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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Hi, thanks for adding me, i'm Rachel :) How are you?? :happy:

  2. No i don't have to kiss him but i probs will offstage :LOL: I'm fine thanks, im ten times more nervous now!!!! :)

  3. Pantomime :) And yeah PMT seems to make the day fly by :happy:

  4. Had another performance tonight and that was awesome, my next performance is on Friday where i'm teh princess and then on Saturday night where i'm the princess, and my family is coming to watch and my boyfriend is the prince!!! Very nervous......... :) How are you??

  5. Awww, that's such a shame :( I'm sorry about all that happened to you and stuff, i hope it doe's get better

    I've been good thanks, i had my first performance for our panto yesterday, it was AWESOME!!! What bout you, got any gossip???

  6. We didn't have much snow and it's melting now :( I spent most of saturday lurking on the PMT and then Sunday i had the first eprformance for our panto this year so it's all good :happy:

  7. Performance went okay!! The crowd wasn't amazing but mroe people turned up than i first thought, it was pretty much full :happy:

  8. I'm good thanks, just perving on the PMT :$ It's bad luck to say good luck :eek::LOL: How are you??? :happy:

  9. Well i got the first performance tomorrow so the nerves are starting to kick in but we all have a good laugh and mess about so it should be fun :happy: And yeah, Tim Burton is just a legend, i think his head would be a very cool place to be!! :)

  10. I know!! It's one of my fave films :happy: we're doing sleeping beauty and i'm the being the young princess before she falls asleep :) I've been good thanks, you???

  11. We have hardly any snow, it keeps on melting away :( We're doing sleeping beauty and i'm the younger version of the princess before she falls asleep :happy:

  12. Yeah. bugging family is awesome!!! When it get's to Matt's bday i'll go mental because he has the same bday as Johnny Depp and i love Johnny D so yeah!! :happy:

  13. I'm fine thanks, trying to enjoy the little snow we have :) so what have you been up to?? :happy:

  14. I'm good, the first pwoper performance for the panto i'm in is on Sunday so i'm feeling pretty excited :happy: You???

  15. It's never too early for cwistmas decorations!!! I've been driving my mates mad today because it's Chris's bday!!! :happy:

  16. Hardly any, we had a massive blizzard this morning but then it all melted away!! But in Britain as soon as we get the tiniest bit of snow everything grinds to a halt, it's ridiculous :( Got my first performance for the pantomime on Sunday :happy: Was the ball good??

  17. Hi, thanks for adding me, my name's rachel :happy: How are you?? :)

  18. Gotta be Galaxy as well, everyone i know just loves galaxy!!! :D But i love smarties easter eggs!!

  19. Yeah it's stalkerish but never mind!! :) So what happened to make all that happen?? You don't have to tell me though :)

  20. I have to go now, i'll speak tomorrow :D

  21. Well i would be once i get my blue highlights but i dunno what i wanna be, i'll be a bit of both, good and evil, MUHUHAHAHAAA!!! :D A lethal combination........

  22. Cool, i'll try listenin to them sometime soon :)

  23. Cool, i've heard of them obviously but i have never really listened to them :) Do you recommend any songs??

  24. I know, they spend ages hammering into us that we should never be afraid to be ourselves and yet everytime we try to be a little bit different to how they want we get kicked int he face for it :mad: sorry major rant!!! And yeah, i'm almost as dangerous as Spiderdom!!! :D

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