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Sober - Gran turismo 3

Apocalypse Please - Emmerdale

SMBH - Twilight & Supernatural

Take a bow - Watchmen trailer

KoC - Whale Wars ad on Animal Planet

Hysteria - some sports ad

Exo-Politics - L-word



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Apocalypse Please - Emmerdale




:wtf: WHAT?! :LOL:


Where do yah think they got the sheep from Dom's video from??? They made a deal with Emmerdale...


Let us borrow the sheep and we'll let you borrow a song!!! :LOL:

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Okay, srsly, there's a HUGE Muse fan working for Film 4, every fucking ad I see has a Muse song in it lol! Including the first time I heard Forced In in one of their film ads about 3 or 4 years ago haha!


This time Take A Bow is the song for the 'Alien Nation' advert, along with Apocalypse Please instrumental I heard earlier!




Edited by hyper_chondriac_muser
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I was at a party this night and a friend of mine played Supermassive black hole. I think he knows that I'm a Muse fan, I'm not very shy about it eheheh. Some of the people at the party was all like "wee Twilight" and I was like "nooo, please not Twilight"

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I was at a party this night and a friend of mine played Supermassive black hole. I think he knows that I'm a Muse fan, I'm not very shy about it eheheh. Some of the people at the party was all like "wee Twilight" and I was like "nooo, please not Twilight"


Ugh, I'd hate it if that happened to me :indiff: Too many people associate Muse with Twilight :mad:

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First started listening to Muse when I was about 12, after discovering a Muse CD just lying beside my radio one day :LOL:

You could say it's DESTINY :D:p


...or you could say that my dad left the CD there by accident and he forgot to take it back, lol.


As for the whole Twilight thing...I hate those Twilight Muse fans! Fair enough, if they like the music then thats all cool, but it's when they listen to Supermassive Black Hole from the films and then call themselves *real my00se fans!!!11!!*, with the hardcore ones knowing Starlight as well...


Gah. Rant over... *exhale*

Edited by Uncle_Dipshit
Wanted to add something in.
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First started listening to Muse when I was about 12, after discovering a Muse CD just lying beside my radio one day :LOL:

You could say it's DESTINY :D:p


...or you could say that my dad left the CD there by accident and he forgot to take it back, lol.


As for the whole Twilight thing...I hate those Twilight Muse fans! Fair enough, if they like the music then thats all cool, but it's when they listen to Supermassive Black Hole from the films and then call themselves *real my00se fans!!!11!!*, with the hardcore ones knowing Starlight as well...


Gah. Rant over... *exhale*


Not a bad rant if I must say so. :happy:

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Watching the ice hockey world championships final on telly. Muse was played twice: first Assassin in a preview of team Russia and right after that Invincible in a same kind of montage of Canada. I also heard a couple of seconds of the KOC riff a few nights ago, when they showed some Finnish hockey fans.


Hockey + Muse = Win :happy:

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While at a concert in Austin, Texas, I heard Stockholm Syndrome before the bands started playing, and then Time Is Running Out and Stockholm Syndrome again during soundcheck for another band. Made me so happy to finally hear Muse around here. :happy:

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