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It was snowing outside even though it was summertime. We were in a cathedral, one with rusticated walls and many spindly buttresses on the interior as well as the exterior of the structure and gray and pink stained glass windows. Anyway there was a fashion show of some sort in said cathedral by some famous designer, but the designer couldn't find the right model to showcase them.


So he wandered around and found Matt (the one in the Sunburn video) high off his head in mushrooms in a field, and jumped up and down ecstatically, saying "I found him, I found him!" and began to kidnap Matt. Dom, Chris, and Tom were there, too, and asked the designer what he was doing, and he said he needed a model for his very important fashion show. They all thought it would be very funny so they went with him.


So then it cuts directly to the show, and basically the only thing I did in the whole dream was be a spectator, where I watched Matt strut up and down the runway in one ridiculous female costume after another. All sorts of lace and ruffles and gaudy pink with fancy headdresses and coats of the non-granny variety.


And then Matt finally realized what he was doing and turned into an angry teenager with a tantrum problem and he started cursing everyone out, though he seemed like he secretly enjoyed it as well, and then I woke up.


:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Why can I totally imagine this happening? :p

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Muse dreams, or dreams in general, are quite rare for me.. but when I do dream it's very vivd.

So, last night I dreamt that I was ordering merch form the .mu shop and Chris was telling me what to buy.

It was quite weird.

But the shirt I ended up buying had this really groovy design that I liked quite a lot, and when I woke up I thought I really had ordered it :$



very badly.


Also, Dom was running around chasing Matt with a lampshade.


They fell in the pool.

weird dream was weirddddd. :shifty:

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I have a dream...


I was really good friends with Dom, but for some reason I hadn't been properly introduced to Matt yet, so I hadn't really spoken to him.


I had a dream that CapcomGal's and Matt Bellamy's could live in harmony.

Matt looked at me over Dom's shoulder and his expression changed so he looked a bit annoyed.
Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my muser friends. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the average muse fans dream, to be part of the band on tour.


I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will have the right to play alongside MUSE on tour and not be judged by whether they are "just a weirdo stalker fan" but by the content of their character and their moral MUSE values (e.g. they want MUSE to play Bliss and Citizen Erased at Wembley this year).


I have a dream today!


DISCLAIMER: I did not have this dream, nor am I Martin Luther King.

Edited by Citizen_Erased14
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In part of my dream last night I wanted to listen to PiB so for some reason I had to plug my earphones into the bathroom sink so that I could listen to it. :wtf: ..so I was listening to it when I look out the window and Matts playing the riff whilst bouncing on a trampoline :LOL: so I was like wooww:eek: but then he jumped too high and lost his balance and smacked his face off the window so I was like oh shit! and ran down the stairs to see if he was alright. But then I fell down the stairs because I tripped over my dads cat so I woke up in the middle of the night. :chuckle:

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In part of my dream last night I wanted to listen to PiB so for some reason I had to plug my earphones into the bathroom sink so that I could listen to it. :wtf: ..so I was listening to it when I look out the window and Matts playing the riff whilst bouncing on a trampoline :LOL: so I was like wooww:eek: but then he jumped too high and lost his balance and smacked his face off the window so I was like oh shit! and ran down the stairs to see if he was alright. But then I fell down the stairs because I tripped over my dads cat so I woke up in the middle of the night. :chuckle:



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In part of my dream last night I wanted to listen to PiB so for some reason I had to plug my earphones into the bathroom sink so that I could listen to it. :wtf: ..so I was listening to it when I look out the window and Matts playing the riff whilst bouncing on a trampoline :LOL: so I was like wooww:eek: but then he jumped too high and lost his balance and smacked his face off the window so I was like oh shit! and ran down the stairs to see if he was alright. But then I fell down the stairs because I tripped over my dads cat so I woke up in the middle of the night. :chuckle:


That made me really laugh like crazy. I'm tearing up xDD. Now we'll never know if Matt was okay :( but I hope dream you was okay :LOL:.

