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Haven't seen GL but I totally agree with UD. And just out of curiosity what are your other fav live TR songs?


I enjoyed MK Ultra very much at Rock In Rio, but it really didn't live up to its potential. And there were the awful microphone problems.


I enjoyed Unnatural Selection as a future replacement for New Born, just as I enjoyed USoE as a future replacement for Feeling Good.


Resistance was pretty okay the few times he actually bothered to hit that final note. Uprising wasn't mindblowing, but it was good.


But yeah, from TR I'd say that IBTY is probably the best live song.


Other than that, TR is probably the worst album they've made, both in terms of studio and live performances.

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Sober is a great song.:yesey:

I would like to add that Fillip is also a great song.


I think I love you. :awesome:

Also, Exo-politics is underrated. It's not one of my favorites but I don't get the hate either.

Also on some days I actually do like GL, but it's their worst song imo. Even counting Newton Abbot Demo stuff. :LOL:


In my mind, Absolution>BHaR>OoS>Resistance>Showbiz>OoS>BHAR>Resistance. It's…sort of a rock/paper/scissors relationship with Absolution as King. Idek.

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And so are you. How the hell is GL better than Sober? Though I admit Sober's not that great of a song either, but at least it's fun to listen to.


I can accept people saying Sober is better than Guiding Light, but I cannot accept people having Sober in Top 10 list. It's such a weak song in every aspect, from poor lyrics to weak, repetitive sound progression and annoying vocals. And Exo-Politics > Overdue :o

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I can accept people saying Sober is better than Guiding Light, but I cannot accept people having Sober in Top 10 list. It's such a weak song in every aspect, from poor lyrics to weak, repetitive sound progression and annoying vocals. And Exo-Politics > Overdue :o


Look, I never said Sober was a good song, just that I love it. Favorite≠best. ;) I can't help that I like it. If that means I have horrible taste in music, then so be it.

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I can accept people saying Sober is better than Guiding Light, but I cannot accept people having Sober in Top 10 list. It's such a weak song in every aspect, from poor lyrics to weak, repetitive sound progression and annoying vocals. And Exo-Politics > Overdue :o


Aw, but I love the annoying vocals! :happy:


And yeah, Overdue is pretty awful.

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I've always liked Exo-Politics too. I don't understand the hate it gets. :$


Was good until they recorded the studio version.


Resistance it's my least favourite song on TR but is OK live., hope they replace it with something better the next tour though. And I also expected them to put US in New Born's place but now they don't play any of them :LOL:

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The 'Could be Wrong' parts were bland and dull on record, and equally bland and dull live. Resistance could have been so much better than it is.

Guiding Light > Sober

I agree, although Sober does display the more angsty, raw Muse

Exo-Politics is one of the best on Black Holes. Butterflies and Hurricanes is a poor studio song, and Sing For Absolution is boring in general.

I wouldn't say poor, but it certainly is superior live.

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