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This is the third tiem i'll have said it on here, but it had me waking up in a sweat:


I was at a Muse concert, and they started to play a new song. And it was rubbish! It was really really really pop like. They were dressed (for the song) in lingerie for some reason. Anyway, people started booing and then they stopped (and were back in regular clothes) and said, "FUCK YOU we can play what we want." then they left the stage.


:LOL: That must have been... interesting to see.



I had a dream a few nights ago that I went to a Muse show with one of my friends, and we went to meet them in some lobby-type place afterwards, but they didn't show up, so I went outside to look for them, and as soon as I stepped outside, there's Matt about to get on a motorcycle and Dom just standing there. Dunno where Chris was. So Matt looks at me and says, "Sorry, but we've got to go," but I asked him for a quick autograph and if I could just talk to him for a bit, and he said alright. Then the dream skipped to us being in a parking lot, and the band was leaving... in a very tiny car... with about five other guys with really long hair. :unsure: So I leaned in the side door to give them all a hug goodbye, and Matt just started to make out with me. :$ Then I woke up and cursed reality. :rolleyes:



There was another one about a week ago where I was still in high school, and Matt was the new kid. This was when he had red hair and that black shirt thing going on (like in the Tokyo gig in 2001). So we were sitting at the lunch table, and these chicks near the end of the table yelled at us to scoot over because they didn't have enough room, and I think they called Matt a freak. So I got up and started yelling at them for calling the new kid a freak. And that was it. That was also my first Muse dream, thank you very much. :D (I'm a late Muse bloomer)


Not nearly as weird as some of the other dreams in this thread, but oh well. :p



EDIT: I lied. I just remembered I had my first Muse-related dream a few weeks ago. I was in the back room of a local theater, and Matt was sitting on a motorcycle (again with the motorcycle...) with a guitar and Dom was sitting nearby. No Chris again. I sat on the back of Matt's motorcycle with my keyboard and started playing, and he got up and sat across the room, then I left the room. The rest of the dream had nothing to do with Muse, so I won't bother typing the rest.

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i have had MANY muse dreams... most of them recurring

the main one is that our school in having a talent show, and im just chilling watching everyone else. suddenly the principal goes "ok now we have a very special guest . . . please welcome muse!" and everyone looks at me... and im bopping up and down really excited.. but no one else cares. they come and and im like :eek::eek: they are going to perform! but they get up there and matt says "can ema _______ please come up the front here" and im" :eek::eek::eek: ok!".

so i get up there and Matt gives me a hug and is like "we heard you play piano and sing, so we came along to help you" and im still like :eek: . so we play for about an hour... matt and i taking in turns singing and playing piano/guitar... even at one point im sitting on doms lap.... and everyone in the audience was :eek: shes so talented. lol =]

then next thing i know muse are asking me to tour with them.... then they hire me as media manager and i travel with them, marry matt and make music videos.






then i woke up :( dammit!






and another dream... it was big day out... and i didnt know they were playing (:()... so i jumped the fence and ran to see them. they were on some weird platform and you had to swim through a river to get there. When i got there, everyone was booing them and i got mad at everyone, and got some great photos of matt as i was right at the front. then they stopped playing and i jumped a fence again (no river this time) and saw them leaving and i called out and they came up and they were like "ohh ema, hey. did you like our show?" and i said "yes" and i got a photo and their phone numbers and they left and i woke up.


it was so sad waking up, coz the pictures were really good! I even checked my phone after i had woken up because i was hoping it was real. they werent there :(

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I had a dream that I was in school, and Chris was in my class (I have no idea how that works as Chris is clearly not of school age :LOL:) but anyway, he stole my jacket and was teasing - wait! starlight's just come on the radio :happy: - me with it (in a friendly way). I managed to get it back off him but then it wasn't my jacket anymore it was a friend's jacket, so I must have left mine in the classroom. So I went back to get it, and my english teacher was in there teaching everyone Plug in Baby (ie. She had drawn a diagram of an ear on the board and was drawing weird symbols on it that were somehow meant to corrospond to the notes in the Plug in Baby riff :stunned:)

It was strange :LOL:

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Here's the Muse Dreams I have had over the Years haha.. I'm sad enough to have them wrote down but they are so odd ololol.


Pt1. Well it started me in my Bedroom (on Muse.mu, posting) and I was thinking that, 'OMG my Mum & Dad are coming to a Muse Gig with me, they won't like it :S'. The Muse Gig was at some Primary School I used to go to and, it started at 10pm We went to School (about 9ish) to go to the Gig and it the stage was in the Assembley Hall. Just like those Plays kid used to be in, was like that. It was a small hall full of Primary School Kids (in thier uniform) but they didnt know who Muse were, there were 100s of them. Tom Kirk was there reading Stories to the Kids (as was my Dad) just to pass the time, they were sitting down and these kids were around in a circle (also sitting down). I just went to find some food. I didnt see Muse at all, freaky.


