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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. OMG!!! The end with Dom!!! I'm seriously starting to think Belldom might be real!!! :D That is an awesome interview, i bet they love doing stuff like that unlike all the usual questions of "how did muse join" and "what was teignmouth like" :D

  2. It's a miracle!!! I named my camera Doris, thankfully my camera works better than this Doris does!!!!:LOL: I think i might see what's going down over on the PMT :) I love how mental everything gets when stuff like this happens!!! :chuckle:

  3. I just find it a little, i dunno, cheesy, compared to the other stuff they have done, but it's all a matter of opinion ;) Awww, Judith is such an adorable name!!!! He makes me laugh so much!!! :D

  4. Hehe, I think we should start gathering up everybody on the random musings in your life thread (i need to get back on there!) and then slowly start taking over banter!!!! :D That Muse the daddy thread thing has just been locked, damn it!!! I was enjoying the beef and rage on there!!! :LOL: Doris is holding up pretty well thankfully!!! :)

  5. I think it's because we still like muse and stuff :rolleyes: But it's soo unfair, we never did anything offensive to them and then we just get our heads bitten off!!! We need to start an uprising against it!!!! :LOL:

  6. Exactly, i'd love to be part of the whole banter thing but i wouldn't like to offend people and argue with some of the younger musers like some of the banterers do, :indiff: I find them pretty rude sometimes :erm:

  7. I'm still in shock :eek: Everything has gone mental!! I really dunno how to react :LOL:I don't like Kate Hudson but if Matt's happy and doesn't give us any more neutron star collisions then okay, i have nothign against that song but still!!! I'm refusing to believe until either one of them confirms it!!! ;)

  8. I posted on the favourite colour skittles thread from ages ago but that's it, I just generally lurk :ninja:Sippe and Hipbones especially scare me!!! I bet they'd would laugh so much if they read that!!!

  9. Hmmm, banter is full of strange things :unsure: I'm sure when i'm older i'll probably be on banter, it's just that first post!!! You have to pray they like you and don't slaughter you!!! Are our boards just majorly mental compared to other bands boards???!!!

  10. :LOL: I spend a lot of time just lurking, the banter people scare me :stunned:
  11. Good luck!! It's gone pretty mental over there!!! I'm a Matt fan so I just lurk their like a stalker, i never post though!!! :D

  12. I'm just hoping it doesn't result in mroe neutron star collisions, nothing against the song but it was a bit of a let down :( But still, as long as their happy that's all that matters, all the banter people have invaded the PMT!!! I logged on and was like wtf is going on here!!! :LOL:

  13. Good good, I got lot's of muse stuff!! You?? God the boards going mental over this baby news :indiff:

  14. OMG!!!! Wow!!! Happy Birthday for tomorrow!!!! :D 14 is an amazing age!! :) I now have a free ride on a really sweet pony every sunday!!! I'm so happy!! :D

  15. Ahh no worries :) I do that all the time!! I had a good Christmas thanks, did you?? :)

  16. Awww, that's so sad :( Not so long ago a pony at our stables got put down because he was really ill :( All his muscles stopped working and stuff, he was gorgeous as well but so old :( I have a lesson with him today so i'll see what happens :) How are you???

  17. No worries!! I've done that too before!! :LOL: I'm fine thanks, you??? Are you back at school?? :)

  18. Hi, how have you been recently??? :happy:

  19. I think i might soon, i honestly dont know if he does :unsure: last year my friend said i liked him and he said he liked someone else and he went out with someone, i dunno if it was who he liked, and then they broke up and they are like enemies, but he's being really nice to me atm so i have no idea :) She sounds like such a bitch!!! Honestly I don't even know how people like that can do that to other people, it's horrible!!! :( You don't need people like her :) The heating broke int he maths block where we had half our lessons, but i ebt it's worse at your school!! I feel sorry for you :( Did you ride last week???

  20. Haha!! I hate school, i have to suffer now until the next holiday, it seems so far away!!!:'( But i did have a lesson with the guy i fancy so its all good :D But I have a boyfriend who i don't like anymore but i dunno what to do :$ Anyways, how was your day???

  21. It was okay, a bit boring though :( Most weekends are though, i did just watch Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging so that made it better :D You????

  22. It was Showbiz at some TV show, i think in Paris, Matt was wearing this awesome hat and he chucked his guitar into the water at the end and Chris went running into the drums!! It was hilarious!!! :LOL: I LOVE the piano in Butterflies and Hurricanes!!!! :)

  23. Probably Citizen Erased at the moment but it is always changing!!!:) Yesterday it was Showbiz because I saw an awesome performance of it on Youtube, Matt was amazingly cute when he was younger!!!!! :D You???

  24. Yeah :D He's pretty mental but i get on with him soo well!!!! And he would be brilliant because the song suits him so much!!! :happy:

  25. No, we should be soon :D I have to ask permission to ride the pony i wanna ride though because he might not like the loud music and he's a little crazy but the song suits him so much and he would be brilliant!!! :)

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