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I always feel bad for the people around me when im standing at concerts...I can't exactely do anything about it and wouldn't want to, but im 16 and 6'5, and at the last Green Day concert i was at there were 2 rather short middle aged women who had no choice but to be behind me (they were well under 5ft). We did let them infront as it atleast gave them a chance to see something...but it made me wonder, i had quite a few drunken men moaning to eachother under there breath about how they couldn't see because of me and even though i cant help it i still felt bad about it?


I have to say my height helped when a mosh pit formed all around us, and nobody would go near me :p


Ah, don't feel bad - you can't help being tall! It was really good of you to let those two women in front of you, but on the other hand.. if you keep doing that, you'll end up at the back of the venue :LOL: People will ALWAYS moan about something.. the people around them are too tall, too energetic, keep bumping into them, etc, etc. If people bitch at you for being tall just say that you can't help it and that if they're really that fussed, then THEY can move instead :p


I'm not the tallest of people.. if I'm not on the barrier, then I always end up with a giant in front of me, but hey, that's life! I just move about a lot once the crowd gets going, a gap usually opens up then :LOL:

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This thread is alive again :ninja:

I'm sure this has been asked before but I don't have the time (at least not right now) to look through all 70+ pages. What do you do about going to the bathroom?

I know you can't leave your GA spot once you get in (unless you want to lose it), and I know you can leave your spot while in line to go to the bathroom. But how do you manage to keep hydrated and not have to pee before/during the gig? :erm:


(sorry if this was asked a million times before :$, I'm doing GA for the first time this year) :awesome:


EDIT: Nvm, I just saw the tip at the first page :facepalm: How did I miss that!?

Edited by JacksSmirkingR3venge
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This thread is alive again :ninja:

I'm sure this has been asked before but I don't have the time (at least not right now) to look through all 70+ pages. What do you do about going to the bathroom?

I know you can't leave your GA spot once you get in (unless you want to lose it), and I know you can leave your spot while in line to go to the bathroom. But how do you manage to keep hydrated and not have to pee before/during the gig? :erm:


(sorry if this was asked a million times before :$, I'm doing GA for the first time this year) :awesome:


EDIT: Nvm, I just saw the tip at the first page :facepalm: How did I miss that!?




Just take a bathroom trip right before the supporting band gets on stage while everybody is sitting down, so you could probably make it back to your spot easily. After that, just hold it in... I had to go pretty bad during the Vegas gig, but I found that once Muse got going the energy made me forget about my bladder. :LOL:

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Just take a bathroom trip right before the supporting band gets on stage while everybody is sitting down, so you could probably make it back to your spot easily. After that, just hold it in... I had to go pretty bad during the Vegas gig, but I found that once Muse got going the energy made me forget about my bladder. :LOL:


Diapers would probably be a bit smelly :LOL:

I'm extremely paranoid about leaving my spot (especially considering I'm trying for the barrier). So I might just go to the bathroom several times a little bit before doors open.

Thank goodness the excitement makes you forget about everything else! haha

I'm so incredibly excited! :D

I'm going to read this entire thread before the gig so I'm prepared :)

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Oh, also, if I bought GA tickets to LCCC, I assumed that was standing (being the ignorant child) because I thought it was a standing only thing, only someone mentioned it being either seating or standing and now I'm a bit confused :/


All the tickets are GA.... which means it is all standing but usually LCCC open up the seating area for anyone who wants it. So if you want to sit it is worth queuing still to get a good seat :)

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One more question, is it fine to stand (probably the entire gig) in the seating bit? I mean, I don't want to annoy anyone but I certainly don't want to sit down during a Muse concert, but if there's only seating tickets left (I just don't want to ruin the gig for someone else)...


People sit at pop/rock concerts? :erm: If they're going to be sitting the whole time they deserve to have their views blocked, IMO, unless they're handicapped or something. Tell them to catch an opera next time.

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People sit at pop/rock concerts? :erm: If they're going to be sitting the whole time they deserve to have their views blocked, IMO, unless they're handicapped or something. Tell them to catch an opera next time.


LOL, cheers. I know it sounds odd but I don't want to be one of the idiots who ruins it for someone else. But should the situation arise, I shall be telling them to go and see opera then. (Obvs if they're handicapped then I think it's fair enough they should sit though)

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I know this has probably been asked before but I'm gonna be paranoid and ask anyways.


Do you think I will be squished if I'm on the barrier? I'm 14 and weigh 110lb (I'm going with my older brother). I'm pretty fit. (use the treadmill everyday and horseback ride once a week)

I'm a bit on the crazy side for these kinds of things and like it a bit wild :)

Those who have been in GA before, what do you think? Any help is extremely appreciated! I'm excited to be doing GA for the first time this year :D

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I know this has probably been asked before but I'm gonna be paranoid and ask anyways.


Do you think I will be squished if I'm on the barrier? I'm 14 and weigh 110lb (I'm going with my older brother). I'm pretty fit. (use the treadmill everyday and horseback ride once a week)

I'm a bit on the crazy side for these kinds of things and like it a bit wild :)

Those who have been in GA before, what do you think? Any help is extremely appreciated! I'm excited to be doing GA for the first time this year :D


It's best to be prepared to be squished. It does happen! Not at all shows, but most.

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I know this has probably been asked before but I'm gonna be paranoid and ask anyways.


