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Well. I walked to(sry my bad english) home from school. I open door and... Oh f*ck! Matt stands front of me and says "Hello mate." Well we talk about their music and guitar playing and then i want his singature. He writes the paper:


"Hyv joulua!


Ps. Uusi albumi tulee kohta"


wich is in english:


"Merry XMas!

Santa Claus

Ps. New album coming soon."



Mku luulin et Matt on vaa laulaja/kitaristi/pianisti :stunned:

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I dreamt about bananas last night. Might be a mix up between Matt and that banana king episode from Charlie the Unicorn. Anyway, I went to the store and bought like tons of bananas. Might need som help eating them up though. Im eating one right now. It's the fourth banana today. I don't know whats wrong with me :facepalm:

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Yet another Muse dream. :facepalm: This is like 5-6 nights in a row. :wtf:


I wasn't in this dream, more like I was just watching over what was going on. Anyway. Muse were all attending another bands concert, it would have been back in the Showbiz days because Matt had blue hair. But he ended up standing up, and the spot light shone right on him and the whole crowd ended up chanting "Blue hair Matt, blue hair Matt". When they stopped Matt just sat down and laughed. And I woke up shortly after laughing. :chuckle:

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I had a dream last night where I was on some train and I saw a little boy with something that looked like a Muse wallet. I walked up to him told him I liked it. He told me he liked my shirt which made me realize I was wearing my Muse shirt. Then I started talking to him and his dad, who was also a Muse fan, for a bit. Then I went back to my seat and Matt came from literally out of nowhere sat down next to me. I was reading this comic book that had all these Abso references. I tried to point them out to him, but he didn't understand them :wtf: So I went through and explained it all to him :chuckle:

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Yeah... me again.

It was back in 2004, and I was about 23 at the time, and dating Dom (yay!!), as well as working for the band (Like tom... so actually, not doing much)...

so we had to go to Australia, and because we didn't want to stand out too much, I got my bestie Lucy to drive her car in. So, on the way back into Melbourne, she had a Muse compilation on the stereo, then Matt gave Dom a demo cd for Black Holes to put in... and Glorious came on... (I think I fell asleep listening to that song)

So, we dropped them off at the hotel, and we were waiting in the lobby, Tom came up and said they mucked up the bookings and there wasn't enough room, so I suggested that Dom came and stayed with me and Lucy in the apartment that my parents had and Lucy lived in...

So, we went there, and Lucy was saying something about a 5 year reunion between all the year 12 class from my school, and we all decided to go, and I took Dom as my date, while Lucy ended up taking Matt.

We got there, and immediately, Plug in Baby started playing, so Dom convinced Matt to go up onto the stage and start playing (there were miraculously a drum kit and guitar there).

So they started playing along to the recording, and everyone was amazed. I went up to someone I knew to be obsessed with Muse when I had last seen her, and managed to get Matt and Dom to talk to her...

Then, yeah, we partied the night away, and I woke up.... :(


Then, about a week or so ago, I had another one...

I was doing the same sort of job, and it was 2010 and I was a bit younger than the guys in the band, and still had been dating Dom... cuz for some reason or another I had moved to Teignmouth when I was 13 or 14...

So, we got to Melbourne, and Dom took me out to dinner at a Japanese restaurant (Kenzan :)) and we were interrupted after the starters by someone saying that there were people outside wanting him, and they turned out to be papps.

Then the same waitress came in and told us that 'Mr. Bellamy' was wanting to talk to us, so we let him come in and he talked random nonsense for a while.

Then when the meal was finished, Dom proposed... !!!!!!!! The ring had You could be my Unintended engraved on the inside... :)

Then we went back to the apartment I owned, and I called my bestie (aforementioned Lucy) to come over and I told her. Then we both went to the concert the next evening and Dom and I sang (oh god... Dom sang) Unintended...

Then when Knights came on, Lucy and I climbed into the mosh pit and rocked out with everyone else... then I climbed out at the end and got the mosh pit to start yelling 'I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH'

Then I had a better idea.... DOM WHIPS HIS HAIR BACK AND FORTH!!

So, then I ended up getting him to come back out and he performed the aforementioned lyrics...

Then, there was an afterparty, and Lucy and Matt hooked up.... naawwwwww!!!!!!


So ya, it's pretty cool!

