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Everything posted by kueller

  1. I'm surprised someone actually gave me a visitor message too :stunned:

  2. Having a "life". Just can't be helped.

  3. At home online, or at school. Nothing else, it never really is for me.

  4. So just another day for you I suppose?

  5. So you're 5 now?

  6. No but when someone starts an argument in more than one video you know they're just trying too hard. Nice Showbiz falsetto
  7. I don't think we have the video anymore. It was on the school computers and they must've cleared them by now. We never got a chance to export our own version. I still hold that Megalomania is the darkest thing Bellamy has sung. You don't exactly have to know what it's about to see it.
  8. I actually was in a group that had to film a scene of someone hanged. Using some weird stuffed animal tail and sheets we made a sort of harness literally hanged the person from the ceiling. It looked pretty realistic. I would also add Megalomania to the list
  9. I know Showbiz was also performed at MEN Arena which was the last performance. I'm sure both Showbiz and MM came up a few times though. Not just once. There might be a chance to bring Showbiz songs back, but really with the exception of Sunburn a few times they've tuned out the Showbiz songs entirely. It just feels like they don't want to play them anymore. Who knows, maybe like Cave one will come back for a short time, but I'm still not going to be expecting them.
  10. That is true, but OoS isn't completely dominated by the loudness war. In the pic I have Hyper Music (one of the "loudest" in OoS)with Broken Beat and Scarred from Death Magnetic. You can see Hyper Music still has some range. Both aren't the highest quality (I really should re-rip the files, but laziness).
  11. Muse have never really had amazing production in albums. They've normally made up for it live. Like Stockholm on album vs. in concert.
  12. The Origin stage I'd say was simple in design, but pretty much everyone who was there was massively impressed with the design. And no, the Absolution Tour isn't as varied and spontaneous as everyone makes it out to be, but there was a lot more energy going into those gigs. And even the BH&R tour had more variation in setlists (on some gigs) than the Resistance Tour. Point is they can still have their big stage productions and not have to have everything feel tightly rehearsed.
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