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Generally, the songs they aired end up either being different (Assassin, Exo-Politics, Plug in Baby) or not on the album (Glorious, Crying Shame, Fury, Eternally Missed)


Hyper Music, Micro Cuts, Darkshines, Screenager, New Born (Feeling Good,) The Small Print and Apocalypse Please were also played before release.


Also, they've said on more than one occasion that they'r not doing that again.

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Generally, the songs they aired end up either being different on record (Assassin, Exo-Politics, Plug in Baby) or not on the album (Glorious, Crying Shame, Fury, Eternally Missed). But I don't think they do that anymore.

Eh,. Plug In Baby wasn't really that different, unless you're counting the 1997 version which doesn't really count.


Anyway, you missed loads and loads of songs.


And both you and Zolic missed one of the most obvious ones, BLISS.

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But they've said they'll be writing next year and playing two festivals as a one-off, so by the time those gigs come around, I imagine there'll be some finished songs.


In the iHeart Radio interview Matt was asked how was the album 7 writing, and he said "wow, well, we're quite behind". I take that as "we haven't written anything yet", so my guess is that they'll actually start writing/recording after the tour is done, just like they did for the two previous albums. The only difference is that this time the whole process might take less than one year from recording to release and that they might finish touring by July, if it's not the V festival the one they're doing.

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