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For that RAH shirt, I made it. Take a plain black dress shirt and sew long thin white strips of white fabric (a bit hard) into the front and sides and for the cuffs and collar, I just used a white shirt and took off those and sewed them onto the black shirt. Before sewing the collar and cuffs to the new shirt I I took some pieces of black fabric and sewed them onto the white collar and cuffs.


Of course you can always buy the real thing which is Dior Homme, but for those of us who want to dress like a rock star without the income of one, the only way is to make it.


Jess_luvs_Matt: Doctor Who is awesome and David Tennant is so phwooarrr.

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I was in Camden a few weeks back and I was in this shop that sells all vintage stuff and I saw this pair of glasses that I swore were the ones Matt is wearing here..




Of course I went straight over to them and was all like :eek: but I didn't buy them because I wasn't sure whether it was the same ones or not. Then when I got home I looked at the picture and was proper bummed to see they were the exact same ones. :'( I know a few people have been looking for them glasses aswell, damn. I'm tempted to go back but even if I did I doubt they'd still be in there.

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As I said in another thread, keep checking back to Play.com for the black atticus jacket. Link is here, sold out at the moment but every so often they seem to get more in, which is how I got mine. They sell out pretty quickly but that's the only place I found that I could get it from.

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No problem. And yeah I guess you just have to be patient... I didn't think they'd get some more in before Christmas last year but they did and I got one just in time. There's still a lot of people who are searching for this jacket so no doubt they've got many emails inquiring about it. So hopefully they'll have some more soon.

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if your interested, i see silver chucks EVERYWHERE and relatively cheap in some shops.

But i am in melbourne.


looking for the black coats the band are wearing in the SMBH vid.

don't know what to search up.

and to clear this up, they're wearing hoodies under their jackets, right?



also looking for the paint splattered jeans that seemed to be dior. keep in mind im stuck in aus

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dammit I've wanted to get that jacket for ages, but soon as i got money to buy it it went out of stock on ebtm, so I spent the money on something else, then someone told me they have them on play.com so I saved up for that and by the time I had enough they sold out on there and they haven't come back in stock since :(

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