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Yeah, I'm erring on the safe side and thinking it's not Muse-related. The veeerrry few (and questionable) signs/hints we've had seem to specifically suggest next year. Even if it's just rehearsals, now would be a bit early I think, especially if it is just a club tour.


However, as a parralel to said level-headedness and safe thinking, I've also just had a sudden paranoia spike that somehow they're gearing up for a secret Black Holes gig before the end of the year :LOL:

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Yeah, I'm erring on the safe side and thinking it's not Muse-related. The veeerrry few (and questionable) signs/hints we've had seem to specifically suggest next year. Even if it's just rehearsals, now would be a bit early I think, especially if it is just a club tour.


However, as a parralel to said level-headedness and safe thinking, I've also just had a sudden paranoia spike that somehow they're gearing up for a secret Black Holes gig before the end of the year :LOL:




Yes. we were told to keep our eyes peeled. That doesn't suggest a nice slow reveal of a gig/gigs

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If they pull some last minute surprise out I really hope its after November, otherwise getting to the UK from Germany at an affordable price will be impossible for me.


Same. Everyone seems to be touring end of November/start of December so I'd be grateful if they could leave it until after then, pretty please :LOL:

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Sorry :LOL:


but not really tho cos I was planning a troll earlier on but wasn't bothered because it required too much effort lel






I doubt this relates to Muse. One of the obsessives on Instagram posted a video of Matt returning to LAX a day or so ago.


Yeah, doubt that means anything. Matt and Dom jet around all the time.

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So most likely making something out of nothing but apparently Chris is in LA with Matt and Dom. Is that not a bit odd outside of touring times? Thought he usually stuck with the fam in England.


rehearsals maybe?


Didn't the Psycho Tour rehearsals take place in the UK?

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Didn't the Psycho Tour rehearsals take place in the UK?


God knows, probably though. T'would be a bit weird to lug all their equipment out to LA to rehearse for something that's apparently gonna be in Europe as well.


Does strike me as being Muse related though, simply because Chris is there too. Apparently they were in a place called Loyal Studios, which I'm still trying to work out exactly what is via Google :chuckle: Seems to be a place where people shoot relatively small green screen stuff (inc. music videos), if I've got the right place.


Could even be a new single in the works, who knows.

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God knows, probably though. T'would be a bit weird to lug all their equipment out to LA to rehearse for something that's apparently gonna be in Europe as well.


Does strike me as being Muse related though, simply because Chris is there too. Apparently they were in a place called Loyal Studios, which I'm still trying to work out exactly what is via Google :chuckle: Seems to be a place where people shoot relatively small green screen stuff (inc. music videos), if I've got the right place.


Could even be a new single in the works, who knows.


Tom was also shooting a video yesterday / the day before, but I shrugged it off because he also did the new Metallica video apparently, but now I'm thinking it is Muse related.


Edit: Yeah https://www.instagram.com/p/BLZcBg_BlMp/

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Tom was also shooting a video yesterday / the day before, but I shrugged it off because he also did the new Metallica video apparently, but now I'm thinking it is Muse related.


Edit: Yeah https://www.instagram.com/p/BLZcBg_BlMp/


I'm kinda surprised no one else seems to have read anything into all this until now :chuckle:


New single with club tour attached, I'm gonna call it. Just like Psycho but obvs without a full album to follow. I'll be in my happening bunker if anyone needs me.



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Metallica is recording another music video right now, Tom could be involved in that. Doubt is for Muse. On the other hand Chris being in L.A. has to mean something.


Could be, but his Instagram post about working on their last music video seems more like it was a one-time thing (all the 'nice to work with you guys' stuff). That's how it comes across to me at least. Also, hardly compelling evidence but I checked the tracklist for Metallica's new album and couldn't find anything to do with spiders or bugs so I'm not sure how the 'perfect guest/meant to be' stuff would relate. Could easily be a lyric thing though so can't put much weight on that.


Still though, all three of them being together in LA at some green screen video production studio at the exact same time that Tom's apparently filming something with a green screen can't just be a coincidence...right? :supersad:

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couldn't find anything to do with spiders or bugs so I'm not sure how the 'perfect guest/meant to be' stuff would relate. Could easily be a lyric thing though so can't put much weight on that.


The new single is called "Moth Into Flame", which obviously has nothing to do with a spider but that's the video he was filming.

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The new single is called "Moth Into Flame", which obviously has nothing to do with a spider but that's the video he was filming.


That one's done and dusted though, right? The spider post seems like it's for something new.


C'mon guys, if you ain't hypin' you ain't tryin' :phu:

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