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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Aweeeesoommeee!!!!!:awesome: I cant wait to go and see it!!!:D Johnny Depp is always hot, i even think he's hot as the Mad Hatter :unsure:

  2. Yeah, I'm just not very good at it :unsure: Spanish is a pretty awesome subject, i don't really like any of my teachers apart from my art teacher but it also my fave lesson :happy: whats your favourite lesson??? :)

  3. Bit difficult, i find him really gorgeous :unsure::chuckle: I hate falling over at school because everybody stares and laughs!! I hope your okay, how did you fall???

  4. Haha wow!!! I dunno what would happen in Britain if we had snow for that long!! I live in the Midlands, in the centre, away from anything interesting :( How was your day today???

  5. Woah!!! That's a lot of snow!!! Omg i would be seriously scared if there was that much snow to make things break!!! How long have you had the snow for??? :)

  6. Tuesday :( I rediscovered how shit french is!!!

  7. Haha, your lucky you don't have to go back to school yet, we did get the tiniest bit of snow but now we have zilch :( Some places in Britain got tonnes, i think some still do actually :( I'm currently listening to the Inception soundtrack, its brilliant :awesome: Have you seen Inception???

  8. No, i really wanna see it though!!!! Haha :LOL: it's actually great to be able to talk to someone about like writing, riding, Johnny Depp, etc... Most of my friends aren't really into all that stuff :) How was your day today???

  9. Haha :LOL: I used to do that too, i still do sometimes :ninja: I always run like him though!!!, I cant help it :$ Me and myf amily were watchign the second one and the part where he runs across the beach fromt he cannibals my mum burst out laughing and then says "He runs like you Rachel!" :LOL::rolleyes: I can't help it though!! How has your day been??? :happy:

  10. Yeah, and my bed is just too warm!!! I hate having to get up so early, it sucks, and then having to change into our stupid uniform, it offends me just by having to look at it!!! :( Two days into the new term and i already fancy a guy that i've fancied on and off for the past three years, but i have a boyfriend so its not too good :unsure: sorry bout that, i had to just like spill that out to someone!!!! :rolleyes: how has your day been??? :)

  11. Feels like we haven't spoken in ages, how are you???? :happy:

  12. Yeah!!! It awesome!!! :D I ADORE Johnny Depp so i LOVE Jack Sparrow, he's amazing!!! I have a massive poster of him in my room :happy: Have you seen the new Alice in Wonderland, the one with Johnny Depp in???

  13. Yeah same, i get what you mean :) I LOVE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN!!!!! :awesome: I'm a massive Johnny Depp fan so yeah!!! :D I think they have finished, or are finishing filming the fourth one!!! :D

  14. I used to like it, so i know alot about it i guess but i kinda went off it if you get what i mean :unsure: I never really became a fan of it, i didn't mind tagging along with my friends to go and see the films but stuff changed and i don't really like it very much but yeah :) I dont mind it but wouldn't really ask to go to see breaking dawn or anything :unsure: do you like it???

  15. :LOL: Haha, that made me laugh!!!! :LOL: So are you team Matt, Dom or Chris or do you love them all???? :happy:
  16. We just fell out a while back and i tried to forgive her and stuff but she wouldnt have it and she spreads shit about me and yeah, but never mind!!! :happy: We took our decorations down today, the house looks so empty now :( So how have you been???

  17. I know im soo excited!!!!!! :D I have had tonnes of muse dreams, i had one last night and matt came to our school and then we became best friends and stuff, it was amazing!!!! :LOL:

  18. Mine carried on through Xmas, although i missed one because of being sick :( We're hopefully doing dressage to music and my song is going to be Knights Of Cydonia!!!! :happy:

  19. Ahh no worries :kiss: I hope you start feeling better soon :happy: When do you start back at school???

  20. I went shopping but i came away with nothing :( I've been feeling pretty weak recently too, some flu thing that's going round :( I hope you feel better soon :) Have you been riding recently???

  21. So how are you today??? :)

  22. Hi, thanks for accepting my friend request :happy: you have an awesome username!!!! :LOL:

  23. Yeah, im sort of planning it and writing the first few chapters :) I think i've found an idea i can stick with :happy: How have you been today?? :)

  24. That sounds like a good idea, i love the whole demon idea, the trouble is starting stories :happy:

  25. Haha, fungus family, sounds cool!!! :D Yeah most of mine are uncompleted, i wrote one about a gang of cats in a city but looking back on it it was awful!!! Fantasy is just amazing, i love fantasy films and stuff, they are amazing!!! :happy: I don't really know much about sims, the only game i play on is Guitar Hero!!! :LOL: Are you writing a story at the moment???

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