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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Yeah, I thought that too, but now looking back I could kind of see them going mainstream from Black Holes and Revelations, it wasn't much but even so, it was starting then I think, well as long as Matt's happy I'm happy and as long as the next album doesn't consist of a cheese overload then it's all good :happy: Besides, I can't wait to see how this baby is gonna look!!!! :LOL:

  2. Yeah, i guess we're going to have to trust that he's made a good decision :) I think it would be pretty weird for that baby, with Matt constantly rambling about conspiracy theories and Kate, well I don't know what Kate is like but yeah, I hope Matt becoming a father doesn't stop all his craziness!!!! :eek:

  3. OMG!!! That's awesome!!! I got both of those books and the bracelet, I'm wearing it right now!!!!! I'm so glad your having a good day :happy: I'm good thanks, and at school i was in band practice with my mate's band and i looked out the window and saw the guy i fancy, he looked up and smiled at me and waved, I was sooo happy!!! :awesome: Sorry about that, I got a little over-excited!! :LOL:

  4. I know!!! What a shock it was learning that!!! I'm a Matt fan and I was hoping this wouldn't happen, not with her, but as long as he's happy and as long as she doesn't hurt him then okay :indiff: Don't worry, I ramble alot, like just then!!! :LOL:

  5. Neither have I thankfully, coming close to fainting was bad enough!! :) I think it was Caff who locked a thread and said that they'll work out what to do about 'this' once they hear more, so basically when they hear if Matt or Kate wants it talking about!!! :LOL: How did the jab go?? I hope it didn't hurt too much :(

  6. Your welcome :) I'm fine thanks, how are you??? Oh my name's Rachel btw :happy:

  7. Happy Birthday!!!!!! Hope you have a great day :D

  8. You'll be fine, it's just the waiting, and make sure you eat summin beforehand!!! I didn't and almost fainted!!! :LOL: Well, the board seems pretty quiet, i think i'll check musewiki and see if anything has happened there!!! :) How are you???

  9. Oooh, not nice :( I've only had the cervical cancer jab and that is bad enough!!! I hate needles :( I gotta go now, damn board is soo distracting and i have a mountain of homework to do!!! Anyways, i'll be interested to see what happens tomorrow!!! :D

  10. I'm surprised the Caption symphony and the Lolz thread hasn't made some joke about it yet!!! Anyways, everything is calming down now :erm: I bet it will change in the morning once people have had time to think about more ways to take the piss out of it!!! :)

  11. Agreed :D On the PDT someone said that apparently Matt was planning on having a break with KH but yeah, i dunno if it's true or not, i don't trust PTDters, :ninja::LOL:

  12. :D I just went onto the PDT for some reason and even they are gossiping about the KH news!!! :chuckle: i'm about to go and check the PCT now!!!
  13. Omg, i forgot about him, :stongue: that hair!!!! :LOL:

  14. Hmmm, Johnny Depp, Ben Barnes and Leonardo DiCaprio, there is more but I can't think of them right now :LOL: You??? :)

  15. Awww!!! Bless him!! :D Tbh i really cant imagine Matt holding a baby!!! Imagine him at the birth, omg that would be pretty funny!!! :LOL:

  16. Haha!!! Ahhh, Belldom forever!!! I don't care if it's true or not but they are kinda of cute, that sounds so weird but they do act so sweetly together!!! :LOL:

  17. Yeah, Chirs is awesome like that :chris: I'm going to check too, you never know what might happen, it would be pretty funny if none of them knew what the hell we were going on about!!! :LOL:

  18. Same!!! I wonder what will happen in the morning, surely KirkBot will have something to say by then :erm: You never know, Matt might even post something about it, or at least one of them :indiff:

  19. Haha!!! No worries, I'm Rachel (i hate my name lol)!!! Everything seems to be slowly calming down now :erm:

  20. It is so weird seeing my name on banter, hmmm creepy!!! :D One small step for banterers, a giant leap for young muser kind, /sorry, complete fail there!!! :facepalm:= I have always wanted to use that!!! :D

  21. I'm gonna go and back you up on banter with your justin beiber one!!! :D

  22. My mum says that but she doesn't say it like it's a good thing :( My friends think Dom is a "pretty damn sexy beast!" and they think Matt isn't human!!! :LOL: This Muse Board baby name thread is hilarious, event hough banter people annoy me they can make up some pretty classy threads!! :D

  23. Eurghh!!! My Dad said that Chris looks like a thug, that Dom looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car, and then he had a massive go at Matt saying he had a face like a skeleton, with no muscle and a nose that could be used to dig up trees!!!! He hates muse though so yeah :mad: And then my mum agreed with him saying that Matt is as ugly as hell!!! Honestly, parents, :rolleyes:

  24. Grrr, people are going to be reminding me all day just because the whole school seems to know of my crush on Matt Bellamy!!! Why!?! Still, we have to take it like musers and just go crazy at anybody who points it out!!! :D

  25. I think it's turning into an excuse for everybody to just have even more of a go at eachother, major beef, and some of it has nothing to do with KH and Matt!!! :LOL: Now I'm going to have to face the torture of this being on every newspaper because it's Kate Hudson, :rolleyes:

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