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My dream was rather bizzare. For some reason Muse were doing a gig in my backyard for me and a couple of my friends. We were all crowded around their stage having a good time and enjoying the set. At that point I decided to sneak into my house to get some water.


Soon after I got inside I realized that Muse had stopped playing, so I ran to my bedroom window to see what was going on. When I could finally see outside, I noticed both Dom and Chris looking around in the woods near my house. I opened the window and asked Matt what they were doing, and he turned to me with a look of horror on his face and said, "Dom's lost his pet lizzard, we HAVE to find it now!"


So then for the rest of the dream I holped them look for Dom's pet lizzard :LOL:


I loved that dream




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It funny how we can dream about celebrities despite not knowing them or met them before. :rolleyes: It does happens but kind of rare, I could say.


I did dreamt about them.... twice. That's it and Dom is not acting really nice in there. Matt is the kind and nice one in fact :stunned:

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Guest QueenOfNerds
It funny how we can dream about celebrities despite not knowing them or met them before. :rolleyes: It does happens but kind of rare, I could say.


I did dreamt about them.... twice. That's it and Dom is not acting really nice in there. Matt is the kind and nice one in fact :stunned:


I think seeing celebs in your dreams means somthing, will have to wiki it.

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I've had a one. Me, Chris, Matt and Dom chasing each other in a forest, then we all jump into a tent. :erm:


Must be an enchanted forest!


I had a very vague dream where I was in the drivethrough at McDonald's, but the whole building was pristine white, empty-looking and really tall. Then there was this random square shaped hole in the wall and I follow Muse in there... It was very small, too! Nothing happened, though. I think they might've played, but I remember a lot of laughing :LOL:


Not Muse related


But has anyone watched a scary film then gone straight to bed thinking you'd have a nightmare? I did after watching Psycho, but I had a dream about my Dad teasing me saying "You're gonna have a nightmare! Hahaha" And that music from the scene in the shower where she gets stabbed was playing...



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But has anyone watched a scary film then gone straight to bed thinking you'd have a nightmare? I did after watching Psycho, but I had a dream about my Dad teasing me saying "You're gonna have a nightmare! Hahaha" And that music from the scene in the shower where she gets stabbed was playing...


When I was younger and had just watched The Others (which scared the freaking shit out of me) I couldn't go to sleep because I thought the old woman with white eyes was staring at me for like an hour.


I once had a dream where Feeling Good was playing on a commercial... not really a Muse dream but it's the only one I have ever had.

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When I was younger and had just watched The Others (which scared the freaking shit out of me) I couldn't go to sleep because I thought the old woman with white eyes was staring at me for like an hour.


I once had a dream where Feeling Good was playing on a commercial... not really a Muse dream but it's the only one I have ever had.


XD hahaha


And then nescafe gets sued, and all the money goes to charity.


What an ending!:LOL:

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I hate Muse dreams though, because you wake up really disappointed. I dreamt that I met them and took photos, and in the dream I was reviewing the photos I'd actually taken that day, with all the ones of me and Muse having a larf at the end. So, logically, I woke up and immediately checked my camera.

No Muse :(



That sucks though.


I had a dream once that I met the Yeah yeah yeahs, and after I woke up I believed that it had actually happened for a whole 5 or 10 minutes. When I realized it had just been a dream, I was so disappointed.:(

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  • 5 weeks later...

I had a terrible dream last night. I was walking in a very big city looking for a certain store. Somehow I got a message on my phone from Muse management saying that Matt had died! It was awful, I was crying my eyes out right there in the middle of the street. A lot of other people there did the same, that was weird.

The message was a bit cryptic saying something along the lines of that it was an accident, but unavoidable and that it happened while he was doing something for the fans. I don't know the exact wording anymore, but it was basically saying that the fans were to blame for his death. :wtf:

Then I thought of a memory. Matt and Dom had participated in a sports-charity kind of event. The guy who had organized it later on asked them if they wanted to go for a few drinks with him. They looked amused and just said no. The guy apparently really wanted to hang out with them and kept looking at them, hoping they would change their minds or were joking about it. Matt and Dom looked even more amused and were actually laughing at him, it was obvious they didn't want to go anywhere with him.

