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This was a really confusing dream I had a while ago.


There was a poster in our front door about Muse doing a tour in Mars. I got really terrified, 'cause I didn't have any tickets. I just smashed the door with my superpowers and it created this massive wave that made me fly all the way to Mars.

I don't remember the gig at all, I just saw the planet and was like "wow" and suddenly I was in a spaceship with Dom and Chris. They were talking about Matt having a depression again and I thought maybe I could go and comfort him. So I ran into the men's toilet and saw Matt there and kissed him right in middle of his head, 'cause he was really short. Like really short. Matt didn't like that though and he made like a ninja attack at me, then took a gun from the toilet seat and tried to shoot me. I ran to the female toilet and was suddenly home again.

At home I was watching the TV, it was a soap opera and all sudden it changed into a big newscast. The newscaster told with a polite voice that Matt had made a suicide and at the same time blown up the whole universe, then there was some photo material of me and Matt in the toilet.

I started crying in the dream, like "oh no muse is dead" and then woke up and continued crying. It took maybe half a hour before I realised "oh wait, muse did come back alive from mars! No panic then!". It took hours until I actually realised the whole thing was a dream.



hilarious...except the waking up crying (that sucks) but the rest is hilarious!

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I had these sort of multiple short dreams recently


Dream one: Logged in to the Muse messageboard, and Gemsy had this announcement scattered across the board saying Matt Bellamy has died :eek:. [Apparently] he was walking around at night alone and got attacked. I was crying for so long.


Dream two: All Muse members are alive in this one. I saw Dom on the street, and ran up to him eagerly. I told him Muse was my inspiration to my artwork. He looked at me as if I was a loser and told me to fuck off. :'( I didn't chase him after that.

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I had these sort of multiple short dreams recently


Dream one: Logged in to the Muse messageboard, and Gemsy had this announcement scattered across the board saying Matt Bellamy has died :eek:. [Apparently] he was walking around at night alone and got attacked. I was crying for so long.


Dream two: All Muse members are alive in this one. I saw Dom on the street, and ran up to him eagerly. I told him Muse was my inspiration to my artwork. He looked at me as if I was a loser and told me to fuck off. :'( I didn't chase him after that.


NOOOO! haha dam muse nightmares ... i wish you muse dreams tonight;)

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i had a few mini muse dreams lately... not really worth mentioning

but i wanted to record this one... what better place then here?

:LOL: haha if I tried to tell anyone else i get the 'unhealthy obsession' talk again:LOL:



Me and a guy and a girl (no idea who they are) walked into a supermarket and muse are playing microcuts behind a checkout.:stunned:

specifically 'ive seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnn whhhhhhhhhhaaaaatt yoooor dooooooooooooiiiingg tooooooooooo meeeeee' etc

And instead of thinking this is unusual/ screaming/ even listening we proceed to go and buy marshmellows while teasing the random guy with us about how he could never do a falsetto as high as matt.

While we are at the checkout me and the girl ask matt why he doesnt wear his labcoat anymore.

He is wearing a sparkily, sequined green jacket and says something about their venue managers like it better and let them play more if he wears the sparkily green jacket and that if he didnt they'd make him wear glasses (?)


anyway not as good as muse dreams usually go... buuuut I'll take what I can get:rolleyes:

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I dreamt that I was on the stage with Muse. I was singing Starlight. Matt starts making mistakes with the guitar...Dom loses the rhythm and Chris stops playing.

Then Dom and Chris run away of the stage and Matt begs me to do something but I can't do anything! So Matt stops playing the guitar and I just look at the fans panicking :stunned:


I woke up and I realised I was crying :eek:



[i don't know if my English's right...sorry!]

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I dreamt that I was on the stage with Muse. I was singing Starlight. Matt starts making mistakes with the guitar...Dom loses the rhythm and Chris stops playing.

Then Dom and Chris run away of the stage and Matt begs me to do something but I can't do anything! So Matt stops playing the guitar and I just look at the fans panicking :stunned:


I woke up and I realised I was crying :eek:



[i don't know if my English's right...sorry!]


That's an odd dream :erm:


Your English is fine :)

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i had a few mini muse dreams lately... not really worth mentioning

but i wanted to record this one... what better place then here?

:LOL: haha if I tried to tell anyone else i get the 'unhealthy obsession' talk again:LOL:



Me and a guy and a girl (no idea who they are) walked into a supermarket and muse are playing microcuts behind a checkout.:stunned:

specifically 'ive seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnn whhhhhhhhhhaaaaatt yoooor dooooooooooooiiiingg tooooooooooo meeeeee' etc

And instead of thinking this is unusual/ screaming/ even listening we proceed to go and buy marshmellows while teasing the random guy with us about how he could never do a falsetto as high as matt.

