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I had a dream that I was in my car with Matt, Chris and Dom in Preston. I suggested a night out in Lancaster. They were all enthusiastic about it. But Matt said 'I'll just have to call my dad to tell him where I'll be. He worries.'


So i drove us all up to Lancaster, even though I was sat in the back seat. Chris was in the drivers seat even though I was driving. Dom was the front passenger and Matt was sat in the back with me. He was wearing a black woolly hat like he does when he is on the speedboat on the Hullabaloo DVD extras.


Unfortunately, by the time we arrived to Lancaster Muse had morphed into my friends that I usually go out with. :(

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I had a dream that I was in my car with Matt, Chris and Dom in Preston. I suggested a night out in Lancaster. They were all enthusiastic about it. But Matt said 'I'll just have to call my dad to tell him where I'll be. He worries.'


So i drove us all up to Lancaster, even though I was sat in the back seat. Chris was in the drivers seat even though I was driving. Dom was the front passenger and Matt was sat in the back with me. He was wearing a black woolly hat like he does when he is on the speedboat on the Hullabaloo DVD extras.


Unfortunately, by the time we arrived to Lancaster Muse had morphed into my friends that I usually go out with. :(


awwwwww :(

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i had a dream last night that i was at a festival and Muse were playing. I was on the stage with muse and they had already played the main set. Then Matt comes up to me and says what song do I want them to play after Knights of Cydonia in the encore and I said Dead Star. He says they will play that then another suprise song. Then he starts chatting to me about the other bands i saw in the festival. I remeber Bloc Party and Kaiser Chief and I said to him that they were good but Muse were easily the best :). While this is happening he is playing this really long intro to Knights. I keep on talking to him then he says he has to go and i wake up

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I had a dream that Matt invited me over to the studio where they're recording the fifth album.

Me: Wow, this place is amazing

Matt: Do you want a cup of tea?

Me: Yes, please


Oh, I swear, it was the most perfect cup of tea, ever! I'd say the dream was more centered around the tea, as opposed to the person who made the tea!


We just kept on talking about random things, Dom and Chris were no where to be found :(


He was wearing the same outfit as my dp. Yum :p


His voice began to sound like a woman after a while. He said "Honey, don't YOU have school" then I realised....that voice was my mother's. She woke me up! I've slept in on a school day!

Edited by mrs_bellamy_
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I had a dream that I was in my car with Matt, Chris and Dom in Preston. I suggested a night out in Lancaster. They were all enthusiastic about it. But Matt said 'I'll just have to call my dad to tell him where I'll be. He worries.'


So i drove us all up to Lancaster, even though I was sat in the back seat. Chris was in the drivers seat even though I was driving. Dom was the front passenger and Matt was sat in the back with me. He was wearing a black woolly hat like he does when he is on the speedboat on the Hullabaloo DVD extras.


Unfortunately, by the time we arrived to Lancaster Muse had morphed into my friends that I usually go out with. :(


:LOL: That's so funny. It made me cry :$

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I had a dream that Matt invited me over to the studio where they're recording the fifth album.

Me: Wow, this place is amazing

Matt: Do you want a cup of tea?

Me: Yes, please


Oh, I swear, it was the most perfect cup of tea, ever! I'd say the dream was more centered around the tea, as opposed to the person who made the tea!


We just kept on talking about random things, Dom and Chris were no where to be found :(


He was wearing the same outfit as my dp. Yum :p


His voice began to sound like a woman after a while. He said "Honey, don't YOU have school" then I realised....that voice was my mother's. She woke me up! I've slept in on a school day!



that sucks...



my dream wasn't very musey, but it was muse related in a way.


it was like 3 nights ago it it was the most bizarre dream.

anyway so it started off like some weird twilight shit and something about a black liquid filling up a bottle (?)

then it changes and I'm like an actress and I'm supposed to be doing some weird scene.. I'm like running in slow motion through a super market (why?) and hoping over little obstacles like a wall of toilet tissue and other odd things of the sort. and then I ended up going to the wrong side of the market and these weird people, old people too, with artificial smiles were slowly walking towards me and like I started running from them but they circled around so I did this awesome flip over them and like ran up the displays to get to the air vent, but they were waiting in the airvent and injected me with this drug that was supposed to make me like them and I passed out. I woke up like 2 seconds later but I was still resisting the drug and I ran back to the safe side of the market and like I wasn't a girl anymore I was like this weird indian dude and a narrator was like "the 5 d's of dodge ball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge." and everytime he said I word I did it. (odd I know)


And then like I ran into this old man with a can and I spoke weird and I said "hail traveler from yore home of the (whatever)" and he said "Hail traveler from (whatever) home of the dead star!" (the only muse thing in this dream) and then it was like I was reading the bible or something and the narrator, which was just me reading to myself said "upon touching the cane the mind control vanished..." and something about tasks or something


and the old man was saying like "if you meet a man who only speaks left (and the words appeared with the letters facing left as he spoke) then it's polite to turn left and face him" and that made no sense but the indian dude was looking at him and said "ah. wise indeed"


and yea...it just gets weirder after that o.0

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I had a weird Muse dream last night, which is pretty strange since I've never had a Muse-related one before, and doubly strange because it was more than a little creepy.


