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I was rather surprised to hear 'Time Is Running Out' on the soundtrack of Gossip Girl. I feel a little less embarrassed about watching the programme now. But interestingly, it's a violin version (season 2 episode 'Chuck in Real Life', about 23 minutes in)

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I thought I heard Bowling For Soup mention Muse in their song "1985" because they were mentioning bands and artist like Madonna and Nirvana:P Then I realised that they actually sang "Music"

Then I thought about it and realised Muse wouldn't be mentioned in a song about 1985:chuckle: I had a gormless moment!

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I did intend to get on here last week but got side tracked... :$


Anyway we had a woman from the Fire & Rescue Service come into our Religious Studies lesson last Thursday and she was there to talk to us about Arson... She showed us a role play based on a real story which had been created by the Service and these youths were about to set this car alight in which they had been joyriding... They were arguing who was going to do it and when this was happening 'Hyper Chondriac Music' came on! :eek: I went really red - I was so happy.... I guess I didn't expect it because it's one of their rarer songs... :D


And... In my Religious Studies lessons this week we were watching a documentary about the Muslim Religion and it's affects on England and 'Resistance' came on TWICE! :eek: I shouted out 'MUSE SONG!' just to let my teacher know that she was epic for letting us watch it instead of doing work! :LOL:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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I don't normally watch the Tonight Show, but yesterday I did and I have to say I'm beyond glad that I did.




I didn't know if this belonged in the YouTube thread or not, but it was on a television show and wasn't a performance by Muse so I figured this would be fine.


well, technically its a muse song. it would've been cooler if the actual band was performing, but its till technically muse's song.


kudos to the band for good taste in music.

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Yaaay! They just read out my text on XFM, asking them to pick Bells as best frontman! This is what I wrote:

Bellamy is the god of falsetto and female-esque warbling. For someone so slight, he can belt out a squeal better than those Bee Gee boys or anyone else, for that matter. For that alone, he is the undisputed best front man of our age. Pick him!!


Shame I didn't hear it; my boss text me to tell me he just heard it while sat at the office, haha.

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