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At the gym, the TV was blaring away this morning, some bloke was interviewing football players from the AFL. "Butterflies and Hurricanes" was playing in the background. I found myself singing and telling the front desk worker how much I love Muse (this was whilst I was signing in!) He was like "Muse. Um. Cool. Have a nice day"



Edited by mrs_bellamy_
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My history teacher noticed several times that I was wearing a Muse t-shirt and he asked what it was about. One of the people I'm trying to convert was up by him at the same time, so we were arguing about whether SMBH is a good song or not. :LOL: But he asked if it was a band, and I told them that they were in the baseball scene in Twilight (it was on his desk, they're gonna play it after school one day).

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Believe it or not i was 10 when i first heard Muse, My Sister had loaned Origin Of Symetray and i cudn't help over hearing the first tune which is New Born, I Liked the whole piono bit and then kicking in too the song, I Had a rely small cd player and i sneaked the album and just played New Born over and over again, Amazing moment.....


Everytime I'm out i meet people and ask them What do you think of Muse and Most people say Overrated, But i just walk away and think i wonder what type of music do u listen 2, then id go and play it over and over on the jukebox


Muse Rule

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Meerkat Matt was just mentioned at Xfm, after they played Starlight :LOL:





Plug in Baby was on in a club thingymabob I was in last night yay! I was like mid conversation and just stopped talking and started concentrating on what sounded like the bass then we eventually figured out that it was indeed PIBBY! YAY!

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Watching the Calgary and Chicago playoff hockey game last night I heard KoC played in the arena after an icing call....

My Dad must have thought I was nuts when I shouted out a triumphant Yes! from the couch when there wasn't any playing of hockey going on lol


In the club i worked in, KoC every friday and sat night, and then SMBH TWICE in 2 dif sides of the bar one friday night ^.^ oh working to love is joy

I'm insanely envious of you there... I wish they made clubs that like out here. The nightlife would be so much more appealing haha

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yeah we got 2 local clubs here that play Muse frequently. Sadly it's mostly the same 2 songs, the most generic Muse songs, but it's still awesome to hear it out! I freak out everytime haha. And a couple of times people have come up to my bar wearing a Muse shirt and i'm like "OMG DID YOU HEAR KNIGHTS OF CYDONIA BEFORE?!?!?!" and they look at me like wtf =S but get it later haha



I'm insanely envious of you there... I wish they made clubs that like out here. The nightlife would be so much more appealing haha

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Starlight on Kerrang... Gosh I haven't listened to this song in ages....


Followed by TIRO a few hours later...


Followed by SMBH a few hours later...


What next??? KoC??

Edited by L.
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My stereo broke on my car so I've been reduced to listening to the radio and last night on my way home from Burger King 107.7 The End played Knights. Why does it always get more exciting when it's played on the radio? The End still has all 3 singles from BH&R in the top 30 on their playlist. They are gonna explode here in the NW when the new album comes out! :D

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