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This is coming from an EX twilight fan...


I don't care what it's on, i don't care about the brackets in the name, all i care about is NEW MUSE SONG!!!


ok people?? so stop complaining about the fact its on the eclipse soundtrack!!! just buy the single, and think about the good publicity it might bring. :D bring on May 17th!!!

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This is sad but true. Twitards are notoriously stupid.


Yes. When I went to the cinema to see New Moon (Don't ask why I was seeing this. LONG STORY.), there were all these obsessive Twihards with Team Jacob/Edward shirts on, and they were obsessing over obsessive things. During the part where Bella and Jess or whoever her non-vampire friend is are walking in town and IBTY is playing, they were all "OH MY GOSH IS THAT THE BAND THAT DID SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE?" I had to just turn around and curse them. I made a lot of enemies. :facepalm:


I read somewhere that FAwY was in New Moon. WHERE THE FUCK? I didn't notice it.

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Yes! I knew i had heard that same piece of the seattle gig in a video of 2006 in Abbey road sessions. He plays that same piano intro!

Take a look:



But it sounds kind of "Work in progress". So I'd asume it's matt's original composition and Neutron star collision.




Somebody read this

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Well most of the Twitards I've talked to are barely coherent. Most of them just scream and tipe liek dis.


Yeah, but I wasn't suprised with this bunch of bitches. I heard this before the movie started:


Twihard 1: "Oh, you know that song that was in the baseball scene...It's overrated. But the band is cool."

Twihard 2: "Supermassive Black Hole is cool, though!"

Twihard 1: "Not their best song."

Twihard 2: "Who wrote it again? The Muse?"

Twihard 1: "I think it's just Muse,"

Twihard 2: "Oh, right. I like some of their stuff quite a lot,"

Twihard 1: "Me too. Have you heard New Born?" (WHEN I HEARD THAT, MY EARS PRICKED UP)

Twihard 2: "No...Wait, is that the one that- Oh, no, that's Time is Running Out."

Twihard 1: "Oh, I like that one! I still think they should've put it in Twilight. It's like it was MADE for it!"

Twihard 2: "Totally."



Me: *Turns around and glares*



EDIT: Wow. I just heard a news headline that Isabella and Jacob are being used the most to name babies today in the States, as a result of the Twilight phenomenom. FUCK OFF PLEASE.

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EDIT: Wow. I just heard a news headline that Isabella and Jacob are being used the most to name babies today in the States, as a result of the Twilight phenomenom. FUCK OFF PLEASE.


Why am I here? :facepalm:


Most of the Twatlight fangirls at my school DON'T EVEN KNOW MUSE. OR SMBH. I ask them about it because they give me weird looks when I say their my favorite band is Muse. Then when I say, "They were in Twilight...during the baseball scene?" they just stare at me blankly and say something like, "oh." It annoys me that even the Twilight fangirls have a lack of knowelege of the song in the movie.

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Why am I here? :facepalm:


Most of the Twatlight fangirls at my school DON'T EVEN KNOW MUSE. OR SMBH. I ask them about it because they give me weird looks when I say their my favorite band is Muse. Then when I say, "They were in Twilight...during the baseball scene?" they just stare at me blankly and say something like, "oh." It annoys me that even the Twilight fangirls have a lack of knowelege of the song in the movie.


But don't you prefer that they don't even know who does SMBH? How can you be annoyed at Twilighters being clueless about their lack of knowledge regarding who did the song, but also be annoyed when they rave about Muse and the baseball song? Pick one.

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