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Muse were on DWTS, and there was a small stage cutout for them instead of the normal stage. They were on the normal stage talking to or about Chris, and then the dream kind of forgot about them. I saw Kate and Matt in the crowd. Matt was wearing his new glitter suit. Then Muse were playing a song that I thought was Animals, but wasn't. It had the same guitar tone in the intro. I thought it was a cover,but it was a new B-side about Kate. Kate was sitting in a seat right next to where the stage ended and was smiling, then talking to Matt. He was smiling and got distracted, forgetting to sing. The song ended and BHAR Matt said he had to go pee. I got the feeling that Muse weren't liked/ forbidden. Then Matt was back and they played Explorers. DWTS wanted Dom to play, so he went to the piano and tried to play a classical piece, but messed up a lot. I was in his perspective. He got really frustrated and I, as his girlfriend, said "Brie?" and and he smiled. I put 2 packages of brie on the piano. He talked about how I had to get the good kind, which I did. End of dream.


Oh Brie, you can fix everything ... I think Brie was the only thing that got me through my last breakup :LOL:and lots of Coldplay

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I've had several Muse dreams :3

The most recent one was I was on a class field trip at a home improvement store (I know... Weird). And all of a sudden Matt is walking around and there are girls following him and I freaked out, I ran over to him but he was kind of being overwhelmed by everyone (however he seemed to enjoy it... ;) ) and I remember him saying "I sure wish I had some trail mix right now" and suddenly that was the only goal in my life. FIND MATT TRAIL MIX! As you can imagine it was hard to do in Home Depot, but my god I looked for what seemed hours, and after I realized there was no trail mix in the store I cried like a baby. That's all I remember haha. So random.

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This one's largely figure skating-themed, if you're not a figure skater you may not get some of the things I reference...


I had this weird/awesome dream that I was practicing ice skating at this weird rink my brain made up, and Matt and Kate were there, except Kate had kinda been merged with Rachael Flatt because she looked more like her and kept going around doing triples and awesome combo spins. And then she came over and talked to me, and I landed my axel :awesome:


And then Dom came out skating in this weird slightly disturbing bird costume, and he couldn't skate very well, and he ended up landing on his butt and crying :LOL: and I helped him up and he hugged me. He kissed me on the cheek and I giggled, and then I woke up :(

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This one's largely figure skating-themed, if you're not a figure skater you may not get some of the things I reference...


I had this weird/awesome dream that I was practicing ice skating at this weird rink my brain made up, and Matt and Kate were there, except Kate had kinda been merged with Rachael Flatt because she looked more like her and kept going around doing triples and awesome combo spins. And then she came over and talked to me, and I landed my axel :awesome:


And then Dom came out skating in this weird slightly disturbing bird costume, and he couldn't skate very well, and he ended up landing on his butt and crying :LOL: and I helped him up and he hugged me. He kissed me on the cheek and I giggled, and then I woke up :(



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My dream is I was at a night out at my Student Union when who should come into the room but Matt and Dom... I have no idea why they were there, maybe they'd played a gig here or something and I missed that part out in my dream.

Anyway only a few people seem to notice that it's the guys from Muse and me and these people walk up to Matt and Dom. I get the attention of Matt, we say hi and all that, I then pull out my phone and ask if I can get a picture with him. But in my moment of excitement and rush, I somehow can't find the camera icon on my phone, and 15 seconds later I still can't find it. I panic because I know that others want to have pictures with them and I don't want to deprive the fans of that. Then Matt and Dom start to walk away and I think I've blown it.

Nevertheless, as soon as they walked off, I found the camera icon on my phone and begged them for another chance at a picture. They laughed and happily agreed, someone took a photo of us on my phone, and as soon as the flash went off, I woke up.

I never got to see the picture :'(

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My dream is I was at a night out at my Student Union when who should come into the room but Matt and Dom... I have no idea why they were there, maybe they'd played a gig here or something and I missed that part out in my dream.

Anyway only a few people seem to notice that it's the guys from Muse and me and these people walk up to Matt and Dom. I get the attention of Matt, we say hi and all that, I then pull out my phone and ask if I can get a picture with him. But in my moment of excitement and rush, I somehow can't find the camera icon on my phone, and 15 seconds later I still can't find it. I panic because I know that others want to have pictures with them and I don't want to deprive the fans of that. Then Matt and Dom start to walk away and I think I've blown it.

Nevertheless, as soon as they walked off, I found the camera icon on my phone and begged them for another chance at a picture. They laughed and happily agreed, someone took a photo of us on my phone, and as soon as the flash went off, I woke up.

