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Me and my friend Sam who have started our own band together, were downtown in the neighboring city just north of mine. Muse was having a concert and afterwards me and my friend were going to stay around and visit a restaurant. After the concert everyone left and we were walking along the street they were having a concert at. A man in a white blazer was putting instruments into a van. It was Matt! We immediately went to talk to him and to my surprise he was nice enough to talk back and answer our questions. Then he gave us his number and said any time we wanted to do a show together we could just call him and he'd say yes. Best ever! haha

I forgot that I was on the dreams thread and I thought this really happend! Aww what a let down I was so amazed!

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I had a dream a few months ago that I was Matt and I was inside one of the towers on stage getting ready for a concert. There was some kind of lever thing that I had to sit on and push a button to bring me to the top. After I reached the top, I could hear a ton of people right outside the curtain chanting "Muse" and screaming. Right before the curtain fell, I realized I had none of my guitars with me.....


Then I woke up :LOL:

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I had some creepy/weird dream

I heard muse were arriving to my neighborhood so i went out to see them. Matt got out of the car first and he said hi to me but then he rushed off somewhere. Dom came out later and he just walked with my friends and i and we talked and all it was so cool. Anyways later apparently we were all going to pull a prank on him and once we were in the elevator we pretended it was going to collapse and we were screaming and all and Dom got a heart attack or something and next thing that happens is hes in an ambulance car and i was all like omfg i killed Dom!

yeah that was a very weird dream

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I had this dream that I was at the barrier of a Muse concert and Matt asked if anyone wanted to sing the next song. Of course I went crazy and raised my hand but he chose some guy that for some reason, I could tell that he wasn't a fan (why he was at a Muse concert, I have no idea!). Anyways, I was so upset that I got my phone and posted on the particular gig thread that Matt had broken my heart by not choosing me! :'( Then they started to play MK ULTRA and I got even more upset. Matt noticed that the guy was not doing a real good job so he stopped him in the middle of the song and asked for someone else. Everyone around me was yelling at Matt for not choosing me in the first place and he helped me onstage. I finished the song and picked up a piece of newspaper, rolled it up to look like some kind of horn thing, and it turned into a megaphone :LOL: so I sang Feeling Good as well. After the concert, I found Matt in a hallway putting his guitars away and he randomly says to me, "I have to lip-sync nowadays because my voice is not up to everyone's expectations!" :eek: I said something like "Lip-syncing is for quitters!" and he smiled and said that he'll stop doing playback.


I tend to ramble a lot!

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Last night I had a dream in which Dom owned a wine and liquor store, and Matt and I were visiting it. There were these stacks of crates everywhere of varying heights, and Matt and I decided it would make a good game to jump around like frogs on the tops of the stacks. While we were doing this, Dom served customers while wearing a pink frilly apron. I woke up when Matt and I jumped into each other and smashed into the counter.


Strange dream.

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Hey guys, happy new year!

Anyways, here is my first contribution to the thread, hopefully not my last!

A little while ago, maybe a month or two, I was still on a high from the Wembley 10/09/10 gig,(still am, can't believe I actually went!) And so when I go to bed I get out my iPod and watch Muse Music videos, can't remember what they were back then, but kinda went in the order of (over time) bliss, feeling good/hyper music, starlight, knights of cydonia, then in your world. I don't do this so much any more. But I have a feeling that my internetz lurking and Muse listening may have influenced these dreams:

1. The only part I remember was suddenly watching this Muse gig with starlight playing (similar to the MTV awards perfomance) and I couldn't see the band, just this huge screen showing a rotating earth, and some trippy lightshow. I woke up and was like "yes, first muse dream :D"

2. I was in my school main hall, and the part I remember was it being really dark, and people were performing, might have been a talent show or the music cup. Matt was standing on the stage :eek:,and he told me to come on stage, I think I might have won something, so i went up whilst everyone was cheering and matt kissed me on the cheek :happy: and told me I was gonna sing feeling good. So he was standing in the dark back of the stage behind a projector screen encouraging me, and then I starting singing the micheal buble version and not really knowing it but it went really well ;) I woke up rolled over wanting to go back to sleep again, and said "Best. Dream. Ever". I Felt honoured for him to enter my dream.