Pt2. I was in this Primary school hall, and all the Kids were standing waiting for muse to come on. And they did but each band member had thier own stand, Dom was in the middle stand, chris was on the left stand and matt was on the right one. When the Music started to play all these kids were just walking around in a circle, in one big motion. I was just standing there going 'Hmm' and just watched Muse. When the Gig finished, and these Kids just walked out when the Music stopped I was talking to Matt. We were talking about Flowers, and how I have to Study them at Uni. Me & Matt got into a real deep convo about it, then he had to go and he said he'd do a lecture at Uni about it. So I gave him my Uni Address n that was it!


Another one I had....

I was watching Tv, the Ads were on and Muse were on one of these Ads. Chris & Dom were on some Leather Chairs and Matt was standing beside Chris, Matt was wearing an Arsenal Shirt (underneath his Jacket). They all said 'Hi!' and Dom waved, then Matt did 2 cartwheels and landed next to Dom. Then he stroked Doms hair, then the add ended. Then shortly after I texted my mate saying 'OMG Matt's a Gooner'


Oh and another...

Muse were living in my Loft, they were sorting out the new album (BH&R) and playing with thier instruments - I went up there, asked if they wanted a cuppa and I got them tea! It was weird as it was like I knew them for years! Teh Kirk was there too, dancing while wearing a Sombrero :D


Teh best Muse Dream I had :LOL: ...

For some odd reason, Dom was lost in space, dunno how but he just was. Just floating away in Space like Bliss stylee, I went to some guy and asked how to get Dom back to Earth; and he said i've got to hold an orb for 4 hours and he'll return. But then I dropped it and it broke :S so Dom was lost in space FOREVER, me & my mate wanted to tell Matt & Chris about the news. So me & my Mate went to London, where Chris owned a store full of Hawaiian stuff and we told him the news. He was resonably gutted, but cheered himself up by danicng with some pineapples. Then I bought a nice skirt.... I woke up before I could find Matt haha.


Analyze that! Hahaha. :D

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Teh best Muse Dream I had :LOL: ...

For some odd reason, Dom was lost in space, dunno how but he just was. Just floating away in Space like Bliss stylee, I went to some guy and asked how to get Dom back to Earth; and he said i've got to hold an orb for 4 hours and he'll return. But then I dropped it and it broke :S so Dom was lost in space FOREVER, me & my mate wanted to tell Matt & Chris about the news. So me & my Mate went to London, where Chris owned a store full of Hawaiian stuff and we told him the news. He was resonably gutted, but cheered himself up by danicng with some pineapples. Then I bought a nice skirt.... I woke up before I could find Matt haha.




The others were odd and all, but that one's SO hilarious! Poor Dom, though. :LOL:

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I had the weirdest dream last night....

I was so hyped up because I was seeing Muse do a really small, low-key gig.

I get to the venue, and it's a swimming pool!

So I get all sad because I'm self conscious in my bikini.

But my friend convinces me in, and we go in the pool. On some weird stage above the water Muse play, it's an awesome gig, and a rather errr wet mosh!

But when they came out to play, they were wearing dresses :stunned:

Not the nicest image in the world.

Then, because I was in a bikini, Matt winked at me and I punched him!

I woke up thinking "wtf?!"

Oh well!

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The only one I can remember is one I had last year the night before the Rod Laver show. Pretty much the boys decided to show up at my school and play a nice little gig before kicking onto Rod Laver. I was their caretaker, so to speak, so I showed 'em around and gave them a locker that they miraculously managed to fit all their gig equipment into. Then my friends and I all wagged class so we could hang out with the boys. Chris cracked onto my boyfriend, Matt cracked onto me and my friend cracked onto Dom, her primary pick-up line being, "you know, Muse suck" and he totes loved it. And then I woke up.

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Matt was in my dream last night we were both in the sea as these creatures kind of like mermaids and he ordered me to go find him some magical cheese. So I dive down and can't find any magical cheese so he got all stroppy with me and I said he looked cute so I kissed him on the cheek :happy::LOL:

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We were all in a room together. (I believe this one was while I was having a small afternoon nap during the rugby) It was kind of a club type place and the music was really loud. Dom looked upset, and I kept asking him what was wrong. He just kept shrugging his shoulders, and wouldn't talk to me. So, Matt said "He's upset, coz he's got no friends" I said "What are you talking about?" Then Matt said "He said something, so we don't like him." I wanted to know what this was all about, naturally, so I could fix it. However, before I got the chance to, James Hook, from the Welsh rugby team came in and mouthed off at everyone. Then I woke up, and James Hook won the match for Wales..........

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We were all in a room together. (I believe this one was while I was having a small afternoon nap during the rugby) It was kind of a club type place and the music was really loud. Dom looked upset, and I kept asking him what was wrong. He just kept shrugging his shoulders, and wouldn't talk to me. So, Matt said "He's upset, coz he's got no friends" I said "What are you talking about?" Then Matt said "He said something, so we don't like him." I wanted to know what this was all about, naturally, so I could fix it. However, before I got the chance to, James Hook, from the Welsh rugby team came in and mouthed off at everyone. Then I woke up, and James Hook won the match for Wales..........


