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What a tool! He spends the entire interview explaining that he hates Muse because of Matt's attitude and then tacks on a shallow comment about their music at the end.

Also, how professional is it to ask the same question three times when it clearly isn't going well? That is just poor form on that guys part.


I say all these comments objectively and feel that they provide to any interview or artist.

As a fan I give props to the scenario where Matt decides to be the better man by walking away and ignoring the jerk. Do you know how easy it would be to fall into his trap and want to verbally/physically assult him? That interviewer is just a weak guy trying to stir trouble.

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What a tool! He spends the entire interview explaining that he hates Muse because of Matt's attitude and then tacks on a shallow comment about their music at the end.

Also, how professional is it to ask the same question three times when it clearly isn't going well? That is just poor form on that guys part.


I say all these comments objectively and feel that they provide to any interview or artist.

As a fan I give props to the scenario where Matt decides to be the better man by walking away and ignoring the jerk. Do you know how easy it would be to fall into his trap and want to verbally/physically assult him? That interviewer is just a weak guy trying to stir trouble.


My money's on Eddy TM :LOL:

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For some reason I found this very amusing :chuckle: But yeah it was ten years ago, they were very young and inexperienced about interviews and publicity. In ten years a person can change quite a lot and learn to behave well even when he's having a bad day.

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I feel bad for the guy. He obviously really wanted that interview to go well, and Matt pissed all over it. I don't blame him for being upset. Maybe the band was having a bad day, but that's no excuse for dickish behavior when you're supposed to be a professional.

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Wow. If that's the worst interviewing experience this guy's ever had, he's one lucky fucking journo. When I read his leadup I thought he'd say Matt threw something at him or flat told him to fuck off. I'm not just saying this just to blindly defend Matt, but I don't see what the big deal is that Matt got irked and became curt when asked a prodding and rude question. In my writing years I got snapped at a lot for asking questions far more innocuous than that, but I can't think of anyone I would hold a huge grudge against over it. People have good days and bad, they have hot buttons, they have fears, pet peeves, etc. While it certainly doesn't feel good to have someone turn cold on you during an interview, any interviewer with any empathetic capability would be able to move on from something this mundane over 10 years time. :rolleyes:


I also remember that Mark Beaumont said in the book that Matt's early troubles were off limits when he interviewed Muse. They said it wasn't something they wanted to talk about. You do get these interviewers who take offence when in fact they themselves have acted like complete jerks.

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Haha, Matt seems to be getting slated at the moment! When I read the title of this thread, I thought it'd be alot worse...I'm glad he hasn't resorted to cursing and throwing over chairs :LOL: Yes, that might've come across as a bit cold and stand-offish but I think I would be if someone deliberately asked me an awkward question and whipped out a police helmet :LOL:


In the fear of being labelled a stereotypical all-forgiving muse fan, no they are not gods :p But I don't believe one slightly exasperated interview response accounts for much in the scheme of things...

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Hmm...while I'm completely ok with people hating my favourite band, because let's face it - we're all entitled to have our opinion, most people tend to hate them because they can't get on with their music and get annoyed by how overated they see them becoming. This guy, however, hates them just because Matt didn't want to talk about a life that he'd so recently left behind? How exactly did that guy even think it was a suitable idea to bring that topic up in an interview for a show based on new and upcoming stars? He wanted to give the interview value he says...but the small print behind that seems to be he just wanted to make a mockery out of them before they'd even had a fair enough chance of really making something of themselves.


:facepalm: some never learn.

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At the end of the day, if you put yourself in the public eye you've got to be prepared to take the rough with the smooth. Sounds like Bellamy was being a dick for no good reason. All he had to say was "I'd rather not talk about it" and move on, but instead he was a dick to the interviewer.


But hey, this was all over 10 years ago, who really cares?

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This interviewer :rolleyes:


To hate a band only because you don't like the singer? What kind of judgement is this?

Music is a sense of taste. I am absolutly ok with people's opinions but if you judge about a band argue with reasons about their music not about the band's members. :rolleyes:


It was more than obvious Matt didn't want to talk about that.


Stupid interviewer.

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Sometimes when you're planning something, you get an idea in your head about how it will go and you figure it'll all work out nicely, but when you introduce another person into the situation, someone who doesn't know everything that's going into your head, what seemed like a brilliant idea to you can seem rude/stupid/boring to them. You shouldn't blame the other person for not seeing the brilliance of it or for not going along since they don't know what you're up to... if that makes any sense. (Can't think of how to word it) It's a risk you take in planning something like that without letting the other person in on it.


The band still shouldn't be rude, but if the interview goes to hell, it's partly the interviewer's fault for not being able to change course when things didn't go according to plan. I think the whole thing could easily be chalked up to both sides being fairly new at what they were doing and, as such, not responding as well as they could have when things went weird.


At the end of the day, if you put yourself in the public eye you've got to be prepared to take the rough with the smooth. Sounds like Bellamy was being a dick for no good reason. All he had to say was "I'd rather not talk about it" and move on, but instead he was a dick to the interviewer.


But hey, this was all over 10 years ago, who really cares?

Apparently the guy who wrote the blog cares ;)

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This interviewer :rolleyes:


To hate a band only because you don't like the singer? What kind of judgement is this?

