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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Yeah!!! I would go so mental if i just saw them at the checkout, i wouldnt be able to speak at all!!! You could buy muse cookers and stuff like that!!! :happy:

  2. I have three big posters, one black hoody, the bracelet, the necklace, the pen, and then of course cd's and stuff :happy: I reckon we need a shop called museworld or something where they just sell muse stuff, it would be amazing!!!! :happy:

  3. Ahhh thats awesome!!!! I got lots of muse stuff, and two biographys about muse to read!!!! :) Did you have a good christmas??? :happy:

  4. I was okay, i was really ill so yeah :( But im okay now :happy: You??? :)

  5. They have actually been okay, i got better on christmas but still nearly puked at my aunt and uncles house xmas day so i went home halfway through but i got most of the pressies that i wanted so im happy :happy: you??

  6. Sorry its late, Merry Christmas!!!!!!! :happy:

  7. Sorry that its late but merry christmas!!!!!! :happy:

  8. Merry christmas!!!!!! Sorry its late!! :happy:

  9. Sorry its late but merry christmas!!!! I hope you had a good one and got everything you wanted!!! :happy:

  10. Sorry its late but merry christmas and i hope you got everything you wanted!!! :happy:

  11. Sorry its late, but merry christmas, i hope you had a good one!!! :happy:

  12. Sorry its late but merry christmas!!! :happy:

  13. Sorry its late but merry christmas!!! Oh and a late happy birthday as well!!!!! :happy:

  14. Merry Christmas, sorry its late and everything, i hope you had a good one :happy:

    And yeah, im still not eating much but yeah, i'll get there :)

    So you've been ill too, whats been up???? :(

  15. No worries, i do that all the time!!! :) Im really ill at the mo, i might not be able to go to my relatives house for xmas so yeah :( Your dress sounds really nice!!! I only own one dress :$ And because i probs wont be on tomorrow

    Merry Christmas, hope you have a good one!!!! :happy:

  16. I used to but i dont really anymore, my nmuse dreams havent been too interesting, except the matt one!!!!!!! I managed to drag myself out of the chair to the laptop to visit the muse website cause im now really ill :( I probs wont be on tomorrow so

    Merry Christmas!!!!! :happy:

  17. Yeah, cant go wrong with doctor who!!! Im going to my aunt and uncles but im now really ill so i dunno if i will be going :( How have you been recently???

  18. That will be a memory i save forever!!!! And my dream, well, it involved matt mostly, Chris and Dom kinda stepped in and out every now and then but Matt was the star of the dream. It was pretty weird because in the dream i was in a really nice house that was apparently my house and then i walked downstairs after having gotten up and in my kitchen was Matt! For some reason this seemed like a normal thing and he made me breakfast and everything and then more stuff happened but it will take too long to explain ;)!!! Weird dream :LOL: I hate feeling ill because i have like no energy and i just want to do stuff but i cant cause i'm ill, anyways, im not dead so yeah!!!! So have you got a cold or flu or something???

  19. I would just be like, um hi matt bellamy, yourtotallyamazingomghowareyousooamazing?canhaveyourautograph, followed by lots of screaming. I didn't get a very good night's sleep. I woke up at four and then started listening to muse then my phone died then i was awake for another hour and then i fell asleep and had a dream about a certain Mr Bellamy which made me feel better :LOL::eyebrows: but i still feel like crap, how about you?? :happy:

  20. Yeah!! I thought that as soon as i saw that pic, but then, if i was there i would be going totally mental so yeah!!! I'd like to think i'd stay calm and try to approach him like a sane human but i doubt it would actually happen!! :LOL: I'm doing okay today, i feel a bit ill, just like really tired and bad sinuses and stuff :( How are you???

  21. Okay i guess, i think im gonna be ill for xmas this year :( You got any plans for xmas day???

  22. :LOL: I do try but then i still get told off for that :( We had a little bit more but just a sprinkling, even so all the traffic has slowed down :rolleyes: School finished for me on Friday but tbh everybody just slowed down 3 weeks beforehand :LOL: not that i'm complaining :) How many days have you actually had off cause of the snow??? :)
  23. Yeah, i just noticed a few pics of a topless matt that have just been added!!! :LOL: not that i'm complaining :happy:

  24. Yeah, we spent quite a few years without the family and it was okay but it kinda gets a bit lonely :( I have no more room for posters :( my whole room is taken up with muse stuff :LOL: I don't post on the PMT and i usually follow them when a new one is made but it just mvoes so quickly its impossible to keep up!!! Awww, i hope you feel okay, i think i'm gonna be ill for Xmas this year, i'm usually ill every other year :( I hope you get better soon anyway

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