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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Who are your fave band ever?? And yeah, i just love showbiz, that last note is just pure win :awesome:

  2. I got into them when i heard showbiz last year. I heard that and searched a few more songs and WHAM, i was addicted :D It's still one of my fave songs :happy:

  3. So did I, it's not like we're turning up in lime green or yellow ones :chuckle:!! As with hair colour, as long as we don't use it as some weapon (if that's even possible) i don't know why they can decide what we do to it!!!:mad:

  4. I like Radiohead, but i was kinda raised on Radiohead lol :) Evanescence, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, ACDC, lot's of bands :) You??

  5. Bread and chocolate aint bad, i LOVE chocolate. What's your fave type of choccie??? :happy:

  6. Same with our school, i don't know why we can't wear skinnies, and i got killed for wearing my black converse. It's not like i was wearing my silver ones!!! :D God i hate my school!!!

  7. Join the club, i hate feeling tired :( My colds going but i have an awful cough now which is making my asthma go all mental :( Still, the show must go on!! :) We got some snow but not enough to shut the school but they stopped snowballs fight so it's just all crap now!!! :(

  8. I also have twiat, cross between twit and twat, and i have shrap, crap crossed with shit!!! Yeah Chris seems the most, i dunno normal i guess you could say and the most approachable :) And yeah, they'd probably expel me but never mind, they hate me anyway, i just don't see what harm a few highlights can do!!!

  9. We have snow but not enough to go sledging in, we still have to go school and they just banned snowball fights, there is no point anymore!!!! :D

  10. Yeah, i make up weird words :D Yeah, i hate feeling like i'm leaving the other two out, i leave Dom out the most thought because i prefer Chris coz he's so lovely lol :) I hate our school, they won't even let me get blue highlights!! How unfair!?! I'm tempted to just dye the whole lot blue to piss them off !!! :D

  11. It's gotta be Matt for me but i do find Chris adorabubble!!! :) I'd be happy to take some of your snow, i wanna get a day off school :) We've have even been banned from snowball fights now :( There is no point in going anymore!!!!!

  12. OMG your soo lucky!! All the snow with us is turning to ice :( It doesn't really help being naturally clumsy!! Can you still get to shops and stuff to get food???

  13. I'm good, i really want some snow, we have hardly anything :( I just want school to be closed!! So do you have a fave member of muse?? :happy:

  14. I get what you mean, their stage show atm is amazing but i just really liked them back when they were young, but i don't mind them atm, i just wish i was born earlier so i could have seen one of their gigs when they were younger!! :happy:

  15. Evil teddies will take over the world!!! Yeah I love Radiohead but i love Muse just a little bit more and i've known muse for a shorter amount of time to Radiohead!!!!! :) Do you get another day off school?? :happy:

  16. I'm good thanks, i've not been up to much, you?? :happy:

  17. Yeah HAARP KOC is just awesome :happy: Do you think they're kinda going downhill now, live anyway??

  18. Sure :) I'm Rachel :) So how are you?? :happy:

  19. I get what you mean with the PMT, it is pretty weird. I hope you and your mum patch things up soon :( Yeah with the muse thing i love them and everything but the whole resistance tour was a let down and stuff and i think their going downhill so my respect for them is too :(

  20. I was like that, i never really listen to the studio version but i love it live cause it just has soo much energy!! :D

  21. Changes a lot with me too, but i really like Stockholm Syndrome live atm, and Micro Cuts which is weird because i never really got the whole awesomness of them before but now i love them!!! :D

  22. Yeah, i love my friends :) So do you have a fave muse song?? :happy:

  23. About a year now I had known bout them for years and then decided to search a few more songs and discovered their epicness :) but my dad raised me on radiohead so they always hav a special place in my heart :D

  24. Yeah, i think i spend half my time on here, it's just soo addicting!! :) somehow it's made me love muse more :happy:

  25. OMG!! Your lucky!! We have about an inch but hopefully there will be more :) Our school is still open but i reckon if we get just the tiniest bit more they'll shut it because our school are like that, but i'm not complaining!!! :) So you gonna go out sledging or stay on the boards all day in the warm??? :D

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