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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Weellll, he found out a while back, like last year, but he doesn't know i like him again, i don't think :unsure: anyways, he's pretty gorgeous :happy: how was your day???

  2. Inorite!?! I'm alright, Mondays suck :( We have a new girl joining our form tomorrow, all of us girls were hoping for a fit boy but no such luck :( Still I hope she's not a bitch like most of them :indiff: What are you up to?? :)

  3. Ooopsies!!!! I wouldn't worry about it, you just don't click with some ponies :)

  4. Totally!!! That would be epic :D All the hardcore fans would be moshing and all the twishite fans would just be like :eek::wtf:, that would be one amazing gig!!! :D So how have you been?? :)

  5. Yeah, Mondays i have a lesson witht he guy i fancy and art to draw muse, wednesdays i have a lesson with the same guy and i can play muse songs ont he piano, thursday i have drama to do musey plays and the days in between i have english to write about muse :happy: so school is okay!!! :LOL:

  6. They have really weird conversations but they are strangely interesting!!! :LOL: Are you looking forward to school?? :rolleyes:

  7. Sorry i forgot to reply :unsure: Don't worry about the jumping thing, I suck badly too!!! I broke my wrist jumping and it took me aaages to egt my confidence back and my jump position has gone out the window but i did discover that i jump better with no stirrups so i'm just gonna permenantely jump with no stirrups now :rolleyes: So what happened in your lesson, who were you riding??? :)

  8. I have!!! :D Hmmm, toasty warm now :happy: Banter is a very odd place, I'm slowly becoming addicted to it though :erm:

  9. lol me too!!! :LOL: I'm currently lurking banter and freezing my ass off because my parents refuse to turn the heating on :( I'll go and do it myself in a minute!!! :mad:

  10. I will :D I know!!! I thought there might be tonnes of posts about the 'news' but there isn't :wtf:

  11. I've never actually seen Friends :unsure: is it a good show??? I'm now stalking Matts profile to see what people have posted on there :ninja:

  12. :LOL: Anybody who likes Heath Ledger gets a thumbs up from me!!! :D I'm eating at the moment!! :D Good old bread and butter ;) What about you???
  13. I have to wake up at seven each morning, it sucks :( Your soo lucky!!! I'd love for our school to start at that time!!! Not much really, just catching up with friends, the usual :) Do you have to wear uniform at your school???

  14. I think she got out a few weeks ago thankfully, hospital is horrible!!! :( She's not alone, I love Heath Ledger!!! Heath Ledger R.I.P

    I have the new Guitar Hero!!! I'm forever playing Uprising!!! :awesome:

  15. Yeah, we started two weeks ago :( I'm so glad it's the weekend, it gets so annyoing having to wake up so early each day :( So what have you been up to??? :happy:

  16. Yeah, my Dad will tease me, rub it in and constantly make little dumb remarks about it everytime I mention Muse!!!!:( It makes me so :mad: I'm not doing anything interesting today really but tomorrow I'm gonna go and exercise a pony for some people because the woman got really badly injured from a fall she had :( but i get some extra riding so yeah :) What about you?? Have you got any plans?? :)

  17. Awesome sauce!!!! Sounds like your going to have an awesome sleepover, I'm having one at my mates house not this weekend but next weekend!!! :D I've never actually seen a film with Kate Hudson in :erm:

  18. I've been fine thanks :happy: don't worry about the late reply, i do that all the time!!!! Ouchies, i hate falling over, expecially in front of people :unsure: So how have you been recently??? :D

  19. Hehe, i thought you would!! :D I can't, because I'm with someone else so yeah :( I'm so mean to them :( But he's jsut being friendly with me because we're good mates :)

  20. Thank you, i needed cheering up and those pictures did the job!!! :yesey: god i love his hair :D Once my dad finds out that will be the worst thing!!! :(

  21. I know!!! My mum just found out about KH and Matt :( I'm not gonna hear the end of this :'(!!!! I can't take it anymore :(:chuckle: Next my friends are gonna find out and that'll be the worst thing!!! :(

  22. Dear god no!!! :LOL: I don't have anything against NSC, i do listen to it i just found it a bit dissapointing but I'm glad Matt's got that out of his system :) I just get really annoyed with the whole new audience thing because a lot of them are from Twilight (i don't feel the twilight love) and half of them only know the songs that are in the films and then muse seem to be priortising (spelling?) them and ignoring all the loyal fans who know all the songs!!!!/rage over, sorry, I had to get that out of my system!!! :LOL:

  23. Oh god!! So quite a while then!!! :LOL: Not much really :erm: I tried to check the muse website on my mates phone but she wouldn't let me :( But nothing has been updated anyway so yeah :erm: I think i would have been more shocked about the news if i hadn't got so caught up in the board drama!!! If only this news had been around in the time for the Muse Board Awards, it would have won biggest board drama hands down!!!! :LOL:

  24. Omg!!! That's soo annoying!! I have asthma but I'm not having the flu jab :erm: So do you know what time you'll be having the jab???

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