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I was surprised to see so many people get their panties in a bunch over Hysteria, tbh.

I guess it was a pretty popular song, if US radio stations still intermittently play it, though.


I mean, it's a hell of a lot better than other things they've been playing at gigs. :chuckle:


Still interesting Aftermath hasn't shown up.

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I just had a chilling vision of being in London and hearing Matt tease "We've been saving this one for you" before going into Aftermath.


Genuinely shuddered.


Stockholm in for Hysteria and that's actually perfect.


Apocalypse or Sunburn >>> CE imo.

Edited by Jobby
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I still remember when you had the biggest hard-on for CE...


Really? I honestly don't :chuckle: I can imagine it being true though so I'll take your word on it (in other words: pls don't find any embarrassing quotes).


It is good tbf, there's just a lot of stuff I'd take over it.

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I was standing at the barrier right in front of where Dom is at the start of Take A Bow. Crowd was ok but mostly dead. Girl behind me gave me and my girlfriend loads of dirty looks for headbanging / jumping while she stood there looking at the whole thing through her phone.


Setlist was fantastic. SS instead of Hysteria would have been perfect but delighted either way.


The drones were cool. Everything seemed to be working okay.


Matt's singing was great, he seemed much much better than he did on the past streams I saw.


Matt, Chris and Dom looked like they were having lots of fun. Lot's of laughing going on between them.


During TAB I motioned to Dom for a stick and he gave me a look that can only be described as "sure thing man! I gotcha covered!" with a massive grin. Theres a bit more to this story but long story short I got a drum stick.


The sound was fucking incredible where I was.


I'll add more tomorrow when I sit in the queue in Belfast. Even if Assassin happens tomorrow it'll be hard-pressed to compete with tonight.

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Little bit worried Revolt and AP haven't popped up since Brussels night 1 and 2. Hopefully that's just because there's been no multi-nighters since then though.


AP dropping out is a little bit of a bummer but not too fussed on Revolt as it's meant Reapers has stuck around a lot more and there's even been sets with both reapers and Stockholm.

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