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I also find myself oddly liking Aftermath. It's probably their best "mellow" mid-album track that breaks up the action alongside Falling Down.


Speaking of wasted potential the biggest let down was easily the closing track. I'm not sure what they were smoking there. That feels like it should have been something entirely different and if anything it makes me consider The Globalist as the real closer.


I agree with Aftermath :D but also, Drones is beautiful

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I got overexcited when Dead Inside came out, and ordered the "box" set on the website here.

Tried to cancel it a few times, but they ignored me. :chuckle: Oh well.


Not real keen on the fact that there's no separate CD cases, in the event I wanted to, you know, BRING the CDs anywhere.


Plus I can't see myself buying a new player just for the vinyl.


Essentially wasted a good deal of money here. :erm:


Which prints did you get? If anything other than "Globalist" & "Drones" do you have interest in parting with them?

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I just thought about an album which would consist of the best Muse b-sides in my opinion.


The album is called Futurism.



The Groove

Crying Shame

In Your World

Eternally Missed



Spiral Static

Dead Star


What would you say about such an album? Would you rate it higher than Drones? :)

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The album is called Futurism.



The Groove

Crying Shame

In Your World

Eternally Missed



Spiral Static

Dead Star


This is basically the sex. I personally would also stick Glorious and Do We Need This instead of the Groove and Shine, and put The Gallery and Shrinking Universe in there but yeah it would make a good album :)


EDIT: but keeping it on topic, Drones fucking rules

Edited by Citizen Erased #01
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This is basically the sex. I personally would also stick Glorious and Do We Need This instead of the Groove and Shine, and put The Gallery and Shrinking Universe in there but yeah it would make a good album :)


I don't treat Glorious as a b-side. But surely it must make it to the above-mentioned album! Glorious is one of my favorite songs ever.

The Gallery could be a wonderful opener that would create the mystical atmosphere for Futurism. And Do We Need This - I forgot about it, my fault :)

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I don't treat Glorious as a b-side. But surely it must make it to the above-mentioned album! Glorious is one of my favorite songs ever.

The Gallery could be a wonderful opener that would create the mystical atmosphere for Futurism. And Do We Need This - I forgot about it, my fault :)


ooh yeah, Glorious is an A-side with Invincible or something, am I right? can't remember tbh. Gallery at the end for me, perfect end to an album :)

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ooh yeah, Glorious is an A-side with Invincible or something, am I right? can't remember tbh. Gallery at the end for me, perfect end to an album :)


It was part of the Japanese edition of BH&R.

So as not to be absolutely off-topic, I'm curious how The Globalist will be played live. Must be tricky to handle all those instrumental transitions :)

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Matt says Psycho was originally two and a half minutes but Mutt made them stretch it out. :noey:


Every new bit I hear about that guy's influence really makes it seem like he ruined the album.


I wouldn't go so far as to say he ruined the album, but it's certainly a concern that so much of the things I didn't care for as much have been attributed to him directly.

Except Aftermath; I really do like that song. Explains why Mutt sings on it, though.

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I just thought about an album which would consist of the best Muse b-sides in my opinion.


The album is called Futurism.



The Groove

Crying Shame

In Your World

Eternally Missed



Spiral Static

Dead Star


What would you say about such an album? Would you rate it higher than Drones? :)


Already a thread for that, iirc. In Your World and Dead Star are both singles btw (and IYW is shit, but that's beside the point).


I wouldn't rate that list of songs as better than Drones. However, you probably could make a b-sides album that was better.

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Some fun bits from the XFM interview (I'm loosely paraphrasing the quotes because I've only been able to listen to it once):


- Matt apparently envisions the album's protagonist as a female.

- They wrote and rehearsed the songs in Matt's basement and recorded demos before bringing them to Mutt.

- They met Mutt randomly while in Switzerland. Matt mentions he was surprised by how much he was into the concept. It was Mutt who insisted they kept a narrative order in the songs, instead of just writing songs related to the theme.

- They might consider playing the entire album live in order. "We've rehearsed all the tracks at least once".

- Reapers was intended to capture their live sound. It's Dom's favorite track together with The Handler. Matt: "I threw the word 'babe' in there to throw people off" :LOL:

- Matt on The Handler: "production-wise it sounds a lot like our second and third albums".

- They recorded Defector three times at slightly different tempos because they wanted to get "just the right amount of sleaze". They also call it a "throwback to the 90s" and influenced by grunge.

- Revolt was intended by Matt to sound like a Broadway number. Originally it was written for piano.

- Aftermath originally sounded more like a bluesy jam, but Matt allowed Mutt a lot of creative influence in this track, resulting in a song that is more "spacey" and "like a cheesy ballad, which is not really my domain" :LOL:

- The three parts of The Globalist were recorded seperately over the course of three days. Also, the track was originally called "The British Empire".

- Drones was based on a piece by Palestrina, a composer long admired by Matt because his music was groundbreaking, especially for hsi time. He likes a lot of music that is centuries old because it "helps you connect to people who are long dead".

Other fun Matt quote about the last track: "it's a bit edgy, but I think we got away with it" :LOL:

Edited by MalvaBlanco
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I got those two, actually, otherwise I would. :)


At least Drones is one of the good ones!


Ahhhh ok. I was thinking of trying to get a full set if I can, but it'll prob be tough considering the cost of the deluxe.


But if anyone (in the US) wants to part I'll gladly throw some cash your way.

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