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After Jay Z I just left, sorry Arcade Fire but I'm not so familiar to stand in the rain for another hour after that set.


Tents always get set alight, Jamie T told 1000 people to do it that last day and there were a few burning when I woke up....also yea while I was ASLEEP IN MY FUCKING TENT someone stole my mates bag which was just full of fucking damp clothes.....scumbags, and I think that guy that was murdered or stabbed was pretty close to where our tent was.....


Pop up tents you are just asking for trouble, there are only guide ropes and they will get kicked after half an hour by people walking about....so many just trashed after the first night.


Best thing to do, go with a few other friends and make a huge circle and keep an eye out, cunts are only prey on the vulnerable.


Also the security is shite, they are more wasted than some people at times, they just abandon the watchtowers and go drink....


Sorry for misinterpreting your post. Possibly there were things being said around your post that made me interpret it that way or it was just where my mind was. I can't be bothered to look now.


I suppose that in relation to the other singles you have mentioned, NSC is not an album track, so playing it isn't related to album promotion. All previous singles have been from albums. NSC is the only exception I believe. Thus the fact that they are not following the same pattern doesn't necessarily mean there's something specific off with the song. But possibly they just don't feel like performing it every gig.


No New Born either, they were only playing upbeat rock tunes and their singles fit into that, NSC just didn't....would have liked to see NB and BnH though.

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Yes, really! It was me who witnessed this fine performance! A supervisor came and banged on the door as whoever was in there had been in there for ages. She opened the door to reveal a couple at it!:LOL::LOL:


How pleasant!


They were amazing weren't they? Love all the new songs. I was on the barrier, I blew a kiss to one of the guys at the very end (I don't know what his name was:$) and he blew one back. :D


Win Butler: You guys are pretty wet?

Lady near me: Yer not to bad yourself :eyebrows:






After Jay Z I just left, sorry Arcade Fire but I'm not so familiar to stand in the rain for another hour after that set.


Tents always get set alight, Jamie T told 1000 people to do it that last day and there were a few burning when I woke up....also yea while I was ASLEEP IN MY FUCKING TENT someone stole my mates bag which was just full of fucking damp clothes.....scumbags, and I think that guy that was murdered or stabbed was pretty close to where our tent was.....


Pop up tents you are just asking for trouble, there are only guide ropes and they will get kicked after half an hour by people walking about....so many just trashed after the first night.


Best thing to do, go with a few other friends and make a huge circle and keep an eye out, cunts are only prey on the vulnerable.


Also the security is shite, they are more wasted than some people at times, they just abandon the watchtowers and go drink....


What an utter, utter cunt.



Yaaay, mud!

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Also the security is shite, they are more wasted than some people at times, they just abandon the watchtowers and go drink.....

There I have to disagree... We parked ourselves right below the watchtower in Red 4 and had no trouble whatsoever and became really pally with the security guards. They were all fantastic and on the ball, and if men approached my (female) friend and I in our tent at all they always asked if they were troubling us at all (they normally were... what is it with you sleezy Irish men?:LOL:)


But Oxegen was amazing. Huge shame about the weather - it meant I missed out on Arcade Fire and The Gossip. Eminem was one of the highlights for me, as well as Jay-Z.

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Yeah, security seemed pretty cool. The only downside was when they ignored our requests to do something about the relentless overcrowding in the pit, but looking back, I don't think there was much they could do, considering how many of them there were versus the size of the crowd. Even the announcer didn't really do much to prevent the crushing at the front.


But yeah, asides from that, the security seemed pretty sound. What I loved is how relaxed and friendly they all seemed to be - it's so much better and creates such a good atmosphere when the security treat the crowd like that. Although teasing us with the chocolate fingers was just cruel :LOL:

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I did not see that until just now. I can't even imagine how scary that must have been! I'm glad you are okay!


Yeah it was horrible, dreadful, but my friends, Kasabian and Muse all made up for it later on :)

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No New Born either, they were only playing upbeat rock tunes and their singles fit into that, NSC just didn't....would have liked to see NB and BnH though.


Well since they performed Bliss and CE and PIB, I don't think it's surprising that they didn't perform NB. While we're discussing dropping singles though, Invincible seems to be remarkably absent this tour. But yeah, you may be right that they didn't feel it fitted the setlist.


BTW, just adding that if there are personal reasons for dropping NSC or not playing it much, I can understand and accept that. It was released the way it was, simply because it was something Matt wanted to express at the time, and not leave until the next album, and things change. However saying that, it's too early, I think, to assume it has been dropped. I reckon it may well be played in the stadium gigs. :) So time is needed before starting to wonder even.

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