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Basically the fans that do 5+ shows are all defending this saying "Well they got AP/Map so it's okay", "Canada had it good because they're Canada"


Because you know, Canada has such awesome crowds



I mean if the hardcore audience isn't going to say anything, what hope is there for anyone else bothering to notice/care? As a consumer, you should always want equal treatment as the person figuratively next to you. Arguing otherwise is beyond moronic.

Edited by Alexander DeLarge
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16 songs again, huh? Genuinely feel sorry for people living in the US, perpetually treated worse for no apparent reason.


Why exactly would Aftermath be horrible?


Because it's a horrible song? :chuckle:


That's like saying "Why would Guiding Light be horrible?" when TR came out.


We should petition for longer sets :LOL: oops


Maybe we should've tbf, surprised no one's suggested that. Probably too late to change anything in the US now unfortunately (tour ends in less than a week) but if sets are still dead short in Paris/Europe, someone could set one up? Won't be me after all this though :LOL:


(inb4 'europe dsnt deserve bettr!!1')

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Looks like people tried to get CE played and in response the band dropped the entire slot.


I'm starting to join Serpent in just thinking they really just don't care anymore.


Europe will probably get longer anyways since this has been a US only thing so far.

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Looks like people tried to get CE played and in response the band dropped the entire slot.


I'm starting to join Serpent in just thinking they really just don't care anymore.


Europe will probably get longer anyways since this has been a US only thing so far.


I'm sure they'll drop some of the pop material and I'm sure it'll be heavier, but I'm not quite so sure about it being any longer yet. Especially when they're playing The Globalist, which in their mind I'm sure is two or three songs worth of material (which is why I kind of want it gone already, assuming it'd grant everyone a B&H/CE rotation along with Stockholm/NB or something similar).

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Looks like people tried to get CE played and in response the band dropped the entire slot.


I'm starting to join Serpent in just thinking they really just don't care anymore.


Europe will probably get longer anyways since this has been a US only thing so far.


Plot twist: All European sets are 17 songs.

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Plot twist: All European sets are 17 songs.


Starting to think this might actually be the case tbh. As we saw in Canada, set content improved but length didn't, might be the same in Europe. Good god, an entire tour of 17 song sets would be sad af.


Then again, they've got a good 2/3 weeks off between the end of this leg and Paris so maybe there will be a big shake-up. I'd be hesitant to expect more than 18 atm though.

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16 songs again, huh? Genuinely feel sorry for people living in the US, perpetually treated worse for no apparent reason.




Because it's a horrible song? :chuckle:


That's like saying "Why would Guiding Light be horrible?" when TR came out.



Neither are horrible songs. Especially Guiding Light, which can be mega live.


Edited by jonisdead
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Neither are horrible songs. Especially Guiding Light, which can be mega live.



That's obviously your opinion though. That person presumably doesn't like Aftermath and therefore thinks it'd be horrible live, same for me.


I don't mind Guiding Light (thought it is abysmal live) but I wouldn't wonder why someone would think it'd be horrible live.

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That's obviously your opinion though. That person presumably doesn't like Aftermath and therefore thinks it'd be horrible live, same for me.


I don't mind Guiding Light (thought it is abysmal live) but I wouldn't wonder why someone would think it'd be horrible live.


Asserting a song is horrible then saying "opinions" afterwards is a pot calling the kettle black. Regardless, many would agree Revolt is worse than either of those.

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Asserting a song is horrible then saying "opinions" afterwards is a pot calling the kettle black. Regardless, many would agree Revolt is worse than either of those.


Obviously it's all opinion-based though? That kind of goes without saying :LOL:


Basically, I was questioning why you were confused that someone who clearly doesn't like Aftermath thought it would be shite live.


Also, I'm not sure all that many people actually would say Revolt is worse live than GL tbh.

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Huh, everything one might say is obviously only opinions. I mean, do people still believe that "objectively good" makes any sense? Expressions such as "in my opinion" are redundant, their sole purpose is to soften one's words but it doesn't mean anything really.

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I don't think you're using that term correctly...


I am, because...


Huh, everything one might say is obviously only opinions. I mean, do people still believe that "objectively good" makes any sense? Expressions such as "in my opinion" are redundant, their sole purpose is to soften one's words but it doesn't mean anything really.


... yeah, quite a few people still do this. Most of the time if something like a song is asserted to be a certain way, that whole "objective" element is implied. Regardless yeah, you're right. Doesn't mean anything to add IMO or anything. The only real distinction there lies in discerning whether someone genuinely believes one's opinion to exist in a hierarchy, in which theirs lies higher than another's. Otherwise people can tell you just appreciate that everyone has different opinions.


tl;dr I'm not mad or anything, of course GL is widely hated in the fan base for strange reasons. I'd rather have Aftermath or GL over some of the songs they've been playing live lately, though.

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I think Aftermath could be decent if they put a bit of power into performing the ending. If they don't it could be worse than studio, like the T2L Guiding Light performances.


I think by virtue of not having Mutt's vocals live it'll probably sound far less "country". But you're right, I figure maybe the only power that could be added besides more guitar would have to be Morgan playing synth or something.

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I think by virtue of not having Mutt's vocals live it'll probably sound far less "country". But you're right, I figure maybe the only power that could be added besides more guitar would have to be Morgan playing synth or something.


Just keeping the volume up and the distortion up should suffice even without a backing Morgan track. I hope.


With all the comparisons to Christian rock I'm surprised they haven't played this in the US. But they also didn't do any Southern concerts.

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