While we are at the checkout me and the girl ask matt why he doesnt wear his labcoat anymore.

He is wearing a sparkily, sequined green jacket and says something about their venue managers like it better and let them play more if he wears the sparkily green jacket and that if he didnt they'd make him wear glasses (?)


anyway not as good as muse dreams usually go... buuuut I'll take what I can get:rolleyes:


wtk? :LOL: very random I love it.

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:LOL: you people's dreams are so much better than mine!

or at least they make for good entertainment..

i was so pleased with myself the last time i had a muse dream :D cause i hardly ever have dreams.. especially about anything interesting..

anyways.. it was me looking after a LOAD of kids like 2 year olds in what looked like the drama studio at school.. then just like randomly it turns out muse are going to be performing there.. then all the kids started like.. crying or shouting and getting up from their seats... and it ended JUST as muse come in...

in the stage just after i woke up i was so disapointed :rolleyes:

anyone else feel really dumb just after you realise it's all a dream?

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Unfortunately, for the amount of brainspace I reserve for them, and for all the time I spend thinking about them, Muse dreams are rare for me. But here are a couple for you:


I walk into an old cathedral and Muse is on stage, playing Plug In Baby (looking back on this I laugh and picture Matt playing Megalomania on the organ in that old catholic church :LOL: ). I try to get closer to them, but there are so many freaking pews I can't reach them. Then the church falls down and I'm in this flowery meadow, nice and close with a good view of them, and the dreams ends (feck!).


It's 2001 and Muse is doing a private show which I got a ticket for. I watch Matt from like 4 feet away while he does a guitar solo. He gives me an autograph. I carry it around with me and find my friends, ready to leave (though not really wanting to) and holding on to my autograph for dear life. I wake up, feel around for it, and swear out loud because I know it's not there (FECK!). I was pissed off the entire day after that... Come to think of it, all of my Muse dreams are incredibly frustrating like this :mad:

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Not very exciting, but I had a dream that I got a big 2-CD case in the mail (from an imaginary "Muse fan club" I guess) that had the BHAR album artwork on it. I was squealing because I thought it had to be the new album but was in fact a collection of old interviews. :LOL:

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i have all kinds of dreams!!!


matt came to my school and he was like

"hey im matthew bellamy and im in a band called muse."

he came over to me and said...

"so you're a muse fan? i see you're in the muse website."


then he asked people to sing. i said i would then i sang map of the problematique.














we played poker...:stunned:

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Last night I was driving bikes with Matt. I had a really expensive custom bike, the type you can jump over obstacles and do tricks. Matt had my grandmother's bike that we had stolen earlier in the dream. This Matt wasn't that short, in fact he was taller than me and I'm pretty tall. So we drove into the supermarket, because Matt wanted to steal bananas. I took the bananas and threw them to Matt, and we made a quick escape from the shop. But we weren't lucky, 'cause there was a police right outside the supermarket and he somehow knew that we had stolen bananas. So the police started to chase us, but we managed to escape from him by hiding behind a corner.

Then the bananas changed into tampons and Matt started crying about how he always thought he was a man, but his menstruation had begun. I don't remember what happened after that part, but the next thing I remember is me kissing Dom and Matt staring at us with a terrified look at his face. He said that he was already married with Dom and they were having a baby.


I would love to have sane dreams sometimes :rolleyes:

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Last night I was driving bikes with Matt. I had a really expensive custom bike, the type you can jump over obstacles and do tricks. Matt had my grandmother's bike that we had stolen earlier in the dream. This Matt wasn't that short, in fact he was taller than me and I'm pretty tall. So we drove into the supermarket, because Matt wanted to steal bananas. I took the bananas and threw them to Matt, and we made a quick escape from the shop. But we weren't lucky, 'cause there was a police right outside the supermarket and he somehow knew that we had stolen bananas. So the police started to chase us, but we managed to escape from him by hiding behind a corner.

Then the bananas changed into tampons and Matt started crying about how he always thought he was a man, but his menstruation had begun. I don't remember what happened after that part, but the next thing I remember is me kissing Dom and Matt staring at us with a terrified look at his face. He said that he was already married with Dom and they were having a baby.


I would love to have sane dreams sometimes :rolleyes:


that part made me die, silently, with laughter!


Your dream is awesome. I've been having crazy ass dreams lately, but sadly none of them were Muse related so I cannot share...but that's cool cause I can't really remember them either! :LOL:


I love your dream! :LOL:

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... I don't remember what happened after that part, but the next thing I remember is me kissing Dom and Matt staring at us with a terrified look on his face. He said that he was already married with Dom and they were having a baby.


