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When I worked at my uni's dining hall, some student workers played their iPods through the speaker system. Mostly top 40's with some Beatles thrown in. I didn't work long enough to get that privilege, though.


Whoever works at mine seems to like Hail to the Thief a lot. Three times already I've come in to hear the whole album playing.

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There was a kid at Sam Ash (music supplies store in the States) today playing a bunch of Muse songs. Think he was testing out an effects pedal...caught my attention with MK Ultra, then played some Stockholm Syndrome, Bliss, and Map of the Problematique! :eek: I would've asked him if he was a Muser but his dad and brother were standing right next to him. :$

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I've heard Madness on two seperate occasions in Finnish malls. I thought it was pretty cool as I've never heard those places play Muse before. Although, on both occasions I only became aware of the song playing as "I NEED TO LOOOOVE" started booming out. :chuckle:

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