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I had this dream that I drove to this wooded area with a bunch of mansions and a giant lake and I had the feeling that I was in Teignmouth (even though from what I've seen, it looks nothing like it!). Me and my friends decided to go parasailing on the lake and as we passed this one house, we saw Dom come out and watch us from his boat dock.

He was impressed by what we were doing, so he allowed us to park our boat at his dock (there was some sort of invisible security device that prevented crazy fans to just sneak up on his house from the lake). After that, we hung out and talked for a bit. As I was about to ask where Matt and Chris were, I woke up.


2 things I want to do, parasailing and meeting Dom!

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Yeah... me again.

It was back in 2004, and I was about 23 at the time, and dating Dom (yay!!), as well as working for the band (Like tom... so actually, not doing much)...

so we had to go to Australia, and because we didn't want to stand out too much, I got my bestie Lucy to drive her car in. So, on the way back into Melbourne, she had a Muse compilation on the stereo, then Matt gave Dom a demo cd for Black Holes to put in... and Glorious came on... (I think I fell asleep listening to that song)

So, we dropped them off at the hotel, and we were waiting in the lobby, Tom came up and said they mucked up the bookings and there wasn't enough room, so I suggested that Dom came and stayed with me and Lucy in the apartment that my parents had and Lucy lived in...

So, we went there, and Lucy was saying something about a 5 year reunion between all the year 12 class from my school, and we all decided to go, and I took Dom as my date, while Lucy ended up taking Matt.

We got there, and immediately, Plug in Baby started playing, so Dom convinced Matt to go up onto the stage and start playing (there were miraculously a drum kit and guitar there).

So they started playing along to the recording, and everyone was amazed. I went up to someone I knew to be obsessed with Muse when I had last seen her, and managed to get Matt and Dom to talk to her...

Then, yeah, we partied the night away, and I woke up.... :(


Then, about a week or so ago, I had another one...

I was doing the same sort of job, and it was 2010 and I was a bit younger than the guys in the band, and still had been dating Dom... cuz for some reason or another I had moved to Teignmouth when I was 13 or 14...

So, we got to Melbourne, and Dom took me out to dinner at a Japanese restaurant (Kenzan :)) and we were interrupted after the starters by someone saying that there were people outside wanting him, and they turned out to be papps.

Then the same waitress came in and told us that 'Mr. Bellamy' was wanting to talk to us, so we let him come in and he talked random nonsense for a while.

Then when the meal was finished, Dom proposed... !!!!!!!! The ring had You could be my Unintended engraved on the inside... :)

Then we went back to the apartment I owned, and I called my bestie (aforementioned Lucy) to come over and I told her. Then we both went to the concert the next evening and Dom and I sang (oh god... Dom sang) Unintended...

Then when Knights came on, Lucy and I climbed into the mosh pit and rocked out with everyone else... then I climbed out at the end and got the mosh pit to start yelling 'I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH'

Then I had a better idea.... DOM WHIPS HIS HAIR BACK AND FORTH!!So, then I ended up getting him to come back out and he performed the aforementioned lyrics...

Then, there was an afterparty, and Lucy and Matt hooked up.... naawwwwww!!!!!!


So ya, it's pretty cool!


I laughed so hard at this :LOL::LOL:

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Ok so I had this dream. My friend and I were at Melbourne airport waiting with a bunch of fans to see Muse get off the plane from where ever they had been before they were before they came to Australia. Anyway they got off the plane and fans were screaming so they came around and talked to everyone.


Dom and Chris came around to my friend and I first and we were both fine ... well she was a little weird around Dom. Anyway then Matt came over and for some reason I became completely mute. So Matt asked me what my name was and all I could do was stand there staring at him cause I couldn’t speak. My friend introduced herself and then me. Matt signed my photo and then moved on to talk to Kate (my friend) he asked her what was wrong with me and she told him that I was completely in love with him. Then he asked her what she thought would happen if he kissed me on the cheek. She told him I would probably pass out. Then he got this evil grin on his face turned to me, and kissed me on the cheek. True to what Kate said I passed out. Him and Kate were standing over me struggling to breathe cause they were laughing so much. Then I woke up :(

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I never thought it'd happen to me. I had a lucid Muse dream (you can control yourself in the dream)


I even made sure it wasn't a dream (I read somewhere that if you check your watch in your dream and look at it again, and it has a different time that means you're in a dream) Sure enough, the numbers were the same and I KNEW IT WASN'T A FRIGGIN DREAM!


