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Everything posted by Arcade

  1. yup and playing in spit-n-sawdust venues again. fuck ALL the faff Matt.
  2. i dont imagine the whole sets are performed with backing tracks, but i have read recently that dom h uses recorded drum tracks which are played in tandem with dom hitting the drums at the same time. this produces a fatter meatier sound. I dont know how much truth there is in the guitar backing tracks though. we all know how anti-miming the band are.
  3. Haha that would be game over I know. The epitome of bands hanging on to stardom. You did not see the sarcasm in my remark.
  4. I know that Matt's balls might have dropped or that with getting older the voice loses its higher notes, im sure with Matt strategically placing an elastic band on the right parts could achieve the high notes again. We know KoC was becoming a bit predicable as a closer and that Survival rocked T2L arena shows, having Showbiz or even some form of medley of older rockier songs would ensure an insane finale. The money shot for the gig!
  5. i agree with most that the reason for poor ticket sales is mostly the current economic climate. Disposible incomes for Individuals' and families are dwindling away rapidly and have been dramatically in recent years. Thats bound to have an impact when fans who have been to arena shows consider going to stadium shows. This has also had an impact on record sales as the younger generation are turning to alternatives instead of paying for music. There is most probably an element of hearing the majority of same songs in setlists which would turn off regular gig goers. Older fans have to some degree been forgotten about to make way for new material released which younger fans can associate with, and the shows are becoming more about theatrics and less about the music. Think of all the b-sides and older songs which just are not played. The fanbase from the Showbiz, Oos, Abs and Hulaballoo era dont hear the majority of songs that they fell in love with anymore. That must be quite a large portion of gig goers, or was. Certainly if Muse performed in smaller venues then shows will sell out, but we know they like stadiums
  6. Guiding Light and Blackout go with the theme of unsustainable energy consumption and so thats why they probably feature in the current setlist. Having those songs is also a way to break down all the epicness so slow things down a bit before building it all back right up again. Starlight is probably the closer because its a fan and band favourite and ultimately we all return to the stars. That and its possibly a good way to mark the end of their tours for their present Album as like a signing off. Who knows when they will tour again as they may well have a longer break There are plenty of brilliant songs that could be played but on this tour they have to kind of promote their latest album, we've had Bliss, Dead Star, Sunburn which are pretty rare so i guess we have to take the rough with the smooth which includes Feeling Good. :'(
  7. so the more muso's that get deposited the more content that gets unlocked. Has anyone bothered to try spending their Muso's at the Merch stand?
  8. The idea of muse playing smaller clubs does sound appealing, but as you stated it does come with risks and massive dissapointment. yes the band do pull in big crowds, and everyone gets a chance to see them from miles away on a tiny stage in a huge stadium. Whilst that does appeal to the masses, there is something special about being up close to be there for the music, and not necessarily for the production, in a club atmosphere where fans can go mental (come on who hasnt seen those old vids of gigs in clubs). And the band can get a more direct reaction from fans when they play guiding light, Fabri can show his appreciation with a #GuidingLightForItaly tshirt. Agree there there would be a massive demand to see them at smaller shows, perhaps just 5-10 shows would cut it. Perhaps Charles could pick the winners from random for any .mu competition. Would there be a lot of really upset fans who wouldnt go? probably yes, but there would be other opportunities. Oh and Niall, did that blogger get a reaction from FoB ? half of the tickets being only for fans is disgusting tbh when it was touted as a gig for fans.
  9. perhaps you could pinch Jean Michel Jarre's laser harp for the tour [YT] [/YT] http://metro.co.uk/2013/05/28/rockers-muse-entertain-guests-with-a-x-rated-sm-theme-party-including-cocaine-dwarves-and-a-bearded-lady-striptease-3811078/ so her name is Bambi Blue
  10. that really does look like a party alright.. i'd say if the LP wanted to make money and work whilst having fun then its their perrogative to do so.
  11. Happy Birthday Toadie Mushroomhead!!

  12. Bulls on Parade - RATM Kool Thing - Sonic Youth Toxicity - System of A Down Rock and Roll - Led Zep - just a brilliant song LA Woman - The Doors The Painter - Deep Purple - Great riffs, tight song Anything Pearl Jam/Nirvana/Alice In Chains.
  13. Hey thank you for your christmas wishes!! have a turkey-riffic time and relax and unwind!! get away from editing things :D thanks for the lol's this year!


    i reckon you could be in for a museboard award.

  14. That was really a moving performance, they did really well. Especially so as this was in front of a full house packed with 23,500 people looking on. Amsterdam and Antwerp were sensational shows..
  15. cheers for the birthday wishes Liam.. it'l be :party: time shortly!

  16. dont know the number Paul. Did you try emailling them? quote your reference number when emailling: customerservice[at]warnerartists.net
  17. Happy Birthday :party:

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