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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Nah, we are just spending Xmas altogether this year because we had some bad news earlier on in the year and we jsut thought it would be good to all be together :) i asked for a lot of the accessories, like that umbrella which just looks epic, and the pen :LOL: PMT is just awesome when your bored outta your head of being with relatives all day!!!!!!! I'm good thanks, you??

  2. I'm only four foot summin!!! :) I'm going over to see my family and spending the day with them :) I'm hoping to get lots of muse prezzies :happy: And of course i'll sneak a peek on the PMT halfway through the day!!!!

  3. Yeah, my fave is a little strawberry roan gelding called Misty. He's really good-looking and fast but totally nuts, but i get along with him quite well, we're basically the same :LOL:

  4. Thats the bad thing about being small :( But it has its upsides :) I've been sleeping mostly now as well, with no school i just juggle going on here, sleeping and eating. It's almost Xmas so i thought why not be a slob for a week!? :LOL: Do you have any plans for Xmas??

  5. Once a week every wednesday :) Do yoy have a fave pony???

  6. I did, i had a pony called cloud but it didn't work out so we had to sell him, i just ride at a riding school but i don't mind, it means i can try out lots of different ponies. :happy:

  7. Yeah, i've been riding about six years, i love it!! Do you have your own pony or horse?? :)

  8. Lol :) I mess around on my dad's guitar sometimes but only when he's not there cause I almost destroyed it once :LOL: Have you got anymore snow???

  9. I was just playing it on the Laptop, the only instrument i can play is recorder cause i learnt it in reception!!! But i am getting a piano from our friends who need to get rid of it cause their moving house so yeah :happy:

  10. We had random snow yesterday but it was too wet for it to settle properly :( My dad was just singing along to Uprising because I was playing it!! It's amazing, even though he did change the lyrics to make them rather dirty :(:LOL:

  11. Yeah, I love them!!! How long have you been riding??

  12. I've been good thanks, one of my teachers son used to do a paper round with Bellz :awesome: she told me when she saw my muse hoody.

    Oh and news from the blue hair dying frontline, i am alowed to get highlights over the xmas hols but they have to be wash in wash out :happy: What you been up to???

  13. I'm still the smallest lol. It's a strange feeling watching year sevens walk past you who are taller than you!! I finally finsiehd all the homework that's been building up, last day tommorow so that should be fun :happy: What you been up to???

  14. Yeah, year seven isn't one of the best years, I'd say year eight is :) I'm good thanks, but i have heaps of homework to do which is annoying because i don't have enough time :(

  15. Yeah it was awesome!!! We had the party last night so that was fun :D How have you been???

  16. April 10th, you?? I read you like horse riding??? :)

  17. Don't blame you!! I'm so glad im in year nine, you get so much more respect :) Performances were good, the audience for the last was amazing!!! how are you???

  18. I've been good, performance is going well, last one tonight and then the aftershow party!!! :D So have you been feeling better??


    You have had soo much snow, more snow than us but even tiny amounts get boring after a while :( I'm glad you ahd fun at the ball, what was your dress like??:happy:

  19. Hi, how have you been?? :)

  20. Hi, long time no talk again :) How have you been recently?? :happy:

  21. Been alright, bit boring when i havent been performing :( Whyw as your day so bad?? :( Got one more performance tommorrow night :happy: then the aftershow party :D

  22. Sleeping Beauty, i'm the young princess before she falls asleep :happy: I'm really nervous because i'm the princess tommorow and then the day after that on the last night!!!

  23. I'm sure i'll be fine once i get up on stage :) I've been good thanks, pretty boring day at school as usual, you?? :happy:

  24. I just had to say your sig is AWESOME :awesome: Inception is a brilliant film :happy:

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