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Does saying you're writing something "in character" make it better, though...?


That's basically saying he can't identify with the sentiment of the lyrics (and in this case, quite honestly, is closer to the antagonists the song is about,) but he's writing it in the mindset of someone who can; namely, his fans.

That's got to be pretty close to the definition of pandering, tbh.

Don't lyricisits write in character a lot of the time?

On a different note a fan has paid £50,000 for one of Matt's smashed guitars from the last night they played at the O2. (Drones Tour so on topic)




The fan is called Christina. What I want to know is, is she on here?


Not you is it SerpentSatellite? :LOL::LOL::LOL:

I reckon that one might still work..

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Don't lyricisits write in character a lot of the time?


I reckon that one might still work..


Yes, but really this is just a discussion about TR (and I guess particularly US.)


Whether it's a "character" or not, I consider someone writing a song from a POV that they don't relate to, putting themselves into the perspective of what their fans are experiencing... I don't feel like saying "well, it's in character" makes it not pandering. In this case.

Someone specifically wrote lyrics that people would relate to, for profit. And in this case, a specific song like Unnatural Selection not only deals with something that's really got no impact on Matt himself, but could easily appear to be ABOUT someone like him.

That's just a bit too far for me.


And I think Manson's said they would fix that guitar up, if the buyer wanted.

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a fan has paid £50,000 for one of Matt's smashed guitars from the last night they played at the O2.

The fan is called Christina. What I want to know is, is she on here?


I reckon that one might still work..


And I think Manson's said they would fix that guitar up, if the buyer wanted.


Ok. So are you saying £50,000 is ok then for Matt's guitar? Bec I wouldn't pay it even it came with Matt's knob attached :eek:


And who's Christina?

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Ok. So are you saying £50,000 is ok then for Matt's guitar? Bec I wouldn't pay it even it came with Matt's knob attached :eek:


And who's Christina?

Eh. Its a charity auction, and someone out there presumably has the cash for it. If you've got it and want to spend that much supporting the cause, why not?

Anyone trying to glean any kind of lyrical nuance from Muse is frankly an imbecile.


Matt's lyrics scan like the musings of a hormonal teenager, a gullible one at that.

Don't know about nuance but there's a fair amount of the first 3 albums that had lyrics that are fairly hard to really read a meaning into and therefore feel a bit less clear-cut in meaning. Following on from #4, the meanings are a much more simplistic, mind. I'd like to see some more vague meanings at play, if only because of it being more fun to guess meanings rather than them being fairly spelled out on the last 3 albums.

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Eh. Its a charity auction, and someone out there presumably has the cash for it. If you've got it and want to spend that much supporting the cause, why not?


Was surprised anyone would (could) pay that, is all; it's a free country for people to spend what they want obviously. But 'supporting the cause' of the charity attaches to the donation of the guitar (either promotional or altruistic) by Muse, rather than to the person who bid for it. It's likely she bought it because she wanted it imho. And as you say, why not.


Don't know about nuance but there's a fair amount of the first 3 albums that had lyrics that are fairly hard to really read a meaning into and therefore feel a bit less clear-cut in meaning. Following on from #4, the meanings are a much more simplistic, mind. I'd like to see some more vague meanings at play, if only because of it being more fun to guess meanings rather than them being fairly spelled out on the last 3 albums.


Yes. And there are some cringeworthy simple lyrics in the last album (eg Your ass belongs to me). Weirdly though, I was disappointed not to be able to bellow 'And your belly is all yellow' because they didn't play Defector in any of the gigs I went to. I sing that line out v loud at home, it's so ridiculous :$:$

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Ok. So are you saying £50,000 is ok then for Matt's guitar? Bec I wouldn't pay it even it came with Matt's knob attached :eek:


And who's Christina?


I don't remember discussing if I thought it was "ok" or not... You just jokingly asked if it was me.

I consider the money I paid for the Drones Tour to be a waste, so no, no it wouldn't be worth it to me. :chuckle:


But, if $60,000 isn't a big deal to you, why the heck not? I'm sure it's a tax write off, too.

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I don't remember discussing if I thought it was "ok" or not... You just jokingly asked if it was me.

I consider the money I paid for the Drones Tour to be a waste, so no, no it wouldn't be worth it to me. :chuckle:


But, if $60,000 isn't a big deal to you, why the heck not? I'm sure it's a tax write off, too.


Oh that amount of money is a huge deal to me, I haven't got it, wish I did! And if I did have it I wouldn't waste it on a guitar, I'd get the roof of my house fixed, amongst other things! Yeah I was joking with you, I remember the comments you made about your experience/expense of the gigs you went to. :D

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Did they state a reason for not touring Australia?


Probs a combo of thinking it not being worth the cost of shipping the production all the way there and them just wanting the tour to be over. I'm sure they'd have done Big Day Out if it still ran, but it'd probably have just ended up like the other 14-song festival sets that they treated like a holiday.

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Matt Tweeted to a fan asking about the Oz tour something along the lines of "when did BDO get cancelled?" indicating they likely intended to do festival only down there, and had piss poor last minute planning on the tour. But we knew that from the US tour.


And I don't think it's a secret that the cost of shipping the stage show was the reason they didn't do the full tour gig.

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Why was BDO cancelled?


A combination of poor management and shitty lineups. It basically became unprofitable, got sold to an American company, and eventually cancelled. It had been on its last legs for years before, mind. It's rumoured to come back in 2017, but I don't know.


Problem is, there aren't really any big festivals left in Australia that Muse could play. Doesn't matter though, because Muse have been coming here with their own headlining tours for years. This is just them being lazy.

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Club tour in the UK and parts of France in early January.


IIRC, you've only trolled about setlists before so I'm gonna allow myself a tinge of hype but if I'm being hoodwinked, I shall be very disappointed :phu:


I've been calling it for months though so I feel like I should be more prepared for this :chuckle:

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