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About Emily1987

  • Birthday 02/14/1987

Personal Information

  • Biography
  • Location
    Beccles, somewhere in the abyss of East Anglia
  • Interests
    Music, making all sorts of films, and music videos, writing, and friends and family
  • Occupation
    Odd-Job woman...I know, unconventional, but that's me
  • Gender

Emily1987's Achievements


Escapee (1/14)



  1. We were all in a room together. (I believe this one was while I was having a small afternoon nap during the rugby) It was kind of a club type place and the music was really loud. Dom looked upset, and I kept asking him what was wrong. He just kept shrugging his shoulders, and wouldn't talk to me. So, Matt said "He's upset, coz he's got no friends" I said "What are you talking about?" Then Matt said "He said something, so we don't like him." I wanted to know what this was all about, naturally, so I could fix it. However, before I got the chance to, James Hook, from the Welsh rugby team came in and mouthed off at everyone. Then I woke up, and James Hook won the match for Wales..........
  2. Ooh, just remembered another one........It is a rudey one, but I won't be graphic.....The guys were playing a small gig somewhere, and me and a few mates popped our heads round the door before they soundchecked and asked if we could help. Everyone said they were ok, but that the guys would be happy to let us go upstairs and say hello. So we did. It was a really samll, dark room and there were only a few people in there. We all introduced ourselves, as you do, and Chris came and sat next to me. He put his hand on my knee and offered me a smoke (If you know what I mean) I said "I have a boyfriend" and he said "So do I..........." So we went hand in hand to the next room.......I woke up in the middle of it, and was like, "Damn real life!"
  3. I just recently got engaged, but I know about it before hand. I've been having dreams about my wedding day, and small disasters keep happening on the day. The one with Muse in, was that I got to the venue of the ceremony, in a huge, beautiful gown. But noone had bothered to tell me I'd forgotten to shower, wash my hair, shave, put my sexy underwear on and put any makeup on. So, Iooked a mess. My Dad was panicking, wanting me to get up the aisle, coz the place was costing him a load of money. Anyhoo, Matt started playing Unintended, which was my cue, but I was in tears, coz I was a mess. He played for ages, then stopped and came through to see what was going on. He asked me what was wrong and I told him (My dad was dancing around in a fit in the background). So he said he would do my makeup and hair...........
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