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I've just noticed I've been dealing with every kind of stereotype since I was 12 years old at the latest, and I'm really sick of it.


Can't wait to see what stereotypes are around at 15. :rolleyes:


none. 15 is a good age. hah!...actually being a freshman is kinda sucking

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I've just noticed I've been dealing with every kind of stereotype since I was 12 years old at the latest, and I'm really sick of it.


Can't wait to see what stereotypes are around at 15. :rolleyes:


You'll become an emobitch, listening to MCR and Evanescence. :p Jk, jk, I don't know what you're like, so I can't say what stereotypes people will assume for you, except for "annoying high schooler," which is pretty universal. :LOL:

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You'll become an emobitch, listening to MCR and Evanescence. :p Jk, jk, I don't know what you're like, so I can't say what stereotypes people will assume for you, except for "annoying high schooler," which is pretty universal. :LOL:


Yay everything I like is shit and etc.


Well I'm just talking about an overall age stereotype, which seems to happen with 14 year old girls and Twilight.


Anyways, we're supposed to be thinking of Muse questions?

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Can we NOT use the age stereotypes for once?


I saw a 40 year old woman in the hair dressers on Tuesday reading Eclipse. :LOL:


ask him what is perfect girlfriend is (looks) they never showed him on the musewiki....or why chris hasnt realeased a single yet...or dom lol


No personal questions.

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19. How does Dom feel being the one who can't sing in tune?


20. Who came up with the brilliant idea to switch places on that Italian sports show? Did anyone ever notice who was there? :LOL:


21. Matt, since you only have like 3 outfits on this tour i.e. the teal pants, the pink pants, the discoball suit, etc. does that mean you have an entire closet full of the same outfits and you throw them away after you use them like your stinky socks or that you just really don't own very many clothes? :LOL:


22. When you used to dye your hair crazy colors, which one did you end up liking the most? And has there ever been a particular outfit you wore to a gig that you feel was simply the best?



I dunno, I feel like I can go on forever with questions, haha. :p

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19. How does Dom feel being the one who can't sing in tune?


20. Who came up with the brilliant idea to switch places on that Italian sports show? Did anyone ever notice who was there? :LOL:


21. Matt, since you only have like 3 outfits on this tour i.e. the teal pants, the pink pants, the discoball suit, etc. does that mean you have entire closet full of the same outfits and you throw them away after you use them like your stinky socks or that you just really don't own very many clothes? :LOL:


22. When you used to dye your hair crazy colors, which one did you end up liking the most? And has there ever been a particular outfit you wore to a gig that you feel was simply the best?



I dunno, I feel like I can go on forever with questions, haha. :p


he needs to dye his hair blue again..


he should be told :p

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Some of mine have been mentioned already, so I'd like to add some +1's to help you decide the order of importance. Maybe we can get a master list and we can vote.


The question in my video, btw, was "The fans have made it obvious that there is a most and least favorite song on this album. How accurate were you at predicting which songs those would be?


Okay, now for my +1's:


What was the thinking behind the summer setlist polls? Do you think you'll let US fans do this in the fall, too?

* This was one of my runner-up questions, but I'd have added "If this is successful, would you consider doing it again? Would you welcome fan participation in, say, choosing tracks for an album? How would you handle things if the fans came to expect to have too much control? * - A.C.


Who is it singing in Exogenesis Salvation?


Why the bears in the Uprising video? Does it have anything to do with the fact that fans give you so many teddy bears as gifts?


Are you prepared to sing I Belong to You at the French gigs including the French lyrics? Because the polls are demanding it.


Do you ever get starstuck anymore, or have you been in this industry long enough that it just doesn't matter anymore?

* I think they were once asked this, but have/would they ever wait in line for tickets for any act, or see a band more than 5 times?* -A.C.


What goes through your mind the minute you destroy a 4000 Manson guitar?

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19. How does Dom feel being the one who can't sing in tune?


20. Who came up with the brilliant idea to switch places on that Italian sports show? Did anyone ever notice who was there? :LOL:


21. Matt, since you only have like 3 outfits on this tour i.e. the teal pants, the pink pants, the discoball suit, etc. does that mean you have entire closet full of the same outfits and you throw them away after you use them like your stinky socks or that you just really don't own very many clothes? :LOL:


22. When you used to dye your hair crazy colors, which one did you end up liking the most? And has there ever been a particular outfit you wore to a gig that you feel was simply the best?



I dunno, I feel like I can go on forever with questions, haha. :p


i know! so many questions! i wud ask him if i could go back to the hotel and bore him all night with my crazed fan questionaire! i actually just really want one of my questions to be asked to inpact the band in some minute way

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19. How does Dom feel being the one who can't sing in tune?


20. Who came up with the brilliant idea to switch places on that Italian sports show? Did anyone ever notice who was there? :LOL:


21. Matt, since you only have like 3 outfits on this tour i.e. the teal pants, the pink pants, the discoball suit, etc. does that mean you have an entire closet full of the same outfits and you throw them away after you use them like your stinky socks or that you just really don't own very many clothes? :LOL:


22. When you used to dye your hair crazy colors, which one did you end up liking the most? And has there ever been a particular outfit you wore to a gig that you feel was simply the best?



I dunno, I feel like I can go on forever with questions, haha. :p

All of these are amazing. 19. especially I always wanted to know how Dom felt being shit at singing.

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I saw a 40 year old woman in the hair dressers on Tuesday reading Eclipse. :LOL:

Yeah there is the whole 'twilight mum' thing. I mean, even a guy in my class read them to see what all the hype was about. But he 'hated the chick's constant whingeing.' :chuckle:

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heyyy, congratulations, I'm so excited for you!


Some ideas for questions:


- Are you aware that your fans have discussions about you playing live in their toilets?


- If there was a Muse Museum, what is the one item that you would insist should be in it? Besides musical instruments, moustaches and wax figures dressed in candy coloured pants, of course.


- What's going to happen with those column platforms after your Resistance tour ends? Backyard sculptures?


- I used to mash the names of the Radiohead members and use those as my IRC nicks... lingre, omyo, edob, ilse, and nygre. Which means for muse, the names would be ewbell, ichow and iswol.


Ok, that last one was a bit nutty, but I'm running out of ideas :)


Have fun and of course, give them regards from this crazy, crazy board.

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hahah we are.

we really really are.

Seriously, ask them to announce their dates for here. :p

We are all melting into puddles of neglect D: (BDO doesn't count :phu:)



19. How does Dom feel being the one who can't sing in tune?


Was it Dom who taught Matt his first chord on guitar?

If it is you should ask if he can play, and if we'll ever see a solo album... ;)

...we all know he's got the voice for it!

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I think agenthal is thinking of pretty good questions.


-Have you have seen a girl that reminded you of the song "Baby Got Back"?


I think this one is quite funny :ninja:



That was YOU? :LOL: Just kidding. Well, I did get my hair cut on Tuesday, I'm 40 and I've read Eclipse. It was just mindless entertainment. Don't judge me! :fear:


I read it too so when I criticized it I could say i've read them and still think they're shit!

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