:LOL: I love James Hook <3


A couple of months ago, I had a dream Muse were playing at a hall that's in my village. There was alot of people there, and I went nuts. When they came on the stage, everyone else went to the back, so I took my chance and went to the front. I then yelled "Matt Bellamy I love you, I want your babies!!" whilst jumping around. I think he heard me 'cause he smiled at me. :happy:


I don't remember a lot about the actual gig, but they played Fury, I got drunk with another mad muse fan that I know in real life and I punched a boy in the face 'cause he was an annoying prick :happy:

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I had a dream I was a viking and Dom was there and he had glasses for some reason :stunned: But yeah so there was this big battle and Dom got stabbed :supersad: So I went to the afterlife to find him but they said he wasn't there, so I went back to the normal world and it turned out Dom was still alive (yay!). And we all lived happily ever after :happy:

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Both me and me sister had Muse dreams last night!


My sister dreamt that her boyfriend was friends with Matt Bellamy and they bumped into him, her boyfriend and Matt were chatting then Matt said he had to go, my sister quickly said "oh before you go could you do me a favour?, my sister will just die if you call her!" and Matt was like yeah sure, so she got out her mobile but couldn't find my number!:(


After she told me this she reminded me that Muse were in my dream too!:


I was backstage at a Muse gig and I remember telling some backstage guy that I felt sick and he was like "you can't go onstage if your feeling sick, here" and he put me infront of a bath where I started bringing up paper?! I was bringing up balls of paper mache'!! Afterwards I went back and was watching Matt, he was sat slumped down on a sofa staring at a beer bottle on the table infront of him...then he started drunkingly having a go at someone for nothing, he seemed really pissed off, I thought he was quite funny drunk but then he seemed to sober up really quickly and was chatting to Chris and other people he knew around him...and that was my dream?!

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I had one last night as well.


I was at my grandmother's house watching old horror movies, and for some odd reason Muse was there. They were trying to fix a hole in the wall that was behind my late grandfather's piano, but they were fighting about something at the same time, screaming and swearing and throwing things at one another, and when my brother and I told them to calm down, they grinned and began throwing things at us instead. But then we all sat down at the table and laughed and ate cake and the hole mystically disappeared.

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I had a dream I was a viking and Dom was there and he had glasses for some reason :stunned: But yeah so there was this big battle and Dom got stabbed :supersad: So I went to the afterlife to find him but they said he wasn't there, so I went back to the normal world and it turned out Dom was still alive (yay!). And we all lived happily ever after :happy:


Dom got stabbed:(



but lived yayz!

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zomg like mineee

apart from my friend killed dom then dom turned into a zombie

then killed my friend then dom started going sit the fuck down..i think iv watched tht vid too many times :stunned:


:LOL:Loves it...ive had some rather risque Muse dreams which wont be posted on here lol


Theres some funny ones too i'll post them when i have a bit of time:happy:

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A huge group of people and I were being forced into some unfinished building. Only the frames were in place. The "leader" of whoever was making us go up there took me aside and said, "You're telling me that you'd rather kill all of these people instead of Muse?" So he holds us a picture (It was a variation of this picture). Everyone stared at me and I was like, "What?! NO! Uh...." I was having a hard time figuring out who I wanted to save. lol I think my family was in the big group.

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I had my first Muse dream the other day and I blame this board. It's quite literally the last thing I do before I go to bed.. :$ god I'm so sad.


I was in Dom's house, he invited me or I won a competition or something. It was a nice Georgian type huge house, but it was somewhere in France I think. It was very sunny and the interior was really lavish and ornate with loads of rooms, but he was just in his normal clothes and he was laughing and joking about a lot, don't ask me what I cant remember. and he had these huge dogs. Also near the end I met his 2 baby dughters (wtf?) who were really cute. But then he changed into someone else and I can't remember the rest.


I also had a random dream about people from the board (with avas instead of faces), I thought I was the only one but it turns out there is a thread for those aswell?!


I really need to stop spending so much time here. I stopped after wembley but HAARP's set me off again. Any tips would be appreciated.

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I think i know what caused this dream,watching and listing to too much Muse(please excuse my spelling not my strong point) It started off at Wembley but there was no seats everything was grass, then it started to rain and it was decided (i dont know who decided) to move inside. Then i was in somewhere that looked like the Albert Hall and Matt appered on the top row and absailed down to the stage and i remember thinking yeah that is something Matt would do. Then i was sitting at a table with Matt,Chris and Dom and a cousin of mine.My cousin asked me if i was going to V festival i said yes but was a little annoyed that Ian Brown was on the same time as Muse, then Matt said he didn't like Ian Brown because Ian had nicked a song of him that turned out to be Love Speads by The Stone Roses

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I had this weird dream that i was on Wembley Stadium.

And i was on stage looking at Matt,Dom and Chris cause they said it was a punshiment cause i failed the exams :LOL:

And after that Matt asked me to hold his microphone and the crew went like "OMG Roxy :eek:" and Dom was looking kinda jealous something like: :mad:

After that we went backstage and Matt sat in my arms but i pushed him away cause Dom came and said "We could've been together.."

and the dream ended :(

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