Basically Matt, Dom, Chris and me were sitting at a table outside in some sort of desert town, and we kept randomly switching bodies. So for example the first time round I was in Dom's body, Dom was in Matt's, Matt was in Chris' and Chris was in mine (looking fairly uncomfortable, might I add). Anyway, the whole plot of the dream consisted of me and Dom trying to find each other and making out each time we swapped bodies (and Matt and Chris commenting on how disturbing it was).


Yeah, and I'm not really that much of a perverted person to, but there you go... :$

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I had a weird Muse dream last night, which is pretty strange since I've never had a Muse-related one before, and doubly strange because it was more than a little creepy.


Basically Matt, Dom, Chris and me were sitting at a table outside in some sort of desert town, and we kept randomly switching bodies. So for example the first time round I was in Dom's body, Dom was in Matt's, Matt was in Chris' and Chris was in mine (looking fairly uncomfortable, might I add). Anyway, the whole plot of the dream consisted of me and Dom trying to find each other and making out each time we swapped bodies (and Matt and Chris commenting on how disturbing it was).


Yeah, and I'm not really that much of a perverted person to, but there you go... :$





awesome dream!!!


better than that matt/dom dream I had! o.0

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that sucks...



my dream wasn't very musey, but it was muse related in a way.


it was like 3 nights ago it it was the most bizarre dream.

anyway so it started off like some weird twilight shit and something about a black liquid filling up a bottle (?)

then it changes and I'm like an actress and I'm supposed to be doing some weird scene.. I'm like running in slow motion through a super market (why?) and hoping over little obstacles like a wall of toilet tissue and other odd things of the sort. and then I ended up going to the wrong side of the market and these weird people, old people too, with artificial smiles were slowly walking towards me and like I started running from them but they circled around so I did this awesome flip over them and like ran up the displays to get to the air vent, but they were waiting in the airvent and injected me with this drug that was supposed to make me like them and I passed out. I woke up like 2 seconds later but I was still resisting the drug and I ran back to the safe side of the market and like I wasn't a girl anymore I was like this weird indian dude and a narrator was like "the 5 d's of dodge ball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge." and everytime he said I word I did it. (odd I know)


And then like I ran into this old man with a can and I spoke weird and I said "hail traveler from yore home of the (whatever)" and he said "Hail traveler from (whatever) home of the dead star!" (the only muse thing in this dream) and then it was like I was reading the bible or something and the narrator, which was just me reading to myself said "upon touching the cane the mind control vanished..." and something about tasks or something


and the old man was saying like "if you meet a man who only speaks left (and the words appeared with the letters facing left as he spoke) then it's polite to turn left and face him" and that made no sense but the indian dude was looking at him and said "ah. wise indeed"


and yea...it just gets weirder after that o.0




Made me laugh so much.

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I had a weird Muse dream last night, which is pretty strange since I've never had a Muse-related one before, and doubly strange because it was more than a little creepy.


Basically Matt, Dom, Chris and me were sitting at a table outside in some sort of desert town, and we kept randomly switching bodies. So for example the first time round I was in Dom's body, Dom was in Matt's, Matt was in Chris' and Chris was in mine (looking fairly uncomfortable, might I add). Anyway, the whole plot of the dream consisted of me and Dom trying to find each other and making out each time we swapped bodies (and Matt and Chris commenting on how disturbing it was).


Yeah, and I'm not really that much of a perverted person to, but there you go... :$



Sounded interesting.. :eyebrows::LOL:

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i had a dream that my city was attacked by some kind of robots with long legs like from salvador dali's paintings and they destroyed everything with lazers and my father said that we can destroy them with potatoes))))))and during all that dream muse were playing hysteria on the main street))))))i'd better not eat so much before going to bed)))

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i had a dream that my city was attacked by some kind of robots with long legs like from salvador dali's paintings and they destroyed everything with lazers and my father said that we can destroy them with potatoes))))))and during all that dream muse were playing hysteria on the main street))))))i'd better not eat so much before going to bed)))




nice! xD


had a dream semi-similar to this a while back!

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i dreamt that i was in an alleyway and Chris (in a colourful striped jumper that i'm pretty sure i've seen a photo of Matt in) was getting mugged at knifepoint a few meters away :( and all i could think of was oh no what if the robber discovers me too! and tried to blend in with the wall :stunned:

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Guest QueenOfNerds

I keep dreaming that I think I have seen them but then it turns out not to be them, frustrating.

