocalyptic Slow Song


God, I loved Muse then. :LOL:

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