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Everything posted by RustySlide

  1. Ill try... uh Instead of on the actual song the guitar/synth going: Doo Daa Dee Daa Dee Daa, Doo Daa Dee Daa Dee Daa etc. This went like Doo Daa Dee [Drum fill] Doo Daa Dee [drumzz] or something... Then moved up like, a 7th or something... it sounded cool tho
  2. there was a map of the problematique remix on that "10 things you didn't know about sleep" program on BBC1 today during the part where they tested a jet lag theory... thing is id never heard the remix before and it sounded well good!!
  3. tuhhh :( i started 6th form on tuesday :p i was the only person i know going to the school, so i was all on my own :p but ive made quite a few friends now :D s'all good :p


    what subjects you taking?

  4. :O i knowww :( but i am good thankyou :D, how is yourselff? :p

  5. MMMMMMMM hullo there :D



    also LMAO at JJ



  7. i Haz j00


    volentino ur gehy

  8. haha, i know the feeling, we were watching some film thing in Social Ed and SMBH came on, and everyone looks towards me, wearing my Muse jacket, and i just go like.. "what?! :rolleyes:" lol, i love being the one person that bums muse within a 5 mile radius
  9. if you know what CC to use, then all you need is an OUT from the PC to the IN in the whammy... however, if you dont know which CC and want to find out, you would need OUT from the whammy IN to the computer...
  10. hah, i just found out from this http://www.microcuts.net/gallery/data/media/4/ognmescan1.jpg The acutal rig for Map Of cost £20,000 :stunned: what in the fuck
  11. It Ceaces to amaze me how much muse are played in the media on tv etc. and people still either havnt heard of them, or say they are shit, which is obviously wrong, they have to be doing something right otherwise they wouldnt have all those awards and tv plays, yet when you tell that to people they dont even acknowledge it! i fucking hate haters... :LOL:
  12. wheres the soulwax remix of Muscle museum?!!??! its by far the bestest :D:D
  13. its two pitch shifters (one +oct and one -1oct ( or one alternating between two)) and a dog
  14. *feels pround someone read their post* but its definently no secret, or entierly that hard with the correct equipment... ...live, in its essence, its put through two whammy patches, one +1octave, one -1 octave, and they are basically turned on and off at set times through a laptop, thats basically it, ive tried it with my rp-2000, having to turn a +1 octave on and off with a soft-control button and it sounds pretty much the same, just obviously without the -1 octave and whatever distortion matt uses, i highly doubt there are any synths used, let alone 4
  15. he meant about me saying turning the pitch shifter off, otherwise he would have addressed the person who said 'rocking the whammy' and not me, i think
  16. thats what i meant, DUHH! anywho, the octavater on my RP2000 is the best i got so bleh! *runs back to safety of main muse*
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