Do you think I will be squished if I'm on the barrier? I'm 14 and weigh 110lb (I'm going with my older brother). I'm pretty fit. (use the treadmill everyday and horseback ride once a week)

I'm a bit on the crazy side for these kinds of things and like it a bit wild :)

Those who have been in GA before, what do you think? Any help is extremely appreciated! I'm excited to be doing GA for the first time this year :D


My first barrier experiece was at 16 and I survived. Was a bit bruised and the squishing hurt my ribs but I wasn't even fully fit at the time and still managed.


I will say though, if you're young (and especially if female) people do see you as an easy target to try and get off the barrier by being rough in a way that just isn't good gig etiquette and is actually kinda dickish...so having your elbows ready comes in handy. My friend was at a gig once where someone said something like "I'm gonna get this bitch off the barrier" and kept trying to PULL her off. What gives people the right...I don't even know.


ALSO there's no shame in needing to be pulled out no matter what anyone says. I saw Idlewild when I was about 18 and a combination of heat, squishing and moshing too hard (myself as well as everyone else) made me suddenly feel like I couldn't breathe. No air was going in or out of my lungs what so ever and I probably stayed in longer than I should've as when I eventually got pulled out I almost fainted.

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I know this has probably been asked before but I'm gonna be paranoid and ask anyways.


Do you think I will be squished if I'm on the barrier? I'm 14 and weigh 110lb (I'm going with my older brother). I'm pretty fit. (use the treadmill everyday and horseback ride once a week)

I'm a bit on the crazy side for these kinds of things and like it a bit wild :)

Those who have been in GA before, what do you think? Any help is extremely appreciated! I'm excited to be doing GA for the first time this year :D


Based on my own experience and what I've heard about other U.S. shows, I don't think you need to worry too much about being squished. That was one of my concerns as well and it ended up being fine. The U.S. crowds in general are more tame than other countries. I guess that could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. But yeah, sharpen your elbows and defend your spot!

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It's best to be prepared to be squished. It does happen! Not at all shows, but most.


My first barrier experiece was at 16 and I survived. Was a bit bruised and the squishing hurt my ribs but I wasn't even fully fit at the time and still managed.


I will say though, if you're young (and especially if female) people do see you as an easy target to try and get off the barrier by being rough in a way that just isn't good gig etiquette and is actually kinda dickish...so having your elbows ready comes in handy. My friend was at a gig once where someone said something like "I'm gonna get this bitch off the barrier" and kept trying to PULL her off. What gives people the right...I don't even know.


ALSO there's no shame in needing to be pulled out no matter what anyone says. I saw Idlewild when I was about 18 and a combination of heat, squishing and moshing too hard (myself as well as everyone else) made me suddenly feel like I couldn't breathe. No air was going in or out of my lungs what so ever and I probably stayed in longer than I should've as when I eventually got pulled out I almost fainted.


Based on my own experience and what I've heard about other U.S. shows, I don't think you need to worry too much about being squished. That was one of my concerns as well and it ended up being fine. The U.S. crowds in general are more tame than other countries. I guess that could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. But yeah, sharpen your elbows and defend your spot!


Wow! Thanks for the fast and very informative replies :O

I was wondering if me being young and a female would make me a target for a-holes. I'm not too short (5'7) ,so that may just be a little bit of an advantage. I'm definitely not afraid to bring out the elbows, and my brother will be there to basically baby sit me (:chuckle:).

Thank you for the help! I'm pretty excited/nervous to do this for the first time. I want to be as prepared as possible so I don't end up having a crappy time.

Real quick, when/if you get pulled out of the pit, where do you go from there? (unless your feeling like your about to faint)

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Two things- I know most people stand in the seated area, how much jumping/'moshing'/dancing is there? Do people leave their seats and mosh in the aisles, or closer to the stage, or are they not allowed?

And with seats, how early before the gig should I get there?

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Real quick, when/if you get pulled out of the pit, where do you go from there? (unless your feeling like your about to faint)


I dont know about when you get pulled out of the barrier but whenever Ive crowdsurfed Ive been let back into the crowd at the side of the stage, so in the corner of the crowd. It would be nigh on impossible to get back to the barrier. This might differ with the golden circle thing but I dont see why it should.

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Two things- I know most people stand in the seated area, how much jumping/'moshing'/dancing is there? Do people leave their seats and mosh in the aisles, or closer to the stage, or are they not allowed?

And with seats, how early before the gig should I get there?


sorry for multipost, Im still sort of new. People mainly stand where their seat is and the amount of activity usually builds throughout the gig. I think people feel self-conscious because its less of a crowd environment. For some reason this usually stops when TIRO starts. ;)


This can all change depending on who is around you though.

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Two things- I know most people stand in the seated area, how much jumping/'moshing'/dancing is there? Do people leave their seats and mosh in the aisles, or closer to the stage, or are they not allowed?

And with seats, how early before the gig should I get there?

This depends on the security guards - in San Siro, people basically stood anywhere and if anyone would have wanted to sit in the first row - tough luck, you had two rows of people between you and the seated area barrier. Security couldn't have cared less, they just hung out around there. :LOL: Whereas at Hartwall Areena in October, the Finns were very strict, nobody could be in the aisles and if you even as much as stretched your toe towards the stairs, you had a guard telling you to get back to your place.


Jumping and dancing is basically a lottery - you might get a sector with fans who jump up during the first notes and dance the entire gig or you might be tapped on the shoulder and told to sit the fuck down, because the people behind you want to see as well.


If you have numbered seats, it doesn't really matter when you get there. If you want to see the support acts, get there before them. If not, stroll in before Muse.

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