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If I'm remembering correctly, SD was played somewhat regularly up until the South American tour in 2008. I always got the impression that it got a reaction from the crowd.

I don't think it was played at all in the Black Holes tour before 2008, although I remember NME saying it was soundchecked at a Sydney gig they reviewed in 2007. But yeah, just 2 appearances since V 08, and none since 2011, is a bit of a downer. It was a monster at Reading 2011 and as far as I recall it good a really good reaction.

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Some of those 2004 piano sections with SD.


Citizen Erased

Apocalypse Please

Ruled By Secrecy

Space Dementia


Butterflies & Hurricanes




Yes. And Newborn was usually played too, with the piano broken chords intro. Then the wait for the guitar riff when we all went berserk... :D

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Getting so hungry for these new year announcements and this year's Christmas prezzie






Edit: also pls let said prezzie be Assassin @ London, easily the best performance of the tour no bias I swear

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Didn't they say "in the new year" not "New Years"?


You could be waiting a year. :chuckle:


(And it's likely just US festivals :( )


Honestly I picked up on that like the second time I read the quote, I just like to lead myself on for some reason :LOL: Then again, I've always taken 'in the new year' to mean the start of the next year (so like anytime from January to March)?


And I'm still determined there's something else planned, as cuckoo as I am :phu: Matt noticably not mentioning European/UK gigs (in a UK-based interviewer as well) then R+L being announced just a few weeks later is fishy to me.

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I had the weirdest dream the other night that they played a free club gig and played BHAR in full with the album backdrop. They also played a new song.


It was great :LOL:


I guess I've also hit the level of obsessed, had a dream where my band was the warmup for them, in which Chris came on stage with us and we played Assassin lmao.


Even though I'm so disappointed in many things they've done, I can never hate them :LOL:

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Also forgot that reporter friend of the band's tweets that 'European fans should be happy next year' as well that's kinda flown under the radar so, yeah, something of note's gotta be a-happenin'.


In order of likelihood, there's 3 options floating round in my mind: Club Tour, Wembley anniversary or BH&R.


I had the weirdest dream the other night that they played a free club gig and played BHAR in full with the album backdrop. They also played a new song.


It was great :LOL:


My inception is starting to work :ninja:


Is it possible they were contracted to not drop hints about playing at R/L?


If they'd said "UK festival" it might have been obvious.


Probs but I imagine most festivals do and it hasn't stopped them before, including with R+L :chuckle:


I was thinking even just a "and maybe one or two things over here/back in Europe" though tbh.

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Is it possible they were contracted to not drop hints about playing at R/L?


If they'd said "UK festival" it might have been obvious.

Before the last time Morgan gave it away at the 2011 NME Awards they were doing R+L. But even so, it did still seem to be on the downlow until it surfaced on the usually reliable eFestivals they were doing it.


Although I'd like to see a warm-up gig at somewhere like Brixton Academy a la Arctic Monkeys, Kasabian, Green Day or Blink-182 before their R&L headline gigs. Even if it'll be pretty late in confirmation.

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Brixton would be amazing, never been and I don't think they've played there since '01/'02 or something? Great excuse to bust out some rare Black Holes songs or the whole album if they aren't planning on doing anything at R+L as well (tho I at least expect something like SP, Assassin or Invin to show up).


Hopefully they'd consider it too big to pull the old 'announce on the day, first come first served' thing as well :LOL: Knowing them, they'd probs just go for somewhere smaller though.


They aren't typically the 'warm-up gig' type but their schedule should be super free so, if Reading comes first, hopefully there's a chance.

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We all know they're not going to rehearse for this. :chuckle:


Tmk, warm-up gigs are usually way more of a 'meh let's just throw another gig in there' than any kind of actual rehearsal tbf :chuckle:


Doubt it'll actually happen though, especially not at Brixton. Not sure why they never play there.

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Tmk, warm-up gigs are usually way more of a 'meh let's just throw another gig in there' than any kind of actual rehearsal tbf :chuckle:


Doubt it'll actually happen though, especially not at Brixton. Not sure why they never play there.

Yeah they are mainly for that purpose. And yeah, Muse haven't really been that sort of band to do such dates before. I just like the idea enough to suggest it I guess.


I think in Muse terms, the intimate gigs are in smaller venues, like SB 2006/2013, iTunes Fest, or the Electric Ballroom show. I was surprised they didn't do it (or indeed, any London venue) on the Psycho Tour tbf.

Because Brixton's not actually that great a venue.

Or Shepherd's Bush, the Forum, Roundhouse, whatever.


Although I've been there a few times. I quite like it there.

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I'm gagging for a Shepherd's Bush gig. I've never been but, for some reason, I've got a strong emotional attachment to it :chuckle:


Hopefully they'll do one there on the next club tour.


Wouldn't mind one in Leeds either :ninja: Been a looong time since they played a small gig here, just a shame the Cockpit's gone now.

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