Then I woke up and felt disappointed.

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i was at a muse gig. no idea where it was, when, etc. i ended up on barrier, but at some point during a song i ended up sitting on the barrier, facing the crowd. the song ended, matt walked up and i asked for his pick. somehow he heard me perfectly, and just nodded and dropped it right on top of me, since the barrier was right up against the stage. i leaned my head back almost upside down and said "thanks!" and gave him a huge smile. he then laughed his weird ass cackle, said "you're welcome!" and reached down to tweak my nose. i woke up laughing. :wtf::LOL:

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Ok so I had this dream. My friend and I were at Melbourne airport waiting with a bunch of fans to see Muse get off the plane from where ever they had been before they were before they came to Australia. Anyway they got off the plane and fans were screaming so they came around and talked to everyone.


Dom and Chris came around to my friend and I first and we were both fine ... well she was a little weird around Dom. Anyway then Matt came over and for some reason I became completely mute. So Matt asked me what my name was and all I could do was stand there staring at him cause I couldn’t speak. My friend introduced herself and then me. Matt signed my photo and then moved on to talk to Kate (my friend) he asked her what was wrong with me and she told him that I was completely in love with him. Then he asked her what she thought would happen if he kissed me on the cheek. She told him I would probably pass out. Then he got this evil grin on his face turned to me, and kissed me on the cheek. True to what Kate said I passed out. Him and Kate were standing over me struggling to breathe cause they were laughing so much. Then I woke up :(


:LOL: That would be a great dream!

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Ok so I had this dream. My friend and I were at Melbourne airport waiting with a bunch of fans to see Muse get off the plane from where ever they had been before they were before they came to Australia. Anyway they got off the plane and fans were screaming so they came around and talked to everyone.


Dom and Chris came around to my friend and I first and we were both fine ... well she was a little weird around Dom. Anyway then Matt came over and for some reason I became completely mute. So Matt asked me what my name was and all I could do was stand there staring at him cause I couldn’t speak. My friend introduced herself and then me. Matt signed my photo and then moved on to talk to Kate (my friend) he asked her what was wrong with me and she told him that I was completely in love with him. Then he asked her what she thought would happen if he kissed me on the cheek. She told him I would probably pass out. Then he got this evil grin on his face turned to me, and kissed me on the cheek. True to what Kate said I passed out. Him and Kate were standing over me struggling to breathe cause they were laughing so much. Then I woke up :(



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i was at a muse gig. no idea where it was, when, etc. i ended up on barrier, but at some point during a song i ended up sitting on the barrier, facing the crowd. the song ended, matt walked up and i asked for his pick. somehow he heard me perfectly, and just nodded and dropped it right on top of me, since the barrier was right up against the stage. i leaned my head back almost upside down and said "thanks!" and gave him a huge smile. he then laughed his weird ass cackle, said "you're welcome!" and reached down to tweak my nose. i woke up laughing. :wtf::LOL:


I love these cute and simple dreams! Those are the ones that just make it a good day, ain't it?

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Ok, so last night I had this really sad Muse dream. So it was at the 2004 Glastonbury show (the one where Dom's father had a heart attack) so I was in the crowd and they had just finished Stockholm Syndrome and the crowd was slowly disappearing.


I was one of the last people there and suddenly this guy just collapses in front of me. I had no idea what to do so I yelled at someone closer to him to grab his wallet and see what his name was. We found out it was William Howard, Dom's dad. Of course I freaked and when we couldn’t really find a pulse I freaked ever more. I told them that I was going to find Dom and tell him what had happened. So I ran over to the backstage area where I found a security guard.

Me: "I need to see Dom Howard. NOW!"

Security Guard: "Do you know him?"

Me: "Of course I don’t know him! He's in Muse. Do I look like I know someone in Muse?"


Obviously me yelling at the guard like this had caught some attention and Matt and Chris came out to see what was happening. When I told them what I had seen they immediately called Dom to whom I repeated my story for the second time. I swear when hearing it he went white as paper.