So, a bit strange, but they made me happy at the start if the day :$

Edited by BurnOurHorizons
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I had one today, I can barely remember it but I know it was George Clooney and Dom Howard :eek: I remember waking up then 5 minutes later thinking hang on, did I just have a dream with George Clooney and Dom Howard :LOL: I can't remember much of it to my disappointment :LOL:

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Once, I dreamt that something had happened to our teacher, so we were supposed to get a replacement for the rest of the semester. That person turned out to be Matt, which was pretty awesome. (Nevermind the fact that he was supposed to be our teacher in Norwegian :D)

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Last night I had a dream where I was at a Muse show in a small arena. I was really disappointed because I had really crappy seats and these two other guys, who were apparently also Musers, pointed out that there were barely any people in the pit and the people who were down there were standing right at the middle, not even close to the barrier. Once the guys came out and started playing Uprising (they just walked out. No towers or lights or anything), the guys ran from my row of seats and told me they were going to the pit. I followed them down there and ran to the barrier (security didn't even stop us). Then after Uprising they started playing Screenager :stunned: Unfortunately I woke up right as they started it :$

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Last night I had a dream where I was at a Muse show in a small arena. I was really disappointed because I had really crappy seats and these two other guys, who were apparently also Musers, pointed out that there were barely any people in the pit and the people who were down there were standing right at the middle, not even close to the barrier. Once the guys came out and started playing Uprising (they just walked out. No towers or lights or anything), the guys ran from my row of seats and told me they were going to the pit. I followed them down there and ran to the barrier (security didn't even stop us). Then after Uprising they started playing Screenager :stunned: Unfortunately I woke up right as they started it :$



Any dream with Screenager in it is a good dream

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haha I had a dream and it went like this (this was a REALLY long time ago): So I was at lunch with some of my friends, and we were all talking, and I told everybody that I was going to a Muse concert. Then one of them randomly gave us each $50. I said I didn't want it and then she said to give it to everyone else so I did. Then I went home and got dressed into a nice dress that I had bought in a previous dream (for some reason I had a bunch of dreams before this and I guess they were linked) And then I asked my mom who's concert we were going to to be sure and she said Muse and so I was like yeah that's what I thought and then I asked what time and my mom said midnight to 10:00 pm the next day. So we went at midnight after waiting for two hours. We passed some guy who looked like Edward Scissor Hands (haha) who was going to the same concert and I could tell that I was going to be out of place at the concert. When we got there, we gave the ticket person the tickets, and the ticket person said, sit anywhere you want because this concert was a free seating concert and you can move anytime you want too and so I sat in the third row (the first and second rows were full) and there was a little dip behind a short wall and I looked down and saw one of my friends and her parents! I said hi. Her and her family said hi back. Then two people came onstage as the opening act. Then when Muse came on they asked all people 12 and under to come backstage even if you don't have a pass and so everybody did and there were only four people who were Some of my friends and some other girl. There were four bedrooms, one was all white, one was black and white, one was pink and blue, and the last one was all black and some white. One of my friends (the oldest) took the one that was pink and blue, I took the one that was all black, my friend who was younger took the white one, and the other girl took the black and white one. The muse people said to pick one (already done) and then after that we could get them, furniture and everything. Then they opened the curtain and told everyone our names and told everybody that we'd later get the rooms. Then they had us get back to our seats. Then they sang. They sang some songs I didn't know, then they sang Resistance, and during that song, one of my friend's mom asked if I like that song and I said yeah and she said that she didn't like it. Then after that song I fell asleep and missed one of my favorite songs, Undisclosed Desires. Then we all got easter baskets at the end. Oh, I didn't describe the Muse people well they looked like those people from Kiss (haha is that enough?). Mine was smaller than everybody's. It was filled with chocolate and then Averi showed me that she got a box of chocolate and I didn't have anything. Then the Muse people gave us the rooms and we went home after we all played around outside. I was mad that I didn't see Undisclosed Desires haha. That's it. It's really weird, I know. Sorry it's so long haha

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Had another weird Muse dream last night. :facepalm:


I went to sleep while I was dreaming, which was odd. Probably had been asleep for five minutes and some how I got teleported to Matt's house. :wtf: Matt was asleep, and I was walking around in his house completely freaked out. So I ended up finding a spot, getting in the fetal position and rocking back and forth for like an hour. Then Matt woke up and ended up finding me in the middle of his lounge room, freaked out and started yelling at me.