I never got to see the picture :'(


I hate dreams that end like that; when you anticipate something and then you wake up. Worst feeling ever :(

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I hate dreams that end like that; when you anticipate something and then you wake up. Worst feeling ever :(


Happens all the time :(

But usually I end up waking up if I'm just about to die in a dream too so sometimes it's a blessing!

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Happens all the time :(

But usually I end up waking up if I'm just about to die in a dream too so sometimes it's a blessing!


Whenever I do that parts of my dream seem to follow me into real life. Like hallucinations, except probably rendered more by sleepiness and my subconscious than like, madness or whatever. It's like my brain can't register that the dream is over or something. It's freaky.


But yeah, I do often try to put myself back to sleep if I don't finish a dream. But then the dream is different, and I never know what's going to happen. Or I just forget the dream within 20 minutes of waking up. It drives me NUTS!!! >:(

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Haven't been on here for ages but I had a pretty cool dream lastnight:P


It started out as a walking into a normal Muse gig, when I got into the arena I noticed three pedestals in the middle of the crowd that weren't in any use. I climbed up onto one 'cause I thought it'd be an awesome view, which it was. At the start of the gig the guys came out and Matt had an announcement, he said that everyone on the pedestals gets one of his guitars, one of Chris' bass' and a set of Dom's drums! So the gear got sent out to our pedestals and I set them up nicely for when I had to take them home. Anyway the gig started as normal and it was awesome! Then Undisclosed Desires came on, I wanted to be on the barrier for this so I jumped off the pedestal and ran into the crowd with my brother. But then a path opened up with a ray of light on it towards the barrier, like it was meant to be. I got on the barrier finally and as I got there the song stopped half way through. Everyone was shouting and yelling then all of a sudden a woman came onstage to play the song off the Muller Corner advert with Dom and Chris! Matt had disappeared at this point. At the corner of the security pit I could see a huddled group of security, and Matt squeezed in the middle of them. They all started to walk slowly towards the barrier, then Matt jumped out of them and ran along the barrier hi-fiving everyone. He got to me, grabbed my arm and yelled "I got the silver!" and ran off all giddy and excited! Then the gig went on and I went back to my pedestal. At the end when Dom threw his drumsticks I caught one, but then the crowd went crazy and tried to attack me for the drumstick!



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Right, so I guess with the Dublin gig coming up that has gotten my mind into having the first gig dream in a long time. Anyway, was in the queue for Dublin, then somehow ended up wandering off to Dublin airport to wait for them at like 7pm as they were doing a London gig too the same day. Somehow, they were actually doing 4 gigs that night, didn't come across a TARDIS in the dream though. Ended up in London at an airport, lost and confused as to how I got there so I just started walking around the rooms to find a way out. Came across a really tiny room in the back with a table and Matt in his red HAARP suit and then Chris + Dom in their gigging clothes from The Roundhouse. They seemed to be playing poker. Ended up with just me stood at the door going:


Er.....hi guys.........er.......just looking for a way out.......not meaning to be creepy or anything................though I do wish I had something for you guys to sign.........er.................hope it's going to be a good gig tonight as always, you guys are awesome.....er.........BYE


Then as I leave, I hear them making fun of me. Walk off, try and get back to Dublin, lose my shoes, the dream turns into Battlefield 3 somehow and I get chased down by a giant tank and wake up hiding in a stream running through the airport.

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This dream didn't have the members of Muse but featured one of their songs. I was getting married and the parents and bridal party walked in to the beginning of "Newborn" (weird, right?). I was standing outside the doors, waiting to enter. When it got to the entrance of Matt's guitar, I totally rocked out on air guitar. I might just have to find a way to make that happen on my actual wedding day because it was AWESOME! :D

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So two nights this week the continuous dreams of Muse continued. In one of my last posts, I said that an alarm went off in the middle of our "Uprising" dance. Apparently, based on what's happened so far, we went home early because of that alarm. It was about 11 am or noon in my dream, and for some reason SNL came on. Muse was going to perform on the show again for a 2nd time. So I was watching SNL, and the broadcast ended early for some reason, so I couldn't see them. I was really mad and flipped through the channels furiously, when all of a sudden I see Matt, Chris, and Dom on the Home Shopping Network selling jewelry (I know, illogical right?). Matt gave a shout out to Kate and Bing and blew them a kiss which was so adorable!!! :LOL:

Last night, the dreams continued. My friends and I decided to go to Disney World for some odd reason. A couple of people and I got the chance to see Muse do a soundcheck backstage (I'm assuming they were gonna perform a gig). When they were done, I went up to Matt and asked him for an autograph. He seemed to have a bad day in the dream so he brushed me off. I then became really desperate for an autograph, so I asked one of my friends to join me in stalking him around the amusement park, and off we went.