More snogging Matt dreams pls brain.

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My dream was rather bizzare. For some reason Muse were doing a gig in my backyard for me and a couple of my friends. We were all crowded around their stage having a good time and enjoying the set. At that point I decided to sneak into my house to get some water.


Soon after I got inside I realized that Muse had stopped playing, so I ran to my bedroom window to see what was going on. When I could finally see outside, I noticed both Dom and Chris looking around in the woods near my house. I opened the window and asked Matt what they were doing, and he turned to me with a look of horror on his face and said, "Dom's lost his pet lizzard, we HAVE to find it now!"


So then for the rest of the dream I holped them look for Dom's pet lizzard :LOL:


I loved that dream

Epic :LOL:


Did you find the pet lizard in the end?

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I had a weird dream last night... :LOL:

At first I was at some concert of a band I didn't know, but before they started to play they asked if everybody had all of their schoolbooks in the right order and we had to show them and suddenly we were in a gigantic version of my old classroom for physics (strange, because I haven't been to school for over a year now).

After that I was suddenly in the car with my bf and turned on the radio and there was a new Muse song on and I was like wtf is that Matt's voice? Is that a new Muse song? What about the cockminster clues? :eek: So I checked the website of my local station and it really was a new Muse song (called Shine :stunned:) and when I checked the board there was already a new thread with 800 pages even though I had been online half an hour ago. :LOL: Everybody knew about the new album by then.. it was pink. :D and its name consisted of two short words, one of them was "brain", shame I can't remember the other one. And all the Musers were completely disappointed. :awesome:

Edited by Ginnie
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Guest QueenOfNerds

I had a long and stupid dream last night, but I remember I was on a bike and I looked over

and Matt was riding a bike next to me and I felt a great sense of being protected. It was really nice and positive.


Matt bellamy protector of all!!

He should be a super hero.

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I had a dream once that muse had a signing session at some random place, and I was there, I guess I was some sort of reporter assistant. So, the reporter asked Dom and Chris some odd questions, like what would they like to do when they grow up... (They said they'd love to write a book together or something)

Then we found Matt, and asked him the same questions, but he wouldn't answer, he just kept saying "MY LIFE WILL BE OVER IF I LOOSE THIS BET!!!!" and he just kept writing autographs, I think he had a bet with Dom & Chris on how many autographs he can write. :D


And then I found my friend in the crowd, she told me she'll ask Matt to draw her a snowflake... O__o

She came back later and showed me Matt's drawing! It was a very artistic snowflake indeed. :)


I've had loads of more muse dreams, but I can't remember all very well... :( usually Matt just starts rambling about conspiracy theories and Dom keeps telling me he never stops talking. :D

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I had a weird dream last night... :LOL:

At first I was at some concert of a band I didn't know, but before they started to play they asked if everybody had all of their schoolbooks in the right order and we had to show them and suddenly we were in a gigantic version of my old classroom for physics (strange, because I haven't been to school for over a year now).

After that I was suddenly in the car with my bf and turned on the radio and there was a new Muse song on and I was like wtf is that Matt's voice? Is that a new Muse song? What about the cockminster clues? :eek: So I checked the website of my local station and it really was a new Muse song (called Shine :stunned:) and when I checked the board there was already a new thread with 800 pages even though I had been online half an hour ago. :LOL: Everybody knew about the new album by then.. it was pink. :D and its name consisted of two short words, one of them was "brain", shame I can't remember the other one. And all the Musers were completely disappointed. :awesome:



I had a dream once that muse had a signing session at some random place, and I was there, I guess I was some sort of reporter assistant. So, the reporter asked Dom and Chris some odd questions, like what would they like to do when they grow up... (They said they'd love to write a book together or something)

Then we found Matt, and asked him the same questions, but he wouldn't answer, he just kept saying "MY LIFE WILL BE OVER IF I LOOSE THIS BET!!!!" and he just kept writing autographs, I think he had a bet with Dom & Chris on how many autographs he can write. :D


And then I found my friend in the crowd, she told me she'll ask Matt to draw her a snowflake... O__o

She came back later and showed me Matt's drawing! It was a very artistic snowflake indeed. :)


I've had loads of more muse dreams, but I can't remember all very well... :( usually Matt just starts rambling about conspiracy theories and Dom keeps telling me he never stops talking. :D




you guys have wonderful dreams! xDD


I didn't have any Muse dreams last night, but I did have a weird Mary Poppins dream. :stunned:

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I had a dream that muse were doing a gig in my home town (CA pop:17000 :D).

I get to the place and it's almost empty, a few people and the band standing by the door.

As i go to my seat they walk by me toward the stage, and i just give them a kind of "Hey, man." (Yeah, weird. That's not what i would do in real life).


So then they're on the stage, i notice they have no instruments, and one of them starts giving a speech.


I woke up there.

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