During that 'conversation' I was standing right there next to the three of them, but they couldn't see me, I was invisible. :confused: What's weird is that they didn't even look like Matt and Dom, but apparently it really was them.

After that I was back at the street again, was still crying and felt miserable. Then I woke up, a couple of hours early.



Why the hell do I dream these kind of things?!

It's not the first time someone died in my dreams. I've also had one years ago where 'my boyfriend' was terminally ill and we were having a 'goodbye party' for family and friends. He collapsed and died in my arms the same evening. It was disturbing. I couldn't stop crying for a while after waking up from it.

Another old dream involved lots of people getting killed and blood and bodyparts everywhere. I was so horrified after that I was afraid to go back to sleep again. Luckily I've forgotten the actual images.

I'd rather not dream at all.

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thats sad =(.... u might wanna see a psychologist or somthin

i had a dream there was a girl with muse tatoos all over her body and she was singing or something, but theni woke up, and lol 4 like 10 minutes i couldnt remember whether matt bellamy sang or that girl... btw i think it was that 1 girl from that movie run fatboy run


i fell asleep after seeing 28 weeks later... omg most epic nitemare ive evur had, we had 2 barricade our hi skool (because of the zombie apocalypse/rage virus of course silly goose!), and then my brother and som oter ppl i cant remember walked out and they were brutally murdered.... sadface, anyhoo that was traumatizing, then a helicopter came and got us teh fuck outta there, but in 28 weeks later, the helicoptor is in wembley stadium (lol coincidence?) but in my dream the helicoptor picked us up in out football stadium. nice 2 wake up and find out my brother wasnt killed by raving half-dead ppl.

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thats sad =(.... u might wanna see a psychologist or somthin


I believe it's normal to dream about death, I think it represents change. But I don't want them, it freaks me out! I just want to forget them like most other dreams.


Ah well, I'll be fine... :)

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I had a disturbing dream.


Me, Chris and Dom are in a maze at night, looking for Matt. Suddenly i end up surfing in the sea with Matt.

Matt: Isn't this electric surfing great?"

We end up on the beach with the tour bus there, by that time me and Matt are both soaked.

Me: We better go get changed in the tour bus then..

-Matt takes of clothes and stands nude in from of me-

Me: :stunned:

Matt: Nothing like a bit of fresh air to get dry!

-Chris and Dom come out the tour bus-

Chris: Matt inside now! -to me- Don't worry this happens all the time :rolleyes:


My brain is fried now. All i can see is naked Matt. :LOL::stunned:

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Well,........ I was at a Church in this amazingly gorgeous MUSE dress and the vicar barged in and said hush everyone the groom is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was like hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!

I turned around to see rather sexy men walking towards me!!!!

The vicar said,"Well the Grooms then!!!!!"

Then to my amazement Dom goes, "ello sexy, let's get this wedding done matee!!!!"

I said to Dom " are you supposed to marry me or has my real husband chickened out???!"

"Yep, I proposed to you on that beach you were at a coupple of months ago!!!!"

I was like "ok i'm gonna marry yhuu!!!!"

And you know it ended with alot of kissing and kids but it could have gone on if my stepmum hadn't woke me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I believe it's normal to dream about death, I think it represents change. But I don't want them, it freaks me out! I just want to forget them like most other dreams.

Ah well, I'll be fine... :)


i hope so... i know what u mean tho, in my dream it was weird i saw my older brother get killed and eaten by zombies, 1st off, it was scary as fuck, 2nd, i didnt know whether it was real or not till i saw him at skool (he goes 2 skool at 6 00 for football). i didnt mention it 2 my family cuz they think i weird enuff already lol. i dont get that many nitemares, but that 1 was pretty fucked up

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