Music is a sense of taste. I am absolutly ok with people's opinions but if you judge about a band argue with reasons about their music not about the band's members. :rolleyes:


It was more than obvious Matt didn't want to talk about that.


Stupid interviewer.


Well I guess his description of Muse's later musical output ("..histrionics, combined with that awful, overblown, post-Queen tribute band thing have only served to make me hate them more. They are The Darkness, minus self awareness.") did leave a lot to the imagination.

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Well I guess his description of Muse's later musical output ("..histrionics, combined with that awful, overblown, post-Queen tribute band thing have only served to make me hate them more. They are The Darkness, minus self awareness.") did leave a lot to the imagination.

But he says it made him hate them more, implying that the source of the hatred is some stupid event from 10yrs ago and the like or dislike of the music is an afterthought ;)


It's like saying "I freaking hate Muse because Bellamy is a jerk who looks like a rat and wears too much tin foil..... oh, and their music sux too!!!11"

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I'm fine with Muse's earlier attitude of 'If you don't like me I don't care', but that's a bit rude on Matt's part. He's a professional, it's an interview...bad day or no, no need to be a dick about it. Though yes, there was one probing question, I bet the rest weren't that bad.


The interviewer does seem to be cashing in on it though. 10 year grudges aren't healthy.

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Acting like a twat in the interview is obviously twattish but it's dumb to bring it up now :rolleyes: if I was the interviewer I'd probably hate him too and would be happy to hate their music because of that, but srsly, it was 10 years ago and while it's likely that they've been twattish on other occasions, they're really polite and funny most of the time.

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Ok then...who really cares what some bloke wrote in a blog?

I dunno, you tell me - you yourself commented on it ;)


My answer? It's a messageboard, people talk about stuff. There's a lot of random crap posted here that "no one cares about", yet the threads always seem to get a few pages of replies, including those from the people who say they don't care :awesome: Chalk it up to boredom or obsession or liking the sound of one's own voice typing... who knows... and hey, who cares?

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what a ridiculously over sensitive interviewer! i know that journalists like to dig deeper, but asking the same thing three times? seriously? i think he was the rude one... doesn't stike me as professional to ask someone whether he really didn't want to be there just because he didn't want to talk about a specific topic. :facepalm: i'm glad matt answered honestly ;)

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But he says it made him hate them more, implying that the source of the hatred is some stupid event from 10yrs ago and the like or dislike of the music is an afterthought ;)


It's like saying "I freaking hate Muse because Bellamy is a jerk who looks like a rat and wears too much tin foil..... oh, and their music sux too!!!11"


Excellent reasons both. :p

Didn't he say he went home after that 'interview' to throw out all his Muse CDs, "including their demo."...talk about bad judgment, that would fetch a pretty penny nowadays.

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But he says it made him hate them more, implying that the source of the hatred is some stupid event from 10yrs ago and the like or dislike of the music is an afterthought ;)


It's like saying "I freaking hate Muse because Bellamy is a jerk who looks like a rat and wears too much tin foil..... oh, and their music sux too!!!11"


That's the point I actually meant.

I have to write it next time. My mistake ;)

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Excellent reasons both. :p

Didn't he say he went home after that 'interview' to throw out all his Muse CDs, "including their demo."...talk about bad judgment, that would fetch a pretty penny nowadays.

Exactly - that's why a kneejerk reaction to a bad interview is so silly. If he'd just set the CD's aside, he could have them up on ebay right now for some obsessed muser to overbid on. ;) Maybe that's why he's so upset....

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Excellent reasons both. :p

Didn't he say he went home after that 'interview' to throw out all his Muse CDs, "including their demo."...talk about bad judgment, that would fetch a pretty penny nowadays.


Sounds childish to me. :rolleyes:


I guess he was angry cause he got disappointed by the interview how it ran. His expectation were set too high maybe.


Sorry for my english BTW.

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I dunno, you tell me - you yourself commented on it ;)


My answer? It's a messageboard, people talk about stuff. There's a lot of random crap posted here that "no one cares about", yet the threads always seem to get a few pages of replies, including those from the people who say they don't care :awesome: Chalk it up to boredom or obsession or liking the sound of one's own voice typing... who knows... and hey, who cares?


I commented on it because there's so many obsessives here that seem to think that stuff like this really matters. At the end of the day, people here should like Muse because they like the music, and they should not really give a flying fuck what others say or think about them. The amount of times I've seen people get overly-defensive about other people's opinions is staggering. Every time I've said something negative about them I get jumped on with replies like "Fuck you", "Call yourself a Muse fan?", "Well fuck off somewhere else then". That's not the balanced reply of someone thinking clearly.


Some guy on a blog says Bellamy is a dick. He's probably right, but at the end of the day nobody here is ever going to know whether he is or not, because all anyone has to go on is what comes out in interviews, Bellamy's public face. Behind the scenes he's probably a totally different person. But why do people care? If they like the music, then cool. But there's no need to place some rock star up on a pedestal like he's the greatest person ever to have lived like some people here do. It makes me wonder how many people here claim to like Muse, but it's only because they really fancy Bellamy and are forcing themselves to like their music so they have an excuse to keep fancying him.



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