Dom started running off but then he turned around slightly and yelled at me to stay with Chris and Matt because he wanted to be able to find me later. So I was with Chris and Matt and I was just standing there really awkwardly until Matt asked me if I wanted some coffee which of course I did. So I sat down and we started talking.


After awhile Dom came back in and told us that his dad had had a heart attack and that he had died. Then he just broke down. We all went over to him and started comforting him and then he asked me to tell him what I had seen and what had happened. After I told him again we lead him over to the couch where he just sat there staring straight ahead. Matt went over to him and put his hand on his shoulder and was about to say something but then my alarm went off.


I woke up crying because I was so sad. :(:(


This dream just teaches me not to look up the Glastonbury gig before I go to bed because it results in really depressing dreams.

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Ok, so last night I had this really sad Muse dream. So it was at the 2004 Glastonbury show (the one where Dom's father had a heart attack) so I was in the crowd and they had just finished Stockholm Syndrome and the crowd was slowly disappearing.


I was one of the last people there and suddenly this guy just collapses in front of me. I had no idea what to do so I yelled at someone closer to him to grab his wallet and see what his name was. We found out it was William Howard, Dom's dad. Of course I freaked and when we couldn’t really find a pulse I freaked ever more. I told them that I was going to find Dom and tell him what had happened. So I ran over to the backstage area where I found a security guard.

Me: "I need to see Dom Howard. NOW!"

Security Guard: "Do you know him?"

Me: "Of course I don’t know him! He's in Muse. Do I look like I know someone in Muse?"


Obviously me yelling at the guard like this had caught some attention and Matt and Chris came out to see what was happening. When I told them what I had seen they immediately called Dom to whom I repeated my story for the second time. I swear when hearing it he went white as paper.


Dom started running off but then he turned around slightly and yelled at me to stay with Chris and Matt because he wanted to be able to find me later. So I was with Chris and Matt and I was just standing there really awkwardly until Matt asked me if I wanted some coffee which of course I did. So I sat down and we started talking.


After awhile Dom came back in and told us that his dad had had a heart attack and that he had died. Then he just broke down. We all went over to him and started comforting him and then he asked me to tell him what I had seen and what had happened. After I told him again we lead him over to the couch where he just sat there staring straight ahead. Matt went over to him and put his hand on his shoulder and was about to say something but then my alarm went off.


I woke up crying because I was so sad. :(:(


This dream just teaches me not to look up the Glastonbury gig before I go to bed because it results in really depressing dreams.

that was really sad dreams :supersad:

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Ok, so last night I had this really sad Muse dream. So it was at the 2004 Glastonbury show (the one where Dom's father had a heart attack) so I was in the crowd and they had just finished Stockholm Syndrome and the crowd was slowly disappearing.

After awhile Dom came back in and told us that his dad had had a heart attack and that he had died. Then he just broke down.


I actually almost cried when I read this, you see I didn't know that Dom's dad actually died - So heartbreaking for Dom :'(


- Last night I had the most amazing MUSE dream so far :D - I was at a MUSE gig with my Mum (I was depressed when I went to sleep last night because Mum keeps telling me I'm too young to go to their gigs :( - probably what bought on the dream) and it wasn't an on-stage gig, instead they were playing in a big field - anyway were're in a seating area and then Chris, followed by Dom and then Matt start to walk past us. Thousands of people are screaming their names and I called for Matt, not very loud considering the shouts from the other people, but Matt hears me, and turns around :stunned: . We make eye contact and I hold out my hand for a high five - but instead he just lays his hand on mine, our fingers meet and our palms are together :kiss: . It was almost like it was real, I could feel his hand, it was warm and increadably soft and my heart twinged, I felt breathless and really excited when he pulled away, and I couldn't get over it :$ - so during the 'break' I was on the field where they were playing, hoping to meet Matt again but when they came out, Matt was driving this three-wheeled, navy blue car around really wrecklessly, then I woke up, too bad... :(


Two MUSE dreams in one week is pretty good going - the other night I dreamt that I was sat with Dom and Matt, preparing setlists for their next gig!! :happy:

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Ok, so last night I had this really sad Muse dream. So it was at the 2004 Glastonbury show (the one where Dom's father had a heart attack) so I was in the crowd and they had just finished Stockholm Syndrome and the crowd was slowly disappearing.


