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Sorry if this had been posted already, I was just really excited about it. I'm a huge Who fan, and as I was watching the DVD of Season 2..Doctor Who confidential..the background music was Feeling Good... just thought I'd mention it 1) in case any of you were also Who fans and 2) so you could listen for it if you had the DVD...



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Dr Who confidential is almost a sneaky ad for Muse songs :happy: If you go on the official Dr Who site, there's a music list for every episode, so to save you some time looking... (as well as Feeling Good):


Series 2 Ep. 13



Series 3. Ep. 13




Supermassive Black Hole





Ep. 9

Take a bow


Ep. 8



Ep. 7



Someone has good music taste :D

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Live Acoustic version of Muscle Museum played in a café in Montmartre, Paris... not sure if it was a strange radio station or someone who worked there just had plain great taste in music, but I nearly got chucked out for singing very loudly! :LOL:


(also, Starlight was played between acts on last Sunday at V in Weston Park, think it was before Kanye West... this also ensued some very loud singing on my part, plus me briefly befriending a Muser :D)

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at work lately :)


i 've been in the video department so much. i work in this huge grocery store. we've watched all the kids movies, and the lame kids i work with always put in like franklin the turtle or something like that. but i sometimes bring in the absolution tour dvd and the hulaballoo concert dvd and just watch them. apparently, it annoys the hell out of people... but no one's actually went and complained...yet...but it's so awesome to actually enjoy work for about an hour.

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As soon as i click on the Muse Board Assasin comes on the tv, something with cars in it :erm:


Oh and Today at one of the workshop things at school, I managed to convice the guy to put BH&R on! It was a vote between that, The View and Now 66:stunned: The latter won the vote but he refused to put it on so Muse won by default:D Although he skipped TaB and went straight to Starlight:stunned: And then he turned it off... the nerve of some people...

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