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Thought Contagion .

Claudia O

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I think the live version sounds better than the studio version, but I still find it quite boring as a song in its own right unfortunately. It's not as bad as Dig Down (which is hardly praise in any case), and if it was a case of hearing it for the first time as part of a good album, I'd probably be a bit more forgiving (it's not exactly the first 'okay' song they've done recently), but I think part of the problem for me is that the context it's been released in is that they've got this and Dig Down as their two leading singles for whatever their next album ends up being, and it's not enough to excite me unfortunately. Granted, their singles rarely end up being the songs I like most on albums in any case, but they've made the choice to do this 'one song at a time' approach which means that's all we've got to go on. I certainly don't agree with Matt about that making all the songs individually better so far.

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The live video is better than the studio version. The riff is catchy. The vocals are still shit though, as are the verses in general. If you put post-2006 Matt's lyrics up front and leave nothing else to listen to while he's singing, you're asking for trouble.

Paris was a fantastic gig. Even now Matt's voice is still very compelling when he sings the oldies. But this style and lyrical content, nah.


(I'm also saying this as someone so capable of forcing himself to like music that he managed to convince himself he liked Aftermath for a week or so after Drones came out...at least it's better than that song though)

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But the synths and backing vocals sound studio perfect :erm:. There may well be a live element, but like Dig Down, it sounds like there is a big studio element too. Whatevs. It would sound 328509809582093903x better if they roughed it up a bit.

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But the synths and backing vocals sound studio perfect :erm:. There may well be a live element, but like Dig Down, it sounds like there is a big studio element too. Whatevs. It would sound 328509809582093903x better if they roughed it up a bit.


Considering most synths are computer programmed sounds these days anyway it wouldn't be hard for them to recreate that. And the backing vocals don't sound that similar at all but any similarities would be the fact Chris did some layers on the track.

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There’s also not a lot of room for inflection when you’re shouting “oh” at that range. You kinda have to hit it the same way every time, which is why you hear that exact same “whoa” in every rock song this decade.
I would say that has more to do with the fact that every popular rock song uses the chorus "whoa", instead of just doing...anything else.
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I've cooled on it. I don't dislike it by any means but the new song sheen has worn off. I think it'll make a fine addition to their live arsenal, however. It has energy and a big sound and audiences like to go "woah", especially us Muse fans! One of our most endearing qualities if how we sing along to the guitar in KoC but kind of drop off once the lyrics kick in.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The first time I listened to it, I kinda felt it was not good enough but when I tried to repeat it again and again, oh man... I do really love this song! It stuck in my head until now I can't stop listening to it :D


and.... this is way way way better than dig down :$

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