I'll just have to wait till next week to see where my ideas and dreams take me. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a weird dream last night! I was watching some TV special about Muse, or at least about Matt. Apparently cameras were following him around for the day or something. So he's in the shower and he gets out and dries himself off. He then drapes the towel over his shoulder and goes about his daily routine...naked. Like, he's walking to interviews and going up an escalator, wearing only this towel across his shoulder. I know it was on TV because his naughty bits were blurred out (but I could see that he was VERY hairy, lol). I wonder what Freud would have to say about that?

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Had a weird dream last night! I was watching some TV special about Muse, or at least about Matt. Apparently cameras were following him around for the day or something. So he's in the shower and he gets out and dries himself off. He then drapes the towel over his shoulder and goes about his daily routine...naked. Like, he's walking to interviews and going up an escalator, wearing only this towel across his shoulder. I know it was on TV because his naughty bits were blurred out (but I could see that he was VERY hairy, lol). I wonder what Freud would have to say about that?

Wow that's a really....interesting dream right there :LOL:


I had a dream that I finally met Matt, and he kept kissing me on the cheek, and then Kate Hudson came over and she was really mad hahaha :)

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I actually had this dream last night (and i registered today like 5 minutes ago). I was at a muse-concert and there was like nobody there weird enough, so they asked me and my friend to come to the after-party and we had to get there by sitting behind them on their motor-cycles (?? xD). I was freaking out, but my friend were having a panic attack and called the police to tell them where she was if she was getting kidnapped or raped and I used the rest of my dreaming time with her instead of behind one of the band-members on a motor-cycle, i was so pissed when I woke up.

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Wow that's a really....interesting dream right there :LOL:

My dreams are always crazy like that. I'm just mad that the FCC are even in my dreams. Stop censoring my subconscious, dammit! :LOL:


I actually had this dream last night (and i registered today like 5 minutes ago). I was at a muse-concert and there was like nobody there weird enough, so they asked me and my friend to come to the after-party and we had to get there by sitting behind them on their motor-cycles (?? xD). I was freaking out, but my friend were having a panic attack and called the police to tell them where she was if she was getting kidnapped or raped and I used the rest of my dreaming time with her instead of behind one of the band-members on a motor-cycle, i was so pissed when I woke up.

Wow, that's hilarious. I would've been pissed, too!

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I dreamt that the gig I saw came with another gig a week later, so I went to it and for some reason there was hardly anyone there. I got right up to the barrier and there were only a couple of lines behind me. Then Muse started playing and one woman behind me started singing so loudly I couldn't hear Matt (probably dreamt this cus the guy I went with in real life did this) so I shouted at her to shut up, then Matt stopped playing and he looked at me and said, what did you say? So I told him and he laughed and told the woman to be quiet and carried on playing :) The dream cut to me trying to walk home but I was too giddy from Matt talking to me so I felt drunk and had forgotten the whole gig, then I woke up and thought it was real but it wasn't :(

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Last night I dreamed I was at a gig in a stadium, but it was weird because they were playing on the ground in the middle of the stadium, not on a stage. The seats in the stadium were mostly empty, but instead everyone was sat on the floor around the band and the only people actually in seats were old people. I was with some random Musers (even though I don't know any Musers IRL :wtf:) and for some reason we had a book which contained the setlist. About halfway through the set, Matt and Chris pulled out acoustic guitars and started playing Hate This and I'll Love You acoustic! :eek: It was only an instrumental version, but all us Musers were going wild. Then it turned out they were just playing it as an intro to Starlight, and everyone got up and started jumping/moshing :chuckle: I was surprised that they had moved Starlight out of the encore, so I looked in the weird setlist book we had, and it said there was a surprise coming in the encore, but I woke up before I found out what it was :(

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I had recurring dreams where I am at a Muse gig, and for some reason I get late, or I have to go early,o maybe I'm there and the show never starts, I think it's because when I went to see them I lost the show :( and I'm afraid to never see them

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DREAM: Last night I dreamt that for some reason Matt and Kate Hudson were in the audience for Celebrity Juice...


NOT DREAM: I think the reason Dom and Chris weren't there was because about 3 hours prior to me going to bed, my cousin sent me a photo of him and his mate with Dom at a Hundred Reasons gig in London, and apparently Chris was there and they were sitting next to Biffy Clyro. Lucky buggers.

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I dreamed the other night that I was at a train station trying to catch a train to Oxford (for some reason) and I heard Dead Star playing on the loud speakers. There were some other people on the platform with me, and they all seemed to be musers because they started headbanging or singing along :chuckle: Then for some reason I got on an elevator with the guys from Coldplay :confused:

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