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i had a dream the other night

i was in a hallway and pingu was standing next to me then all of a sudden matt jumps out of a door and just shouts 'penis'! then i walked down the hall to find chris and dom playing poker with a killer whale.

thats pretty much the muse part of my dream!


ohhh wooowww lol haha thats niiice.... :facepalm:

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In part of my dream last night I wanted to listen to PiB so for some reason I had to plug my earphones into the bathroom sink so that I could listen to it. :wtf: ..so I was listening to it when I look out the window and Matts playing the riff whilst bouncing on a trampoline :LOL: so I was like wooww:eek: but then he jumped too high and lost his balance and smacked his face off the window so I was like oh shit! and ran down the stairs to see if he was alright. But then I fell down the stairs because I tripped over my dads cat so I woke up in the middle of the night. :chuckle:


:LOL: That is awesome!

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i had a dream the other night

i was in a hallway and pingu was standing next to me then all of a sudden matt jumps out of a door and just shouts 'penis'! then i walked down the hall to find chris and dom playing poker with a killer whale.

thats pretty much the muse part of my dream!




something in your subconcious is not quite right!

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I dreamt that I was walking through a highschool hall that very dark. 42 by coldplay was playing and all of the sudden I look down a hall and see Dom making out with David Bowie.

The next hall I looked down, Matt popped out with his red hair and a lot candle in his pocket, humped my leg and ran off screaming something I couldn't understand :chuckle:

and chris was selling drugs at the latter part of the dream. I bought some :facepalm:

my nap dreams are always more strange than my normal sleep dreams. Hah

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i dreamt i was spending Christmas day with matt's family XD we were in a house with a lot of people, then we all went to a back yard or something like that to eat maybe , i'm not sure, well, at some point i wanted a beer so i went to the kitchen and matt went with me because he needed a little time out from his family so we sat on the kitchen floor to drink beer and then my aunt woke me up =/

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I had two Muse related dreams recently. The first one, I was following Muse around (like how Deadheads followed the Grateful Dead) and making my presence known to them, always standing in the front of the crowd and interacting with them during shows. After seeing them play at a beach in the Bahamas, My family convinced them to play at a party at my grandma's house. My grandma had a marble statue of Matt on her front porch. I was then in my grandma's house making arrangements with the band, only Matt and Dom were there, Chris was nowhere to be found in the dream. Either way, my mom and aunt made room in my grandma's kitchen for them to play (which is extremely small), with Matt receiving an endless supply of Italian food cooked by my grandma. They requested $30 to play Supermassive Black Hole, but I convinced them to play MK Ultra instead and my family gave them $50.


The second dream was much weirder. Muse played a show in my school's chemistry lab room, which was simulcast as a pay-per-view program. They played some of their songs and also songs that don't exist. I kept on travelling between watching them live in the chemistry lab and watching them on my television. Wherever I was, the people in front of me were being too distracting. Toward the end of the dream, they started playing a song that I wrote for my band a couple of days before, they just happened to have written the same song. I woke up afterward and had my band record that song as soon as possible in case anything like that happened in real life.

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That made me really laugh like crazy. I'm tearing up xDD. Now we'll never know if Matt was okay :( but I hope dream you was okay :LOL:.


I laughed when I woke up and probably woke everyone in the house because it was half 3 in the morning. :chuckle: and yeah, I failed to save Matt. :( shame on me.



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Muse (more specifically Matt) featured as a quick cameo in my dream. My sister switched on the TV, because she knew Muse were playing at Glastonbury that night. I tried to stop her, because it was already halfway through the gig, and I was going to watch it on iPlayer later. She fought me off and Muse were indeed in the middle of their set. Matt wasn't holding his guitar, but singing into a head microphone (you know the ones that popstars normally use?). I immediately switched it off, but not after reeling in horrified shock that Muse were officially becoming popstars. I'd already noticed that the musers on twitter were up in arms about it. I wasn't happy when I woke up :(

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I have a dream...




I had a dream that CapcomGal's and Matt Bellamy's could live in harmony. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my muser friends. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the average muse fans dream, to be part of the band on tour.