I woke up and was like :wtf: that was weird.

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Had another weird Muse dream last night. :facepalm:


I went to sleep while I was dreaming, which was odd. Probably had been asleep for five minutes and some how I got teleported to Matt's house. :wtf: Matt was asleep, and I was walking around in his house completely freaked out. So I ended up finding a spot, getting in the fetal position and rocking back and forth for like an hour. Then Matt woke up and ended up finding me in the middle of his lounge room, freaked out and started yelling at me.


I woke up and was like :wtf: that was weird.


hmmm teleporting to Matt`s house:shifty:, that`s an interesting thought :ninja:

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Had another weird Muse dream last night. :facepalm:


I went to sleep while I was dreaming, which was odd. Probably had been asleep for five minutes and some how I got teleported to Matt's house. :wtf: Matt was asleep, and I was walking around in his house completely freaked out. So I ended up finding a spot, getting in the fetal position and rocking back and forth for like an hour. Then Matt woke up and ended up finding me in the middle of his lounge room, freaked out and started yelling at me.


I woke up and was like :wtf: that was weird.



I want your dreams

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My dream last night:


I went to the movie theater because I was meeting all three of the guys there. When we got inside, the movie ended up being a documentary that followed crazed Muse fanatics. Every time I tried to sit down, the guys would get up and move seats away from me. After several times of this, I just sat down to watch the movie. Thats when I noticed that the main person on the documentary was me. :eek:

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Had a dream about Matt a couple of nights ago. He was my most recent ex (probably because I recently decided I didn't fancy him any more), and he was having a 'gathering' at his house to which I was invited. I was running all through his house, trying urgently to find him before he married KH because I needed to tell him I still loved him. :erm: As I was searching I happened across one of my friends who gave me a magazine clipping which said that Matt had in fact already married KH. (shite!) I eventually found him, but couldn't bring myself to tell him that I still had feelings for him and ruin his marriage, so instead (for some inexplicable reason) I asked him to dance. He consented, and we danced a waltz in his hallway until a load of reporters from NME arrived to give Matt an interview. I found one of my other friends, who got really angry at me for not telling him. "You should be together!" she was saying, "KH doesn't even love him!" I resolved to find and woo him, but unfortunately woke up before I could do so. Bummer.


Incidentally, the waltz we danced was more-or-less exactly the same as the one the Baron and Haru dance in The Cat Returns. Not entirely sure why this is.

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Had a dream about Matt a couple of nights ago. He was my most recent ex (probably because I recently decided I didn't fancy him any more), and he was having a 'gathering' at his house to which I was invited. I was running all through his house, trying urgently to find him before he married KH because I needed to tell him I still loved him. :erm: As I was searching I happened across one of my friends who gave me a magazine clipping which said that Matt had in fact already married KH. (shite!) I eventually found him, but couldn't bring myself to tell him that I still had feelings for him and ruin his marriage, so instead (for some inexplicable reason) I asked him to dance. He consented, and we danced a waltz in his hallway until a load of reporters from NME arrived to give Matt an interview. I found one of my other friends, who got really angry at me for not telling him. "You should be together!" she was saying, "KH doesn't even love him!" I resolved to find and woo him, but unfortunately woke up before I could do so. Bummer.


Incidentally, the waltz we danced was more-or-less exactly the same as the one the Baron and Haru dance in The Cat Returns. Not entirely sure why this is.

That sounds like the plot of a bad Chick Flick.
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