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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Haha, she probably got fired for being mad!! :LOL: I generally write fantasy but it often depends on whats influencing me at the time, e.g. music, films stuff like that :) Do you write stories or poetry or anything???

  2. My best mate has a counsellor but she barely tells her anything because she doesn't trust counsellors at all, im not really much help with this kind of thing so all i can say is just look to the future and hope that it will all get better and stuff and you sound like a really strong person so try to get through it all and if there is anybody who your close to that you can speak to about it who can help then go for it, oh and also sorry its late but Happy New Year!!! :)

  3. Haha :LOL: We start primary at like four or five, i think i started at five because we moved house and stuff :happy: I love english!!! I write tonnes of stories and stuff!!! :happy: I hate maths because im really bad at it, :unsure: my maths teacher is okay but sooo dull!! My geography teacher is pretty weird though, she pronounces every word too much and spits loads when she's talking and then she spends most of the lesson stood at the front of the class smiling at you, she looks half mad!!! And then once she had a chair in front of someones desk and she suddenly put her feet on the desk and she was wearing sandals!!! It was gross!!:vomit::LOL: And history is a pretty cool subject, i used to love it but now we have a horrible teacher :(

  4. Yeah in Britain being in year nine your either 13 or 14, year ten is 14 15 :D Im not very clever, more creative so yeah!!! :) Whats your favourite subject????

  5. My parents went to their friends house but i hate their daughter so i didn't go but i got the house to myself :dance: and i had a massive movie marathon :) My parents were home before midnight so they interrupted one of my films :( But yeah and then we went out for breakfast this morning so im stuffed!!! :) We need to take the decorations down but nobody can be bothered :)

  6. Im kinda semi gothic i guess :happy: but my clothes sort of stand out because most people at our school follow the fashion and i dont i get looked down for that but never mind!! :LOL: I like my style :) And yeah, whoever designed that uniform belongs in a mental institute or something!!! :D

  7. We have white blouses and have to do our top buttons up, it feels like it's choking us!!! We also have these disgusting maroon coloured blazers and then black trousers and we aren't allowed to wear trainers or anything :( I have kind of customized mine though :) The teachers have got fed up with telling me to change it!!! :LOL: So what kind of style clothes do you wear???

  8. Sounds pretty much like my class!!! And yeah, well i dunno if ninth grade is the same as year nine but yeah im in year nine :happy: And yeah, we have quite a few sluts in our class and they all look down on me and my friends and everything, i hate them!!! :LOL: Your sooo lucky, i would love to be able to wear whatever clothes i wanted to school, instead we have this awful uniform :(

  9. :LOL: You can wear your own clothes to school???I'm in year nine, its an awesome year!!! It's just our year is like split up into groups, the 'popular people' these are the stuck up people who think that anybody who is different to them are scum etc... then there is the, i guess you could call us the losers and we don't follow fashions listen to different music, act differently and that seems to give the 'popular people' the excuse to treat us like rubbish! sorry big rant there!! :LOL: So whats your school like??? :)
  10. Happy New Year!!!

    I hate school too, i hate a lot of the people who go to my school, they are so stuck up!!!! :LOL:

  11. No worries, most people i know have been ill, its been a pretty bad christmas overall for people being sick :( And yeah Happy New Year!!! :D So what are you doing for new year??? :happy:

  12. I've been ill too, pretty much everyone i know has been ill over christmas :erm: My parents are going to a new years eve party tonight so will prolly wake up with a hangover :rolleyes: Still i have lots of dvds so im fine :p What are you doing for new years eve???

  13. Doe's any of your family or close friends know about this, anybody who you trust to help you or not???

  14. Ohhh, do you know whats making you self concious or is that a weird question??? :)

  15. I've got the song titles one and the striped piano one, i was surprised because they are actually an okay size on me :) And yeah it's that biography although im having a hard time on deciding which one to read first, desisions, desisions :LOL: So how have you been???

  16. Errm, im not actually sure!! :LOL: I think its next tuesday maybe, i'll have to check although i'd rather not turn up!!! What about you???

  17. Teignmouth is a good idea cause its their hometown and yeah it would make plenty of msue fans go there, hmmm, i think teignmouth is a good idea :LOL:

  18. Im okay now, just starting to eat normally again :) I got the muse pen, which is actually pretty amazing, the necklace and some tops, two biographys, and more stuff!!! :) What did you get???

  19. Cool, hmm, where do you think the best place for it is, where does everybody go???

  20. Lol i was doing the same!!!! :LOL: Actually i still am, with breaks to go on guitar hero :happy:

  21. Yeah!!! You wanna be my second in command??? :LOL: We should sell the same clothes as the muse boys wear and stuff, it would be amazing!! :happy:

  22. Dont worry, ive just been watching DVDs nonstop so im okay, apart from my eyes hurting a little!!! :rolleyes:

    So are you still ill then?? :(

  23. Christmas is a time for doing nothing and pigging out on unhealthy stuff whilst watching the telly, i don't blame you!!! :)

  24. I got A LOT of muse stuff for xmas, i think my family is hoping that if they totally drown me in msue stuff my obsession will go, it just makes me more obsessed :rolleyes: Are you still feeling ill?? :(

  25. Awesome yeahhh!!! And brie cheese made specially by Dom only 3.50 :)!!!! This store is going to be amazing!! :LOL:

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