I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will have the right to play alongside MUSE on tour and not be judged by whether they are "just a weirdo stalker fan" but by the content of their character and their moral MUSE values (e.g. they want MUSE to play Bliss and Citizen Erased at Wembley this year).


I have a dream today!


DISCLAIMER: I did not have this dream, nor am I Martin Luther King.


:LOL: Oh, dude, that's incredible! I laughed so hard! XD

Edited by CapcomGal
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I had a dream about Dom being my best friend's ex-boyfriend :wtf: We went to the movies together (awkward...) and I sat in the front row while he walked up the aisle to sit in the wayy back. In the middle of the movie, Matt popped in and screamed "DOWN WITH THE BALLOONS!!" and walked out. Dom was acting like a bored teenager, texting and such :LOL: I tried to make some conversation going in the ride back home, but he replied with one word answers.

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I had a dream about Dom being my best friend's ex-boyfriend :wtf: We went to the movies together (awkward...) and I sat in the front row while he walked up the aisle to sit in the wayy back. In the middle of the movie, Matt popped in and screamed "DOWN WITH THE BALLOONS!!" and walked out. Dom was acting like a bored teenager, texting and such :LOL: I tried to make some conversation going in the ride back home, but he replied with one word answers.


:chuckle: that sounded...interesting! :D


I had a weird random dream the other night that I was Dom's younger sister. :erm: and people were coming up to us and telling us how much we look like each other...:wtf::chuckle: random much...

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Warning: Long dream ahead. Really long dream.


I had a dream last night that my school was changed into this big huge school, but there weren't any class rooms, just lockers and I was with one of my friends, Sam, the whole time. Apparently Muse was going to go into my new school and preform in the auditorium for the grand opening, but people who have tickets can only go. I didn't know about this so I didn't have any tickets, and they were sold out! :( but apparently my dad knew someone who was organizing the concert and got me in for free! Front row and everything (:D). So I go in the auditorium with my friend Sam and it was the size of a freaking stadium. It even had those balconeys on the 2nd floor. Not that many people were here, kind of like 2 classes combined into one. I was sad for a moment, but realized how much excitment there was in the room, and how much everyone wanted to see Muse. There was a curtain on the stage, so we didn't see Muse yet, then the curtain lifted and everyone cheered. Right now only Dom and Chris were there waving at us and Dom was babling randomness into the mic :LOL:. Then Matt came up and everyone cheered again. He did like a backflip and then a cartwheel...:wtf:. He also had converse on that had wings attached to it, like in the Percy Jackson movie (those who are fans will know what i mean). Then they started playing Uprising. Now this is weird to me because, usually in my dreams when I get tickets to see them live, I never actually see them live. So this was the first time. Then he also fly with his flying magical shoes and he let everyone high five him. He held onto my hand xD. I started hyperventilating and said to my friend Sam "OMG! I touched the actual Matt Bellamy...IN THE FLESH!!!!" *spazz moment*. She told me to stfu and calm down xD I remember the set list, they preformed Uprising, Resistance, UD, USoE, KoC, New Born, PiB, Screenager, and IBTY which was played last. In the middle of the last song, the chorus teacher comes in with her huge chorus class kicking us and Muse out screaming to Matt to keep the noise down and that they had to go cause the chorus had to be here. Matt got pissed off at her, jumped off the stage and cussed her out. I just left because it was an awkward situation...


Theres more, but this is really my longest post ever! :LOL:

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I had a dream that I went to a Muse gig almost 12 hours early, and the first people there besides me and my friend was the band. Chris invited us in the venue with them because we "looked cold". So Matt told me I could play his piano and I played Feeling Good and he sang along :awesome:

And I'm pretty sure my friend was flirting with Dom the whole time :chuckle:

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I once dreamt that I walked into a café seeing Matt really sad. Then we had a long conversation about nothing and when he was happy again I went away and said: See you at your concert tonight! And all of the sudden I saw small parts of their concert in rotterdam last year.


And a friend of me told me that she dreamt she was shopping with her mother and that she saw matt walking down the street. And that after seeing each other they went shopping together.

After this I dreamt this too (little different) and matt bought me some silver shiny shoes :D

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