I was one of the last people there and suddenly this guy just collapses in front of me. I had no idea what to do so I yelled at someone closer to him to grab his wallet and see what his name was. We found out it was William Howard, Dom's dad. Of course I freaked and when we couldn’t really find a pulse I freaked ever more. I told them that I was going to find Dom and tell him what had happened. So I ran over to the backstage area where I found a security guard.

Me: "I need to see Dom Howard. NOW!"

Security Guard: "Do you know him?"

Me: "Of course I don’t know him! He's in Muse. Do I look like I know someone in Muse?"


Obviously me yelling at the guard like this had caught some attention and Matt and Chris came out to see what was happening. When I told them what I had seen they immediately called Dom to whom I repeated my story for the second time. I swear when hearing it he went white as paper.


Dom started running off but then he turned around slightly and yelled at me to stay with Chris and Matt because he wanted to be able to find me later. So I was with Chris and Matt and I was just standing there really awkwardly until Matt asked me if I wanted some coffee which of course I did. So I sat down and we started talking.


After awhile Dom came back in and told us that his dad had had a heart attack and that he had died. Then he just broke down. We all went over to him and started comforting him and then he asked me to tell him what I had seen and what had happened. After I told him again we lead him over to the couch where he just sat there staring straight ahead. Matt went over to him and put his hand on his shoulder and was about to say something but then my alarm went off.


I woke up crying because I was so sad. :(:(


This dream just teaches me not to look up the Glastonbury gig before I go to bed because it results in really depressing dreams.

It makes me wonder now how Dom actually found out... like, where his dad was at the time; was he backstage or was it a very similar situation to what you just described? That would be horrific if what you described actually happened to someone else. Of course, that's unlikely, but it just makes you think...

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Ok, so last night I had this really sad Muse dream. So it was at the 2004 Glastonbury show (the one where Dom's father had a heart attack) so I was in the crowd and they had just finished Stockholm Syndrome and the crowd was slowly disappearing.


I was one of the last people there and suddenly this guy just collapses in front of me. I had no idea what to do so I yelled at someone closer to him to grab his wallet and see what his name was. We found out it was William Howard, Dom's dad. Of course I freaked and when we couldn’t really find a pulse I freaked ever more. I told them that I was going to find Dom and tell him what had happened. So I ran over to the backstage area where I found a security guard.

Me: "I need to see Dom Howard. NOW!"

Security Guard: "Do you know him?"

Me: "Of course I don’t know him! He's in Muse. Do I look like I know someone in Muse?"


Obviously me yelling at the guard like this had caught some attention and Matt and Chris came out to see what was happening. When I told them what I had seen they immediately called Dom to whom I repeated my story for the second time. I swear when hearing it he went white as paper.


Dom started running off but then he turned around slightly and yelled at me to stay with Chris and Matt because he wanted to be able to find me later. So I was with Chris and Matt and I was just standing there really awkwardly until Matt asked me if I wanted some coffee which of course I did. So I sat down and we started talking.


After awhile Dom came back in and told us that his dad had had a heart attack and that he had died. Then he just broke down. We all went over to him and started comforting him and then he asked me to tell him what I had seen and what had happened. After I told him again we lead him over to the couch where he just sat there staring straight ahead. Matt went over to him and put his hand on his shoulder and was about to say something but then my alarm went off.


I woke up crying because I was so sad. :(:(


This dream just teaches me not to look up the Glastonbury gig before I go to bed because it results in really depressing dreams.



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Wow, my brain's having a pretty cool creative spurt at the moment :)


I was in the car with my mum on the way home from Melbourne, loud Muse in my ears, and sipping on my FAVE boost juice smoothie, and I kinda dropped into that semi-consciousness state, which seemed to bring a pretty funny dream on...


I was with the band in Melbourne, and we were holed up in the hotel, because the guys didn't really feel like going out. I was trying to convince Dom (who strangely had a love for berries like me) to come out with me and get a smoothie. I can't remember the exact conversation, but it was me saying 'but it has berries in it!' and him going 'really? ok... wait, no, I can't be stuffed...'

I finally convinced him to go, and so we went into the other room where Matt was, and told him we were going out, then suggested that he should come too. He was pretty reluctant to go out and get a smoothie, but then I said 'they have bananas!' and he got completely hyper and jumped up and ran out the door...


Yep... I'm having boost juice WAY more often :)

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