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the presence of Muse themselves should be enough


It really, really pisses me off when people say shit like this. By your logic, we should be happy to shell out very large amounts of money just to have muse stand on the fucking stage.


I mean hey, cmon guys, who cares if muse dont play a single fucking song, as long as we're in their presence! amirtie!?!?!?

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Don't often post, but I've been a fan for a while but have only seen them live twice- at the Arsenal football stadium on the last tour


So for me the setlist works, but I appreciate that those who've seen them dozens of times probably won't be as keen as I will be to hear SMBH or KoC in a few weeks time-

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Don't often post, but I've been a fan for a while but have only seen them live twice- at the Arsenal football stadium on the last tour


So for me the setlist works, but I appreciate that those who've seen them dozens of times probably won't be as keen as I will be to hear SMBH or KoC in a few weeks time-


Doesn't it get old for you though? Over half of the setlist, you'll have heard twice already.

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For me, I'm not bothered if I've seen every song in the set before as long as they're at least mostly good and I feel like I've seen an exciting show that was worth paying for. Last night's set would've been the exact opposite of that.


If you like whatever they do, that's fine, but they know they're letting down and alienating a lot of other people with massively one-sided sets like that. For a band that was going on about wanting to go back to being a real hard rock band just a few months ago, the alienation should be going completely the other way if anything.

Edited by Jobby
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Changing the subject a bit, i don't know how this works in other places but in Madrid the second show wasn't even announced, they just added it right away after they sold out the first show in 2 minutes, so actually most hardcore fans will be at night 1 and consequently be screwed.



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It really, really pisses me off when people say shit like this. By your logic, we should be happy to shell out very large amounts of money just to have muse stand on the fucking stage.


I mean hey, cmon guys, who cares if muse dont play a single fucking song, as long as we're in their presence! amirtie!?!?!?


Well i'm pretty much a massive fan boy so yeah, to me being 'in their presence' means a lot to me personally, but you have taken it a little bit too literally. Of course I'd want music, i'm not spending £70 just to have Muse stand in front of me, I'm saying it all just adds to the experience. So no, I'm not or would be happy to spend a large amount of money just see to Muse or any other band for that matter, just stand on the stage.

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You say that but look at the list of your gigs. It's not like you've had anything to complain about. You've been to the pretty much all of the best shows they've played since 2010 (when people generally started taking issues with the sets), not to mention you've gotten significantly longer sets which allow them to play the hits and some of the more obscure material. The shows you've attended literally address every single complaint that we have on here.


In the past five or six shows you've gone to, you've gotten Bliss/Dead Star several times/Hyper Music/The Groove/Fury/Futurism/Assassin/Agitated/Unnatural Selection/New Born/Stockholm consistently/Citizen Erased/Map of the Problematique /B&H/Blackout/Unintended/Animals/Sunburn/Micro Cuts, and that's just off the top of my head.


Almost most of those gigs were also heavily criticized by a majority of fans (on here) as being poor or too short...

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Anyone who goes to a festival for one band is asking for trouble. If you go to see Muse at a festival and expect a 'great set', you're setting yourself up for a fall.


I have no sympathy for those people.


u high? went to download. got great set.

and i'm sure those who went to leeds/reading were happy enough!


As for this year's glasto... we'll see. I don't see it being as great as those

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u high? went to download. got great set.

and i'm sure those who went to leeds/reading were happy enough!


As for this year's glasto... we'll see. I don't see it being as great as those


Those were obviously one-offs though, and were hyped up by the band as being special beforehand so everyone knew what to expect going in.


Generally, you'd be setting yourself up for disappointment to expect much more than a standard greatest hits set at festivals imo.

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u high? went to download. got great set.

and i'm sure those who went to leeds/reading were happy enough!


As for this year's glasto... we'll see. I don't see it being as great as those

You're talking about exceptions though.

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Download was an exceptional case. The point is that festivals are usually the place where you want something "crowd-pleasing" and even if it's usually a nice quick and powerful set (see ACL last year) it's typically not a deep cut fan show.


Also festivals are for many bands, and a lot of them might be great live too. It's a waste to go for exclusively one band.

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u high? went to download. got great set.

and i'm sure those who went to leeds/reading were happy enough!


As for this year's glasto... we'll see. I don't see it being as great as those


Reading and Leeds was a one-off. Download, a lot of people were just assuming would be good (might be wrong but never heard read anything that suggested the show would be anything special).


Regardless, I'm clearly referring to general Festival setlists (you know, like the ones people mentioned on the same page I made said quoted post) so please don't attempt to patronise me because it just makes you look slow.

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Download was an exceptional case. The point is that festivals are usually the place where you want something "crowd-pleasing" and even if it's usually a nice quick and powerful set (see ACL last year) it's typically not a deep cut fan show.


Also festivals are for many bands, and a lot of them might be great live too. It's a waste to go for exclusively one band.


Sorry, I was being very UK-based in my comments. I forget they play a lot of european festivals. But here in UK, essentially away from last Glastonbury, their sets have been pretty good overall?

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Sorry, I was being very UK-based in my comments. I forget they play a lot of european festivals. But here in UK, essentially away from last Glastonbury, their sets have been pretty good overall?


Big Weekend was pretty standard. But I'm not saying they're bad sets, just that they're not the special treat sets. The Absolution Tour festivals were mostly safe and standard even in the UK but they're still highly acclaimed, for good reason.

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Reading and Leeds was a one-off. Download, a lot of people were just assuming would be good (might be wrong but never heard read anything that suggested the show would be anything special).



I personally bought my ticket after the club shows, and Matt mentioned in interviews that they would play a heavy set (sort of a given) my favourite side of muse, so it was worth the drive down

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