I would love to have sane dreams sometimes :rolleyes:


Oh gosh, this made me laugh. And the part about banana robbery :LOL:


Haha, careful what you wish for - normal dreams are very boring (I would know :rolleyes:). And you got to kiss Dom, so count your blessings! :p

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I had a dream that I was at V festival watching the boys play, and all of a sudden they're in the pit with me and I knock Chris over and he grunts and says 'hey pipsqueak! help me up' and he had one of those high-pitched chipmunk voices, but I didn't care cause that was the first time I had ever heard Chris speak and so the four of us somehow fought to the front of the crowd to watch themselves play. Temporal paradox mayhaps?

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I saw this thread a while ago, and always wanted to be able to participate. And now I can finally say I had a Muse dream.


I was in an extremely old and sort of abandoned movie theatre, most likely from the 1930's. There was a piano on a lowered platform, which clued me in to the fact that this theatre was used for silent movies with live accompaniment. it smelled of dust, and mothballs I think, and there was a hole in the ceiling and Matt was playing the piano. So I walked down to the piano and sat on the bench next to him and asked what he was doing there. And he said that he was waiting for his flight from Albuquerque to take him to Milan. He told me to take his pocket watch to a jeweler and, while he was handing it to me, Dom came from an emergency exit and was excited about finding an old box of Aero Bars. So I left them to discuss the chocolate with a pocket watch to go to an unknown jeweler.

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Ooh, I've never come across this thread until now! :happy: I had a bizarre dream that Matt became my guitar teacher, that was a damn good dream! :awesome:

Pity that it wasn't real though. :'(



I saw this thread a while ago, and always wanted to be able to participate. And now I can finally say I had a Muse dream.


I was in an extremely old and sort of abandoned movie theatre, most likely from the 1930's. There was a piano on a lowered platform, which clued me in to the fact that this theatre was used for silent movies with live accompaniment. it smelled of dust, and mothballs I think, and there was a hole in the ceiling and Matt was playing the piano. So I walked down to the piano and sat on the bench next to him and asked what he was doing there. And he said that he was waiting for his flight from Albuquerque to take him to Milan. He told me to take his pocket watch to a jeweler and, while he was handing it to me, Dom came from an emergency exit and was excited about finding an old box of Aero Bars. So I left them to discuss the chocolate with a pocket watch to go to an unknown jeweler.


I've now got hilarious visions of Dom running around with Aero Bars and grinning like a maniac. :LOL: That sounded like a cool dream!

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This is an interesting topic!

In my dream I had a VIP pass, so I was going to meet Muse. But the people that were going to let this happen told me to wait while the band takes a shower :rolleyes: So i waited and they finally came out, all nice and clean (dressed, ugh) :D they were concentrating on me SO much, it felt really weird :p Then matthew played some songs on his acoustic guitar and Dom, Chris and I were just singing along. It was THE most amazing dream I've ever had. My brother woke me up then, I felt like crying, because it was over!

But yeah, this was my only Muse dream.

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Ooh, I've never come across this thread until now! :happy: I had a bizarre dream that Matt became my guitar teacher, that was a damn good dream! :awesome:

Pity that it wasn't real though. :'(





I've now got hilarious visions of Dom running around with Aero Bars and grinning like a maniac. :LOL: That sounded like a cool dream!


Oh, if that were real you would be the young apprentice soon to over come the master:eek:

:LOL: And yes, that is EXACTLY what it was. There was so much joy on his face when he was like "Matteh!!! Aero Bars!!" :D *shows box proudly* If it were real my reaction would have just been like "D'awwww." Instead of dream me raising one eyebrow O.o


I had a dream I was watching a show on the arena tour and the band playing strip poker was the visuals for Supermassive Black Hole.


I spent the latter part of the song looking something like this - :facepalm:


Oh God. Watch this comes true during the Resistance Tour. They read this and think this is a fantastic idea. I blame youuuuuu!!



just kidding....

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This is an interesting topic!

In my dream I had a VIP pass, so I was going to meet Muse. But the people that were going to let this happen told me to wait while the band takes a shower :rolleyes: So i waited and they finally came out, all nice and clean (dressed, ugh) :D they were concentrating on me SO much, it felt really weird :p Then matthew played some songs on his acoustic guitar and Dom, Chris and I were just singing along. It was THE most amazing dream I've ever had. My brother woke me up then, I felt like crying, because it was over!

But yeah, this was my only Muse dream.


Sucks that they were dressed.....:(


And I would have killed someone if they woke me up from that. Heavenly...

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Oh, if that were real you would be the young apprentice soon to over come the master:eek:

:LOL: And yes, that is EXACTLY what it was. There was so much joy on his face when he was like "Matteh!!! Aero Bars!!" :D *shows box proudly* If it were real my reaction would have just been like "D'awwww." Instead of dream me raising one eyebrow O.o


The more I think about it, the more I want to crack up with laughter! :LOL:

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